Virtual Writing Tutor ESL Grammar Checker

Adverb Placement

Find all the adverb order errors in the paragraph below. Correct the placement of the adverb and click check.

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Here are a few general rules about the position of adverbs in a clause.

RULE: Put the adverb at the beginning or end of a clause.

adverb + subject + verb + object
CORRECT: Sometimes, I wear high heels.

subject + verb + object + adverb
CORRECT: I wear high heels sometimes.

RULE: Put the adverb in the middle of a clause.

subject + adverb + verb + object
CORRECT: I sometimes wear high heels.
INCORRECT: I wear sometimes high heels.

RULE: Never put the adverb between a verb and its object. Put the adverb directly in front of the verb or at the end of the clause instead.

adverb + verb + object
CORRECT: I often walk to work.
INCORRECT: She walks often to work.
verb + object + adverb
CORRECT: I want to speak English well.
INCORRECT: I want to speak well English.

RULE: Put the adverb between the auxiliary verb and the main verb.

adverb + verb + object
CORRECT: She is always talking on the phone.
INCORRECT: She is talking always to her friends.

CORRECT: I can always find a supplier for a product.
INCORRECT: I can find usually a customer to buy the product.
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Virtual Writing Tutor ESL Grammar Checker