7 Reasons Why It Should Be Highly Recommended Learning Another Language Throughout The World

What's important about languages? Languages aren’t just the words, but an important part of every person. It’s part of a person's description, their attitude, and their personality. As there are thousands of languages in the world, some belong to particular areas (or "family"). As someone who grew up with two languages spoken in my household, I grew interested in hearing other languages throughout my life. Even speaking between both families in separate/both languages, I found comfortable speaking both. As this diverse nation has many people around the world, I realized how important it is to learn at least a secondary language. As the countries are getting divided and there's unsettling conflict across the globe, people don't realize how important it is learning another language outside their culture. Having to understand others in different lifestyles can help improve your life to travel, communicate, and more. The U.S should take it as a priority for people of all places to learn at least one other languages. Here's how:

1. Helps learn the other dozen cultures in America.


Immigration has always risen in the U.S ever since it was born, it's easy to understand that there is not a "typical" American. The U.S alone is made up of various cultures from around the world. Some people come from other countries (Germany, Korea, Colombia, Afghanistan, etc.) and set their roots here. As each state has multiple cultures colliding every day, it's crucial to learn a language that you can bond with (Not everyone speaks English, after all). Having to be able to connect with other cultures can help America shapes into a better country against oppression, racism, and separatism in the states.

2. Communication is key

It's simple. The more languages you know, the more people you can communicate with. You can speak with millions of people in the world, and with just one other languages, millions of people more. Each state has a large population that speaks another language, as some of the most second languages are Spanish, German, Chinese, etc. Being able to speak another language, you'll be able to speak to more people, getting access to more places, and maybe ask for help from others who are unable to speak your native language.

3. Agencies like Polyglots

We all know that speaking another language looks good on your resume. Being able to speak another language can help you connect with more people in your job, from business (Expanding a business internationally) to even art (Expressing it to others). Some jobs even recommend, or even require, for someone to know another language (Maybe specific). Intentionally learning a language that connects to the clients/customers/etc., can look as very well to the job or career you want. If that's not enough, some jobs even pay more if you can prove you know another language well.

4. Other countries teach their people another language

As it's a normal thing for some countries to get people to know a second language, many tourists or immigrants know at least some English when they get to the United States. Some students are required to learn 2 languages during school. Our public schools "recommend" to learn another language, but the stress to get a decent grade and only focusing on much progress in only a week, most students don't remember much to nothing of the targeted language. Having much of the population who only speak their native language(s), it can be pretty embarrassing when we interact with others.

5. Help give your brain a workout

Learning a language isn't just memory, its coordination with each word and structure of the specific language. Anyone can learn a language. It's only another study, the more you practice and study, the better you are at speaking / knowing it. It's a healthy and common hobby, being able to quiz your memory and creative structure of the language as you go on. Learning a language could help your mental health, as daily practice whether its 30 minutes to 2 hours, can help you stay focused throughout the day and gain consciousness on your memory.

6. Help us gain a better perspective with those who are native speakers

It's known that speaking with native speakers of the targeted language is deeply important to enhance your knowledge of that language, even speeding the process. As a lot of cultures have people speaking specific language(s) in their lifestyle, you can not only know about them, but also get your own perspective (or view) of the culture, people, etc. As many languages have phrases with "idioms" that have higher meanings, you can understand the thoughts of the group or language and gain your personal thoughts or feelings on any given topic.

7. Languages can be a painkiller or life-saver

Having an emergency and yet no one being able to understand why can be extremely frustrating. Even in social events where you don't know anyone, finding a person that has a few same traits as you can make you feel more relieved. If there's someone who came from another country who feels uncomfortable, confused, or even sad, being able to help them out can make them feel relieved that someone understands them. Situations with people who may or may not speak your native tongue, whether serious, good, or negative, can happen any time.


These reasons; different cultures, more communication, profession help, countries and travelling, personal perspective, and more, are good examples why learning should be extremely advised worldwide. It's a healthy hobby that contains many benefits. As someone who met people with different ethnicities and cultures, learning languages can help strengthen bonds and having an experience perspective with people worldwide. Language isn't just the words, but the everyday use of people being able to express their interactions with each other in the world. Learning a language can be difficult, but not impossible. As other countries push their youth to learn other languages, it should be crucial that every country should choose this method with every individual for a peaceful future.



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