Virtual Writing Tutor ESL Grammar Checker

Find the redundant words

Find all the errors by clicking on them. The correction will be given. Don't click any correct words or you will lose points.

Correction help

These are some common phrases containing redundancies. Remove the unnecessary redundant words.

an actual experience
and also
absolutely essential
8 PM at night
added bonus
ask the question
This is a story about an I had last summer. I bought a new car, making it to sell my old car, so I advertised on Craig's list Kijiji. The next day, I got a call at from someone who wanted to test drive it. When we met, the guy asked for a cheaper price. I didn't want to drop my price any lower, so I said, "I'll give you four winter tires as ." He , "Are they on rims?"

Virtual Writing Tutor ESL Grammar Checker