The beginning of my adult life!!

A hypertext narrative by

Haifa Fleurival

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 2724

Choice count: 53

Section count: 44

Image count: 44

Error count: 6

Field Related Analysis:

Education : 30 matches (School, adult, choice, class, classes, college, colleges, diploma, don, exam, failed, field, field of study, first, grade, grades, head, high school, learn, learning, motivation, principal, project, report, school, semester, student, students, teacher, teachers)

Tourism : 25 matches (Basic, Bus, City, Contract, Deal, Extra, Fair, Food, Program, US, apartment, appointment, board, bus, contract, door, field, online, pass, platform, principal, program, report, single, times)

Computer Science : 23 matches (API, burn, choice, Class, clear, clock, close, computer, Exception, field, file, mean, name, News, online, open, pass, platform, Push, restart, sentence, sleep, YouTube)

Target Structure:


The beginning of my adult life!!


Bye-bye high school.

It's was my final year of high school and it's time for me to take some serious decision. The most important actually, because I decided what I would like to do a career in the future. I applied to 3 different colleges. I wanted to be an electrical engineer.

Choice 1 : I decided to go to Andre-Laurendeau College.

Choice 2 : I decided to go to Ahuntsic College.

Choice 3 : I decided to go to Gaspesie College.

College Andre-Laurendeau

I decided to go to Andre-Laurendeau College.

I decided to go to college Andre-Laurendeau. First off all I was not really happy because it takes me one hour every morning to be at school. Unfortunately I had to be in my bus at 7 a.m. if I wanted to be at school at 8 a.m. Obviously the second week was harder so that Monday I woke up at 8:30. At that moment I knew I made a hasty decision.

Choice 1 : I am canceling my admission.

Choice 2 : I am staying at this school.

Choice 3 : I am talking to my teachers.

College Ahuntsic

I decided to go to Ahuntsic College.

I decided to go to Ahuntsic College. For sure, I had a good perspective on this school. They have the reputation to be fully equipped for my field of study. I had good teachers, and I was in love with what I am learning until I realize that every project had to be done with partners and the teacher made the team. What a mess!

Choice 1 : My partners were not interested.

Choice 2 : I asked to work alone.

Choice 3 : I did all of the work by myself.

College de la Gaspesie

I decided to go to Gaspesie College.

I decided to go to Gaspesie College. First of all, I was scared! Why? Because I have been living in Montreal since I arrive in Canada so just the idea to move to another city scared me. I had to meet new people and socialize 'HaHa'. Then, I took an apartment in the student residential and my roommate was weird. She talks and goes out of bed in the middle of the night. I didn't leave Montreal to be killed by a stranger! I have to do something about it.

Choice 1 : I asked for a new roommate.

Choice 2 : I talked to her about the situation.

Choice 3 : I had insomnia.


I am canceling my admission.

So yes, on the second day I went to the API office to cancel my admission. I was sad because I knew that this decision going to push my diploma in January, and give me 6 months free to work or do whatever I want.

Choice 1 : I went to work.

Choice 2 : The next admission for my field of study is a next year.

Choice 3 : I decided to learn about electricity at home.


I am staying at this school.

I decided to stay at this college. It was very hard but has you could guess, most of the times I was late. But I was there every day, trying to take good notes and obtain good grades.

Choice 1 : I failed my semester.

Choice 2 : I am having an affair with the API and pass.

Choice 3 : The college gave me a contract.


I am talking to my teachers.

I made a schedule to meet my teachers. They are only four, so it was not so bad to find the right time to meet them. The first three of them understood my situation and gave me so ideas to be prepared before each class. How to be up to date by using omnivox (student platform) frequently. The last teacher was my last appointment and everything went wrong with her.

Choice 1 : I arrived late at the appointment.

Choice 2 : I forgot the day of the appointment.

Choice 3 : The teacher did not care.

not interested

My partners were not interested.

There is nothing I am hating more than lazy people on a teamwork. They stay there looking at you you and think that you are going to do the work for them. We had a project to finalize and the teacher gave two weeks for it. I decided to take all the documents we need and expect that they are going to help me to make the final papers. No!!! I had any news from them. The day arrive and the teacher asked me the names of my partners to add on the sheet. I had to decide there.

Choice 1 : I only gave my name.

Choice 2 : One of the students started to cry in the class.

Choice 3 : I started to explain in front of the class my situation.

I asked to work alone.

At the end of the class I went to my teacher office to talk about the obligation to work together in engineering. He did not even take the time to hear what I had to say, he said, "No". I had no choice to move and think about it.

Choice 1 : I went out to cancel this class of my schedule.

Choice 2 : I started to arguing with my teacher.

Choice 3 : I didn't care and do what ever I wanted.

I did all of the work by myself.

I did every everything in that project because I knew what was going on. I did not sleep! I went to sleep at 3 a.m. every single day. I was tired, exhausted.

Choice 1 : I had a burn out.

Choice 2 : I had doubt about my field orientation.

Choice 3 : I started to have anxiety about my future career.

I asked for a new roommate.

I went to the principal office and hope that my request could be possible. I explain that has an electrical engineer student I need to sleep at night. I also explain that I am a little scared about her.

Choice 1 : My request was declined.

Choice 2 : I talked to the other student to find an exchange.

Choice 3 : The principal was an engineer.

I talked to her about the situation.

Then, I decided to talk to her to figure out if she knew how it was at night. I explain to her that she is always talking and got out of her bed.

Choice 1 : She ignored me.

Choice 2 : We were in the same program of study.

Choice 3 : She had a violent reaction.

I had insomnia.

Yes! It' right. I can't sleep. My head can't take anymore. I can't concentrate in class. I did not even understand the first and basic skill on electric.

Choice 1 : It is hard to went in class.

Choice 2 : I looked like a mummy.

Choice 3 : My grades are falling

I went to work.

I decided to go to work. I did not want to work for a fast food or any job that did not concern my field of study so I sent my CV to a lot of electrical company. I make a lot of money to cover my next admission. End.

Write a choice here.

The next admission for my field of study is a next year.

I forgot to notice something before canceling my admission. I discovered that my field of study opened only during a summer. That mean I had to wait until next year to enter.

Choice 1 : I decided to stay.

I decided to learn about electricity at home.

I decided to learn electricity at home. I started to learn with ''Youtube'' channels online. And I was really interested and learn a lot of things there. I started to make a few projects that I am really proud. I learn a lot of things and feels ready for school. End.

Write a choice here.

I failed my semester.

It's was too hard for me to dance with the clock. Unfortunately I did not take good notes so I was not prepared for the exam. I failed.

Choice 1 : Unfortunately I took the wrong college.

I am having an affair with the API and pass.

Yes! I started to seduce my API. She was interested and looks like she appreciated me as well. Then, I went to her office more than needed. We became friend and more. Big secret!

Choice 1 : We were in love.

The college gave me a contract.

I finished with a contract. I knew it. From the beginning that semester was wrong. Too many problems in the morning. I lost my motivation at the middle of the semester.

Choice 1 : That contract is the best things.

I arrived late at the appointment.

This day I completely forgot that I had a meeting with my last teacher. Then, I missed my bus. I ran so fast but was 25 minutes late. She was not there. I knew it's finished for this one. End.

Write a choice here.

I forgot the day of the appointment.

I was in a lab class doing some experience. The idea of a meeting never came. I was there learning about other class. End.

Write a choice here.

The teacher did not care.

I went to her office for the meeting and she looks not interested at all. She told me that she was a student and she succeeded that I can do it to. I don't know why but her experience really means something to me. I decided to change some bad habits. End.

Write a choice here.

I only gave my name.

Before I gave the report I erased the extra name and only let mine. I made the work, then, I deserve my grade. The other student were too shy to ask questions. End of the story.

Write a choice here.

One of the students started to cry in the class.

They really started to cry without any clear explanation. They try to lie about the communication on the team. Unfortunately the teacher did not even understood what was saying. He said, " It's too late to cry now !" End of the story.

Write a choice here.

I started to explain in front of the class my situation.

In the middle of the class, my team raised their hand one by one and started a full story about how I decided to do the work alone. It was not fair!! Then, the teacher asked for the other part of the work then. They had nothing to present. They did nothing and had no proof. I explain everything about them. I won. End of the story.

Write a choice here.

I went out to cancel this class of my schedule.

I directed my foot to the API office and with any explanation, I asked to cancel this class of my schedule. I kept the others and deal with them. End.

Write a choice here.

I started to arguing with my teacher.

I was pissed because I think that we could choose who we would like to work with. I can't imagine dealing with lazy people all the time because we know there is always one. Unfortunately I had to deal with it. End!

Write a choice here.

I didn't care and do what ever I wanted.

I took any decision. I did not start to talk. I observe the others to see who going to start something. Then, nothing was prepared. We had 0. End of the story.

Write a choice here.

I had a burn out.

I did not have time to finish that work. I was too tired to finish so the day to give the work I stayed home. I did not participate at any of them. I stayed home and sleep. Obviously, I failed. End of the story.

Write a choice here.

I had doubt about my field orientation.

I did not know why but I started looking the other field of study. Maybe, I thought it was easier for others. Student life is hard for all of us. There is no exception. I close my computer and went to sleep. My mind needed to take a break, but I did it. End.

Write a choice here.

I started to have anxiety about my future career.

Yes! I had anxiety. Would I be an engineer? That was my question. Am I good enough to continue and get that diploma! At that moment it was hard to believe it. My future was my only concern now. I am going to make effort. End of the story.

Write a choice here.

My request was declined.

He looked like he did not even understand me. He explained to me that life is hard for everyone and I had to deal with my situation.

Choice 1 : I am reconsidering my choices.

I talked to the other student to find an exchange.

I found another student that actually seems like he did not really appreciate his roommate as well. Then, I introduce myself and told him what I am looking for. He said that he didn't want to hurt her roommate by doing the exchange and refuse.

Choice 1 : I want to go to another college.

The principal was an engineer.

I just had time to say 1 sentence and the principal stopped me. He told me that he is an engineer and because I am studying to become one of them he had to decline my request because I need to be able to fix my things together by myself.

Choice 1 : I feel like I am going to die.

She ignored me.

When I decided to talk to her she seems not interested and ignore me. It was like talking with a board. She said nothing at all. And ask if I am done. And she suggested taking pills for my psychological problems ''haha''.

Choice 1 : I am talking to my teachers.

We were in the same program of study.

She was very open when I decided to talk to her. She started questioning me about my field of study. I was surprised to know that she was on the same file then me but that she was in most of my class this semester. I got my diploma with her. End of the story.

Write a choice here.

She had a violent reaction.

I started by introduce myself. I told her that I will love to be able to sleep at night because I started at 8 until 6 in the evening. At that moment that girl jumped on me and started yelling. I scream for help and my co-roommate broke my door to help me. Wow! I was choked!!

Choice 1 : I talked to the other student to find an exchange.

It was hard to go in class.

Because of her, I missed most of my classes. My teachers gave me some warning because I missed hours of class and they want to quick me out of the groups.

Choice 1 : I talked to her about the situation.

I looked like a mummy.

Everyone was looking at me like I am a monster. My face looks depress. I can't continue like that. I will die before my diploma.

Choice 1 : need to restart my choices.

My grades are falling.

I missed classes means I failed. My grades were around 40%. What a mess!

Choice 1 : I decided to go to Ahuntsic College.

I decided to stay.

I decided to stay and I did not have better grades but I will change my ideas next year.

Choice 1 : new choices.

Unfortunately I took the wrong college.

I didn't suppose to accept that college. There was too many inconvenient.

Choice 1 : Need to decide again.

We were in love.

Yes! We were in love. That feeling was so strong that I didn't do my work for school. I made a bad semester and failed because of love. Next semester I needed to be concentrate. End of the story.

Write a choice here.

That contract is the best things.

That contract motivates me. I fixed my thing together and succeeded. I won! End of the story.

Write a choice here.

The End.