7 reasons of the Importance of immigration in Arizona’s communities

There are many reasons for people to immigrate to different countries. Coincidentally I live in Arizona, which is the second fastest growing state in the United States. There are many reasons why people would immigrate here such as the large communities of mixed races, job opportunities, homes, food, etc. Arizona has many religions, cultures and races that make it so unique and would attract people from all over. Living here for the majority of my life I have seen my community grow and prosper with many new races and cultures. Most communities help each other out by giving everybody a chance to indulge into new passions that they may discover within other peoples cultures.

1. Growth in population

As many may have already known, Arizona is one of the country's fastest growing states in population. This comes to show how Arizona’s current population and states of living have attracted many people from all over the world to come and live here. The continuous growth in populations grows more and more communities of mixed races. This helps spread cultures and really lets a person realize the amazing diversity that a mixed community brings to one another. It allows the chance to interact with different cultural activities and learn more about each other.

2. Job opportunities

The more people migrate to Arizona the more opportunities there are for new jobs to open up. Bigger communities will lead to more work opportunities since more and more people will be needing services to be done. The more people come to immigrate to Arizona the more opportunities there are for business to open. Not only will this help the economy for the better but it will also be helping future generations immigrate to be workers and entrepreneurs in order to get a better life and living.

3. Builds diverse economy

Immigrants bring the spread of many different cultures into our community. New jobs will be created in order for families to make a living, and so they will open up many businesses. This will create a different source of income for families and a variety of jobs that will give the economy more diversity. Diversity is important for our economy because it will only lead for it to grow as it will be including many types of cultural businesses and not solely one source.

4. Prosperity of cultures

Imigration not only brings new cultures but helps existing cultures in communities to thrive. Each new culture that comes in brings in new holidays within the community and can lead to events that bring people together. You can relate it to a club showing where there are many cultures to choose from and all you have to do is see which one interests you the most. Every culture has their own uniqueness that allows not only their own lifestyle but different cultural lifestyles to coexist within a community. Arizona has many communities that have events for all the different cultures. There are no restrictions for people to celebrate their cultures.

5. Better living

Every person within their own community will be able to live better as there are new opportunities to grow and explore. This leads to a better living giving new opportunities for people to discover new things. Immigrants lead to more diverse opportunities which allow the younger generation to keep an open mind about their lives. It gives them the chance to see that in a community there are people from all around the world that can impact their lives in many different ways.

6. Better food


I know for a fact that many of you guys love food and especially love to try new foods. Immigrants not only bring their cultures with them but also bring in their culture’s food and dishes to their new community in AZ. These foods can have a lifetime impact on people, for example that dish that is made only on special moments in people's lives might have been gotten from a different culture. There are many delicious dishes to try here in AZ from many restaurants, food trucks, or bars that offer food from all over the world.

7. More fun community

More diverse communities will bring a more fun community to live in. Here in Arizona it's very hot in the summer and most people go swim to cool off. I have seen mixed races have kick backs and small little gatherings just to cool off from the hot Arizona sun. This allows kids to grow up and have fun knowing that there is no discrimination within races in their community.


Immigration happens all over the world and is a very important part of our country. Without immigration the whole world would be so much different, who knows where I would have been without immigrating here to Arizona. Immigration creates such unique opportunities for people that are life changing and impactful for communities. I believe that immigration will continue to happen throughout many years and will continue to impact communities and entire countries.



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