The three pigs.

A hypertext narrative by

sofi benitez

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 369

Choice count: 23

Section count: 17

Image count: 17

Error count: 19

Field Related Analysis

Education : 23 matches

(choice, don, down, reader)

Wildlife management : 13 matches


Accommodation and Real estate Vocabulary : 12 matches

(house, houses)

Target Structure: (0 matches)


The three pigs.

The mother takes the pigs out of the house.

The three were very old so their mother decides that they have to leave the house.

Choice 1 : go out the house


Building their houses.

Now the pigs have to decide of what material they will use to build the house.

Choice 1 : 1

Choice 2 : 2

Choice 3 : 3



You are the younger pig, You build the house with straw.

Choice 1 : Straw



You are the middle pig. You built your house with wood.

Choice 1 : 1



You are the older pig. You bulit your house with bricks.

Choice 1 : wolf.


The wolf.

The wolf blew and blew your house and the house knocked down what are you going to do?

Choice 1 : 1

Choice 2 : 2



Your brothers are with you since the wolf blow down their houses. The wolf blew and blew but your house didnt go down. But the wolf didnt give up so he decide get inside through the fireplace.

Choice 1 : 1

Choice 2 : 2



The wolf kills and eats you.

Choice 1 : restart


You have to decided if you are going to put on the fireplace.

Choice 1 : 1

Choice 2 : 2


The wolf died, since you put on the fireplace so he burnd.

Choice 1 : 1

You go to the house of your midle brother.


Choice 1 : WOLF.


Your younger brother is with you, as the wolf krocked dwon his house. The wolf blew and blew your hous and the house knocked down what are you going to do?

Choice 1 : 1

Choice 2 : 2


You and your little brother decided to go with your older brother.

Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Choice 1 : 1

You WIN, you sorvive.

The end.

Write a choice here.

You died traing to put off the fireplace.


Choice 1 : YOU DIE.

You don't put on the fireplace.


Choice 1 : 1

You have to put off the fireplace.


Choice 1 : 1

Choice 2 : 2