How Can Music Help Teens With Depression

When I was in high school I didn’t feel myself and I had just lost my grandmother which led me to depression. Then, out of nowhere I heard this person singing with guitar drifts in the background and it gave me I can do this vibe. I want to write this to help teens which is to end their depression stage. What problem would it solve is to have teens to not hurt themselves or have an increase of stress that will make them sick mentally. The reason why it is important is that it can help teens to have motivation plus not to have them end their lives short or have a sad life that will haunt them forever.

1. Study


Music can improve your mood and help you feel more motivated to tackle important tasks, and it helped me to memorize my exam questions that might show up and to concentrate my vocab definition which was mainly for English or government class. It even helped me to memorize my equations formula for math class. There was this one song that had a rhythm of rap which led me to saying like f(b) minus f(a) over b minus a to the street. It sounds funny to me to memorize it but at least it helped me to concentrate.

2. Motivation


This is because music is able to increase stimulation, as there's a connection between auditory neurons and motor neurons. That's why music often makes us more mobile and motivates our body to move. Physical activity sparks mental activity; therefore, music fuels productivity and motivation. Through spiritual songs like church wise and other musical compositions, people are able to learn, become uplifted, motivated, and closer to their Truth. It can really help to inspire you to want to change the way you are living and move forward in a better way or simply just to relax and meditate.

3. Decrease Stress


If, you’ve ever belted out your favorite song then you know how good singing along to music can be for the soul. Sometimes it just feels necessary in order to push through a more difficult time. Singing along is a great way to release tension and make yourself feel good. For example, I sing the song “miss a thing” by Aerosmith. It helps me to wake up already and to let go of that stress I had built in that week and thanks to singing and listening to it helped to decrease that stress. In the image above music helps those to relax even with metal.

4. Career


Sometimes songs motivate teens to be singers or a songwriter. I do remember a friend of mine wanted to rap and as we speak he’s doing successful which is being an artist on Spotify. He explained to me before the whole pandemic lock down, happened that what made him do this career was this idol rapper by the name Eminem which is for showing that you could rap about your feelings and when my friend’s first song started it helped to change his life and to show others what he is going through.

5. Decrease Trauma


Studies like psychology explain that engagement with music is correlated with increased self-esteem and the reduction of feelings of worthlessness, particularly in younger populations. There was a time when a friend of mine lost her parents, and she almost wanted to end her life but as soon as she heard Vicente Fernandez a Latino singer that has his songs saved her and everyday she would listen to him to remember her parents and that she always remember that they are in heaven looking upon her spiritually which led her decrease trauma of the saddest day of her life.

6. Helps Behavior


Music helps people to change teens' emotions. It depends on the genre of the music like rap, RnB, rock, the list goes on. For example, I listen to rock music because it helps me to be energized for the day and would help me to be awake and active. For me, the guitar that they tend to play would light my day up. My morning song to wake up to is “Eye of the Tiger” and whenever I am still asleep and tired I tend to use this music to get my energy to boost up which is being active and being ready for the day.


I have explained how music can help teens with depression and explain about my life story about the topic and why I care about it. As you can see in the image above I see that the heart represents a person's emotion with a bandage, which is a scar that hurt them before but music healed them. I also learned that songs can help teens for motivation, depression, and to picture the song. The issue is important because most of the time teens could be depressed due to a personal event that happened to them which hurts them physically and mentally. My research question, for the main topic is how can music help teens with depression?



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