Analytical Chemistry hypertext narrative.

A hypertext narrative by

anne joseph

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1059

Choice count: 45

Section count: 21

Image count: 4

Error count: 30

Field Related Analysis:

Education : 23 matches (PhD, School, choice, college, course, degree, don, first, further, goal, grades, graduate, graduation, knowledge, learn, level, options, points, register, school, social, teacher, university)

Tourism : 19 matches (Channel, Expose, Goal, Journey, Program, content, course, fin, interests, master, media, option, pension, program, refund, register, stop, through, times)

Computer Science : 14 matches (call, channel, check, choice, group, hypertext, master, path, physical, recognize, share, STAR, video, YouTube)

Target Structure:

background check (1 match)

come in handy (1 match)

deter (1 match)

fulfillment (1 match)

lack of (1 match)

learn the ropes (1 match)

misconduct (1 match)

more often than not (1 match)

pension (1 match)

put aside (1 match)


Analytical Chemistry hypertext narrative.


Learn the ropes for your future.

Somewhere on this journey for your success, - with passions for science and come in handy. You are good at science, you loved it, and then you knew I had to be a scientist. You decide which course you would like to do.

Choice 1 : You choose Ahuntsic College in the Analytical Chemistry program

Choice 2 : Create a Youtube channel.

First day in the lab.

A technician was mad at me because I don't listen to her about her order for the experiments.

Choice 1 : I left the program. I still have the choice to be a Youtuber star

Choice 2 : I continue the program. Next time, I will pay attention to her.


Create a Youtube channel.

Now that you know what's out there, it's times to take it to the next level. Consider the age group and interests of your target audience. Think about what you would like to see on YouTube.

Choice 1 : You decide to make a star gossip in your Youtube channel

Choice 2 : You decide to make a vlog in your Youtube channel

But your family.

You disappoint your family. So, they are giving you an ultimatum.

Choice 1 : You need to apply a job and refund their money

Choice 2 : You have to leave the house. You'll do nothing good in the house

Other time in the lab.

The technician tries to complain to your teacher, more often than not, about your misconduct in the lab. You know that it's false because you have trouble using with what it contains in your beaker. Then, the teacher removes some points in your grades.But you try to deter your teacher.

Choice 1 : Now, you realize that it's not your place in the program

Choice 2 : You continue to persevere. It sometimes happens to start badly in a program

Lack of content.

People don't really know you. Before I suggest that you make a content channel like a gossip star and after that you could make a vlog channel.

Choice 1 : I ignore that , then I continue to make some videos

Choice 2 : You listen to their advice

You call your channel ''theteaaboutcelebrity''

You became a Youtuber star in one month.You start to make some coins and you continue to contribute your money. Now, you receive your first check.

Choice 1 : You decide to buy an Audi car

Choice 2 : You save your pension money

Big problem.

Your parents are worried about your future.

Choice 1 : You ignore them

Choice 2 : You try to find to be careful with your career


Go wrong.

You know that you will never recognize by your family anymore.

Choice 1 : You have another chance to choose a path with your family

Choice 2 : You want to suicide


Now, you are graduate. You have the option to apply at a university.

Choice 1 : you decide to take a break

Choice 2 : You register at Uqam University to take a degree in Chemistry


Since your graduation, you work with Loreal in a lab. But, you feel that you want to get another degree or to start a family with your companion.

Choice 1 : You decide to start a family.

Choice 2 : You feel the need to get another degree


There are many factors that play a role in your life and that disturb you. Would you like to stop your life right now? You are still young.

Choice 1 : You want to stop here...

Choice 2 : You want to continue where you are stopped

Choice 3 : Start over


You have your bachelor degree. Everyone in your family is proud of you. So, what next? Many chemists take further study at Masters or PhD level to increase their knowledge of one of the branches studied during their degree, such as organic, inorganic, physical or Analytical Chemistry.

Choice 1 : You will get your master, before you start your family

Choice 2 : You choose to put aside school.

Start over.

You don't any options. You should play the other solutions that you had before.

Choice 1 : Start over.

Start over.

You don't any options. You should play the other solutions that you had before.

Choice 1 : Start over.


There are many factors that play a role in your life and that disturb you. Would you like to stop your life right now? You are still young.

Choice 1 : You want to stop here..

Choice 2 : You want to continue where you are stopped

Choice 3 : Start over

ice cube

Famous Youtuber.

Some subscribers would like to know your face, your background check and to know you. You seem famous on Youtube and people never see you face yet.

Choice 1 : You show you face and you share your background stories with your subscribers

Choice 2 : You will never show your face, because you don't that your parents know that you are on Youtube.

Choice 3 : Your start asking yourself if you should go back to school...


When you are famous, wherever you go, your good reputation will precede you. People will think well of you, because your merits have been impressively explained in advance. You will get warm smiles from admiring strangers. When you are famous, you will be safe from rejection. You won’t have to win over every new person. Eminem seems to hate you that he would like to kill you because you expose him on Youtube.

Choice 1 : You decide that you should return to school.

Choice 2 : You decide to make a video about Eminem because you want to apologize. You are grown up.

Choice 3 : You still attack him on social media


You should be proud about yourself. You have accomplished your goal.

Choice 1 : Start a family

Choice 2 : You want to finish here


Your boyfriend would like to marry you in another country. Which country would you like to have your wedding?

Choice 1 : In Cuba

Choice 2 : In France

Choice 3 : In Italy

Choice 4 : In Hawai


You end up being happy through your fulfillment.

Choice 1 : ...

La fin.