Virtual Writing Tutor ESL Grammar Checker

Find Future Errors

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Imagine visiting a palm-reader. She looks at your hand and says:
I can see from your lifeline that you are going to live a very long time.
This card says that you will die young.

What is the difference between will + infinitive and be going to + infinitive? There is no difference. Both forms can be used for predicitions with no difference in meaning.

Affirmative Form

Don't forget the auxiliary verb.
In the future, you go on a trip.
In the future, you will go on a trip.
In the future, you going to be famous.
In the future, you are going to be famous.

Use only the infinitive form with the auxiliary.
You will making a lot of money.
You will make a lot of money.

Negative Form

To make a negative, simply put not or n't after the auxiliary. Remember that the contraction of will + not is won't and not willn't.
I don't will buy a new car this summer.
I will not buy a new car this summer.
I won't buy a new car this summer.


Remember to invert your subject and auxiliary for questions.
What you will do?
What will you do?

Time Clauses

Do not use will in clauses that begin with as soon as, the moment, before, after, once, if, or when. These time clauses already have a future meaning.
When you will turn left, you will see my driveway on your right.


The word gonna is slang. Do NOT use it until you have full command of am/is/are going to.
You chose the Three of Pentacles. This card means that in the future you in a big house. In the future, you be rich. If you married, you will a beautiful family. Before you , you are going to have a lot of grandchildren and travel. Where go? First, you will go to Asia and then South America. You have problems with love or money. However, you must study. If you don't study every day, you pass your final exam next week.
Virtual Writing Tutor ESL Grammar Checker