Virtual Writing Tutor ESL Grammar Checker

Practice correcting who-whom errors

Find all the errors by clicking on them. A box will open and you can then correct the error. Don't click any correct words or you will lose points.

Rules to Remember

RULE: Use who as the subject of a sentence.
Who are you? Who sent you?

RULE: Use whom as the object of a sentence or the object of a preposition.
That is whom I saw.
Whom are you referring to?
Whom did you say the book was about?

Whom as the object of a preposition:
in whom
to whom
for whom
about whom
over whom
from whom

WARNING: Using whom instead of whom is sometimes considered as hyper-correct. For example, many native speakers refer to use who even when it is the object of a preposition. They will say, "It a all depends on who (whom ) you ask " and "Who (whom) did you vote for?
Hello? Faraday Industries. This is Mary MacAlary speaking. How may I help you? Yes...uh-huh...okay. do you wish to speak to? I'm sorry. Mr. Faraday is unavailable at the moment. What is the nature of your call? ...I see. To am I speaking? do you work for? is that? It doesn't matter you represent, Mr. Faraday is in a meeting and cannot be disturbed.
Virtual Writing Tutor ESL Grammar Checker