Police Technology Hypertext Narrative.

A hypertext narrative by

Mathis Zambito

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1720

Choice count: 72

Section count: 45

Image count: 45

Error count: 7

Field Related Analysis

Education : 98 matches

(choice, discipline, don, down, fail, failed, first, intervention, john, learn, options, report, technology, unit, writing)

Law : 69 matches

(answer, bribery, clerk, community, complaint, corruption, court, crime, criminal, defence, fine, force, harassment, hostage, intervention, issue, law, lethal, misconduct, month, offence, offer, office, option, police force, police officer, possibility, rent, reply)

Police-Technology : 66 matches

(captain, charges, corruption, court, crime, criminal, fine, hostage, investigation, law, offence, perpetrator, police, police force, police officer, policeman, right, sergeant, spvm, victim, weapon)

Target Structure: (13 matches)

dead-end job (1 match)

deter (1 match)

getting sucked up in (1 match)

hindered (1 match)

maddening (1 match)

misconduct (2 matches)

office politics (1 match)

overtime (1 match)

perpetrator (1 match)

sexual harassment (3 matches)

corruption (3 matches)

bribery (1 match)

volunteering (1 match)


Police Technology Hypertext Narrative.

It all started like this.

After five long years of being a police officer in Roussillon, an inter-municipal police force, I was offered three choices as a challenge to achieve, a possibility to strive. I was given the option to continue working for the Roussillon Police Force as a sergeant instead of my current position as a police officer, working for the “SPVM” in the “Groupe tactique d’intervention”, or relocate to Ontario and become a police sergeant at the Ontario Provincial Police. I was not certain which option would be the most rewarding and fulfilling. If you were in my position, what would you choose?

Choice 1 : Working for the “SPVM” in the “GTI” unit.

Choice 2 : Working for the Ontario Provincial Police as a sergeant.

Choice 3 : Continue working for the Roussillon Police Force as a sergeant instead of a policer officer.


Scene 1.

A few weeks ago, I started my new position as a sergeant for the OPP. I realized very quickly that there was a lot of office politics. The workplace is toxic for employees. Some members of the team have selfish behaviors that hindered the productivity of the group. Thus, I have a decision to make.

Choice 1 : Discuss the matter with the captain.

Choice 2 : Discuss the matter with the employees.

Choice 3 : Discipline the employees in question.


Scene 23.

It is my first day in the “GTI” unit, I am stressed out but, at the same time, excited. My team receives a call about a hostage-taking in Rosemont neighborhood. My team gets ready and arrives on the scene quickly. The hostage-taker is on the roof with a hostage. My team has three options.

Choice 1 : Some of us can quietly enter by the back door, while another member is negotiating with the hostage-taker.

Choice 2 : One of the team members is negotiating with the hostage-taker while the other members standby.

Choice 3 : My team argues about whom will negotiate with the hostage-taker.


Scene 45.

The Roussillon Police Force encounters many problems, such as sexual harassment, corruption, and human resources vacancy positions. Which one would you like to solve?

Choice 1 : Solve the issue about sexual harassment.

Choice 2 : Solve the issue about corruption.

Choice 3 : Solve the issue about human resources vacancy positions.


Scene 24.

The hostage-taker notices that some of the “GTI” members have entered the building. One of the members decided to use his lethal weapon to shoot the hostage-taker. The latter is wounded.

Choice 1 : The "GTI" member shoots again.

Choice 2 : The "GTI" team holds fire.


Scene 31.

The negotiator is talking to the hostage-taker. Which tone of voice will he uses?

Choice 1 : Passive tone.

Choice 2 : Aggressive tone.


Scene 38.

Who will negotiate with the hostage-taker?

Choice 1 : The supervisor John.

Choice 2 : Yourself.


Scene 25.

The hostage-taker is dead and the hostage lived. Your team succeeded!

Choice 1 : Good job! Start again.


Scene 28.

The hostage-taker is panicking.

Choice 1 : The hostage-taker shoots the hostage. Try again.

Choice 2 : The hostage-taker shoots on the “GTI” team. Try again.


Scene 32.

The hostage-taker surrenders and lets the hostage lives.

Choice 1 : Your team succeeded! Start again.


Scene 35.

The hostage-taker becomes aggressive. He shoots the hostage and himself.

Choice 1 : Your team failed! Try again.


Scene 33.

John succeeds in saving the hostage and the hostage-taker surrenders.

Choice 1 : Your team succeeded! Start again.


Scene 34.

You don’t have enough experience to resolve this situation. The hostage-taker kills the hostage.

Choice 1 : Your team failed! Try again.


Scene 2.

The captain is furious! He is screaming at me, “ This is a stressful and toxic work environment. You are getting sucked up in, so fix it yourself.” I have no choice but to fix it. I can either discuss with the employees or discipline the employees in question. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Discuss with the employees.

Choice 2 : Discipline the employees.


Scene 9.

Selfishness behaviors are maddening and if you continue in this path, you will face a dead-end job. It is for you to find solutions to the problem. What are you going to do about it?

Choice 1 : Putting self-serving interests below the interests of the organization.

Choice 2 : Putting self-serving interests above the interests of the organization.


Scene 16.

Your actions result in being disciplined.

Choice 1 : You offer them to quit.

Choice 2 : You offer them to make public excuses.

Choice 3 : You suspend them for a month without salary.


Scene 3.

I am tired of your selfish behaviors. It reduces productivity and has consequences for the organization. I am only giving you two choices. Which one are you taking?

Choice 1 : Learn to work as a team by doing community volunteering services.

Choice 2 : Getting suspended for a period of three days.


Scene 6.

It is now time to discipline for bad conduct. The choices are yours….

Choice 1 : Two weeks of suspension.

Choice 2 : Transfering to another headquarter.


Scene 4.

No matter what they choose to do, they fail!

Choice 1 : Try again!


Scene 5.

This is a sad and unacceptable situation.

Choice 1 : You have failed! Try again.


Scene 7.

Congratulations on your decision! You are still part of the team.

Choice 1 : You have succeed!


Scene 10.

You are not understanding the value of teamwork.

Choice 1 : You have failed! Try again.


Scene 8.

You have failed to put them on the right path.

Choice 1 : Try again!


Scene 12.

You have partially failed to put them on the right path.

Choice 1 : Try again.


Scene 11.

You did your best for them to succeed.

Choice 1 : Try again!


Scene 13.

My female partner is a victim of sexual harassment. The perpetrator is a coworker. He keeps touching her bottom and makes flirty remarks. I am trying to convince her to put a formal complaint about him. What will she do?

Choice 1 : She does a formal complaint.

Choice 2 : She decides not to do a formal complaint.


Scene 14.

I discover that a member of the team is doing bribery. He is accepting money in exchange for not writing traffic tickets, resulting in not enforcing the law. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Corruption is a crime. Thus, I report him to the captain.

Choice 2 : I ask money in exchange for not reporting him.


Scene 15.

Nobody wants to work nowadays! The Roussillon Police Station is looking for a payroll clerk for the past month. In the meantime, the receptionist is doing the payrolls. She is young and confused on how to do them, which result in many errors. When I got my paycheck, I realized that she did not pay my overtime hours. I was upset and went to talk to her about it. She responded...

Choice 1 : Do I look like I care?

Choice 2 : You make enough money already! So what?


Scene 17.

After the investigation of the matter, the captain of the police station decides...

Choice 1 : The coworker gets fired.

Choice 2 : The coworker gets a suspension of three weeks.


Scene 18.

She tries to resolve the issue on her own. What will she do to resolve it?

Choice 1 : She discusses with him about his misconduct toward her.

Choice 2 : She tries to deter him by telling that she’s married.


Scene 21.

Good job! The matter is now resolved.

Choice 1 : Start again!


Scene 22.

After the suspension, the coworker keeps harassing her. You have failed!

Choice 1 : Try again.


Scene 19.

After talking with him, the misconduct continues. You have failed!

Choice 1 : Try again.


Scene 20.

Even after telling him that she’s married, he tells her that they can be in a polygamous relationship.

Choice 1 : You have failed! Try again.


Scene 26.

After reporting the incident, the captain has a choice to make. What will be his choice?

Choice 1 : He charges him with a criminal offence.

Choice 2 : He gives him a second chance.


Scene 27.

Their actions eventually get discovered by other members of the Roussillon Police Force. A scandal occurs! What will they say in their defence?

Choice 1 : Admit their faults.

Choice 2 : Deny their faults.


Scene 29.

The policeman appears in court. He is no longer a police officer.

Choice 1 : Good job! Start again.


Scene 30.

This outcome is unacceptable. Both the captain and the police officer are fired.

Choice 1 : Try again!


Scene 36.

Whatever what they say, they lose their jobs and have criminal records.

Choice 1 : You have failed! Try again.


Scene 37.

I was so shocked by her answer! I told her that she needs to fix her mistake right away. She responded to me that she will correct it on my next pay stub. I said...

Choice 1 : Sure! That is fine.

Choice 2 : Calm down! I deserve to get paid now!


Scene 39.

Every day, I risk my life. Thus, I deserve every penny that I make. You do not have to be smart to do your job so fix your mistake! What will the receptionist reply?

Choice 1 : Ok, I will pay you right now.

Choice 2 : You are upsetting me! I quit!


Scene 40.

I was happy to receive my money a week later. I hope this never happens again.

Choice 1 : Good job! Start over.


Scene 41.

She laughed at me and refused to do anything about it. I will need to speak to my supervisor as I really need the money to pay my rent. If this happens again, I will find another station to work for.

Choice 1 : You have failed! Try again.


Scene 42.

You are relieved that this situation is now resolved, and you invite her for supper.

Choice 1 : Good job! Start over.


Scene 43.

She left on the spot, and I did not get my money. I wrote a check for myself.

Choice 1 : You are fired! Try again.
