7 Reasons Why You Should Manage Your Time

Growing up I never developed a time management skill and that often brought stress and negativity into my life. It was too much to handle all at once, so I was interested in how to manage my time wisely and become a better person in life. Throughout the whole research I learned multiple ways why managing my time will help me get far in life. Slowly I started using all the reason I listed, and I'm living a stress free life. Now I want to help people who are having a hard time with life because they can't manage their time wisely since I have the experience.

1. Makes you more organize.


How can you benefit from being organized? From my experiences it has helped me save my money and energy. Ever since I had a clutter free life it helped me locate things easier thus helping save energy and time used for finding those things. Also, it helped me save a lot of money because I didn't have to re buy anything I lost or misplaced. Therefore, managing my time makes me organize because I don't have to rush to get everything done at once. Being organized will help you in life regardless.

2. Let's you plan ahead

Plan ahead

Organization helped to plan ahead in my life. As a student planning ahead benefits me in multiply ways because it keeps me on top of all of my classes. Every time I know I'm going out all weekend I will make a plan to complete all my homework before going out. As a worker, I plan my days ahead, so I won't have my school life interfere with my job. Doing that I only work on days when I don't have any classes therefore I'm using my time wisely by planning ahead.

3. Prioritize your tasks wisely

Using time to plan ahead will lead you to prioritize your tasks in life. Prioritizing my tasks helps me focus on more the important and urgent tasks first, so I can focus the less important tasks later. The main thing that helps me prioritize my tasks is my calendar and to-do list notebook. Writing all of my tasks in my notebook and calendar helps me pick out which task I need to complete first to last. Also, prioritizing your tasks helps you save time, so you'll be able to complete everything on time.

4. Makes you more productive

Being productive makes my life easier because I know I'm using my time wisely. It's important to be productive because you'll be able to stay on top of all of your tasks and complete all your them quicker. For school, I'm usually productive during the afternoon, and I use my free time to complete all of my assignments. For work, I'm always being productive because there's always a task that need to be completed. Time management was a skill I had learned in order to be more productive in life, so I'll be able to balance my work and school life.

5. Gives you more time

Are you taking care of yourself? It's important to have personal time to yourself because it helps you grow more as a personal and make you happier. Having timed management skills will help you get free time to take care of yourself, enjoy your hobbies, or even sleep more. Since I am organized I am able to plan my school week ahead and give myself some free time to do anything during the week and on the weekends. Also, being productive and completing my work early gives me more time to work and that means more money.

6. Effects the quality of your work

Usually all your worried about is making sure your assignments is turned in all time you aren't making sure your doing the work correctly. Before learning how to manage my time wisely I would procrastinate on everything and that would lead to my rushing. I would rush through my assignments, and it would result in bad grades since I didn't really put my all into it. Now I give myself enough time to fully understand the work, so I'll be able to produce better work quality and receive positive feedback.

7. Reduces stress and anxiety

Having timed management skills allows you to have control of everything in your life. One big benefit in having the skill is reducing your stress levels. In high school I would be so stressed from all the work my teachers would assign, and I would often loss sleep just so I can complete all my work. Now since I am more productive with my life I'm not stressing over work 24/7 and trying to complete my work last minute. Also, being more productive helps me relieve stress by getting free time to focus on myself.


Everybody knows time is precious and shouldn't be wasted instead you use it wisely. In a way you can control how you use your time from morning to night every day. I want you to know it's not hard to take control of your life and make it better, I listed seven simple reasons why you should manage your time. Now you see the different types of effects that will happen if you able to develop timed management. Do you want more time in life? Which one will you choose? You can choose as some as possible and turn your life around with timed management.



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