7 of Recycling’s Most Important Titles

Everyone knows what recycling is; most of us learned it at an early age. However, have we truly stopped to really think about all the great benefits of it? Apparently not, since studies show that most of Arizona’s trash goes unrecycled. The benefits of recycling are seen beyond the simple reduction of waste in our world, and can encompass many areas. As a student involved in sustainability at my university, I believe it is imperative that everyone learn why recycling is important. Recycling isn’t always easy, so I’m here to answer the question: how can recycling benefit our desert way of living?

1. Reducer of Need


When asked to defend recycling, my first point would be the conservation of resources. Glass, metal, paper, batteries…when we recycle, we reduce the need to create more, and by reducing that need we save raw materials. I would insert a study here showing the Arizona cities that have instituted recycling programs, and their resulting decrease in material needs. I like to bring up this point because it defends recycling on two fronts. It shows the economic benefit (for those more business-savvy individuals), but more importantly it leads into a more important discussion on global pollution.

2. Destroyer of Pollution



Pollution is more than just dirty air or dirty water. This term also encompasses the vast amounts of waste around the world. I myself see this on a daily basis as a worker in the food service industry. We throw out horrifying amounts of plastic waste each day from things like packaging and single use plastics. I would insert a study here to show the amount of Arizonans using single use plastics on a daily basis. Recycling saves us from the terrors of pollution by using this plastic—or other recyclable material—to create more, cleaning up places like the pacific garbage patch (here I would insert a hyperlink explaining this location).

3. Guardian of the Wilds



Another benefit of recycling closely related to reducing pollution is the protection of plants and animals. Things like plastic containers can trap animals, or even be ingested by them, causing serious and sometimes fatal complications. Here I would insert a quote by a veterinarian or other wildlife professional to show how animals in Arizona are affected by pollution. Plants can be affected too. The chemicals from the decomposition of plastic—however slow—alter the soil, reducing its ability to harbor plants. Land pollution also weighs down on existing plant life, which in turn kills it. When you recycle, you eliminate these threats for living creatures, be it flora or fauna.

4. Cleaner of Landfills


The reduction of land pollution by recycling also clears out our landfills. Arizona has more landfills than incinerators, so it is especially important to keep this in mind if you live here. There are some things that just can’t be saved, like soiled and organic items, and landfills are the place for these things. However, if we can use something productively as opposed to letting it rot, why wouldn’t we? I would put a study here showing the percentage of recyclable materials contained within Arizona’s landfills. There is quite literally a treasure trove of material sitting in landfills, so why don’t we use it?

5. Creator of Jobs


As with everything, there are multiple ways of looking at every issue. For recycling, we have the environmentalist (if you’re like me) and economic (I’m talking to you business-savvy types from earlier) points of view. While it’s nice to want to save the world, it must be said that it won’t be cheap. Recycling is one of the few ways we know of that offsets its own costs. In addition to reusing what would be considered literal waste, recycling plants employ hundreds of workers to sort the waste and maintain the facility itself. Here I would insert a study to show how much economic benefit comes from recycling plants.

6. Purveyor of Unique Crafts


The products created from recycled materials further show the economic benefits of recycling. There are some who swear recycled plastic allows for unique designs that can’t be achieved otherwise. Many of today’s designers are turning to recycled materials for use in their industries like manufacturing and even fashion. Large manufacturers aren’t the only ones who benefit from recycled materials. Smaller craftsmen who utilize services like Etsy can create amazing products, showcasing beautiful designs and tantalizing textures. I would insert a quote from such a craftsman here, testifying to the unique attributes of recycled materials.

7. Defender of Worlds


What is one reason that combines all of the others together? Recycling saves our planet, and preserves it for some time to come. Through the power of recycling we as consumers have the opportunity to effect real change in the world around us. Plastics take hundreds of years to decompose, and when they finally do, it releases harmful chemicals whose severity we can’t even measure yet. Paper production unnecessarily deforests vast amounts of the world, when so much of it can come from recycling. I would insert a study to show the benefit recycling has on local ecosystems.


Regardless of national identity, the Earth is our home. We must preserve and protect this planet, since there’s nowhere else to go. Recycling helps us achieve this in many ways. We can reduce the pollution killing our planet and its wildlife, both in the wild and in the landfill. We can reduce the need for more resources by utilizing what we already have. We can even grow an economic sector as a result, helping to offset the costs of recycling. It’s on each and every one of us to step up and take action, whether that be through recycling at home or supporting the creation of recycling centers. The Earth is calling out to us. Will you respond?



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