Several Ways to Stay Motivated

As someone who personally has a hard time motivating myself to do something that I should be working on, or something that I’ve told myself I am going to do, it can be especially hard considering that I have ADHD, for example when one needs to write nine paragraphs and they just can’t find a way to get started. Or when trying to motivate oneself to eat healthier or workout more yet having a hard time actually following through with what you're attempting to do. Generally speaking there will always be difficulties in motivating yourself but there are ways to make it easier to start.

1. Understand what doesn’t and does work

When trying to get started on something planned it's good to first start by looking for what doesnt work or isn’t helpful. For example if given a list of virtually anything you would have an easier time figuring out what you don’t like compared to what you do. When in Junior High I understood that I couldn’t complete my work at home because I could find no motivation to actually work which taught me to avoid bringing work home if possible and instead I would spend my free time during school working on assignments just so then they wouldn’t be brought home

2. Using what you know works for you

When you have an understanding of what works for you, actually follow through and apply it. If you understand you don’t work well at home try to avoid it then, head to the library, or follow whatever works for you. A lot of my classes are in the afternoon so once they were over I just wanted to get home after class, I decided I would wake up earlier and spend my mornings before class in the library working then head to my class instead of just doing nothing at home.

3. Having a set up


When working, try to set up some things you only do while working. Our brains work in unique ways that help them correlate certain things like sound or taste to a certain kind of mindset. Maybe have a playlist you only listen to while you need to focus, maybe have a specific spot for when you're working. Maybe only have peppermint gum over mint gum when working. Doing this trains your brain to know when for example you're listening to Pop music you are trying to focus on work.

4. Setting mini goals for yourself

When working on anything it's a good idea to have goals to reach while working. It could be anything, maybe after reading a chapter in a reading treat yourself take a three minute break. Or maybe for every paragraph written for a paper take a little walk. For every assignment I finish I like to watch maybe a ten minute video just so it's not constant work. These shouldn’t be too long or too rewarding, just a kind of break so you aren’t just working on something without doing anything else for the next hour or so.

5. Scheduling time for work

When there are lots of different things to do it's a good idea to have an idea on what's actually important and what isn’t required just yet. It might just help to understand that once you finish up something you can take a break because your next assignment isn’t due for a couple of days. Maybe work toward getting ahead in one of your classes now so you’ll have more free time later. It's also important because it could be easy to lose motivation to do something if you realize there is a new assignment you didn’t notice or you’ll have to spend time you thought you were free to instead work

6. Setting Reasonable goals

Let's say it's New Years and you have some goal to finish a certain amount of work, or complete a certain task. It's good to make sure it's reasonable and actually possible or else you just won’t make progress to complete that task. Maybe instead of taking four more classes next year maybe just make it two, it's easy to stress yourself out in the process making it harder to actually willingly work on those goals stated further stressing you out losing further motivation.

7. Set Milestones for oneself

It can be very motivational if you set up some milestones for you to hit while working, treating yourself every four weeks to a nice gift for yourself. Maybe treat yourself once a month to something nice to eat. Maybe do an easy workout. You don't want to make these too often or too far apart or else you will be counting the days even more, or just giving up on having a Milestone in general.


Overall getting to know oneself in ways that help motivate themselves. Understanding your own ability on what you can and can’t do. And setting up different things to help motivate oneself are all a part of the idea of staying on something without losing the want to follow through. Something is important. I feel it's especially important considering that there are lots of college students out there, especially myself, having a hard time staying motivated during college, for most it's completely different compared to Highschool which wasn’t long ago, there are no parents to call, or teachers making sure you're on task. It's all up to you and it can be stressful and difficult to always stay motivated



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