Virtual Writing Tutor ESL Grammar Checker

Everybody, Anybody, and Nobody

Select the best choice from the dropdown menus.

Use everybody or everyone to refer to all people in a group.

Use nobody or no one to mean zero people in the group.

Use anybody or anyone when it is not important who. The choice is open.
The invitation said that could come to the party. The invitation was open to all without specifying who. When I asked my friends to join me, wanted to go--not one person. "Why doesn't want to go?" I asked. I wasn't asking a particular person. I addressed my question to the group.
My best friend said, "Because stayed up late last night. All the people in the group were tired. has any energy--not one person. Does have the energy to go to the party tonight?" He wasn't asking a particular person.
spoke--not one person. just shook their heads in silence. All were quiet.
Virtual Writing Tutor ESL Grammar Checker