Alicia's story :)

A hypertext narrative by

alicia lamoureux

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1534

Choice count: 66

Section count: 31

Image count: 31

Error count: 3

Field Related Analysis:

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 22 matches (accident, answer, Bill, cannabis, company, criminal record, criminal, dogs, driving, fine, four, illegal, intervention, judge, law, minimum wage, paralegal, police officer, record, road, subscription, test)

Education : 16 matches (School, adult, choice, class, college, don, failed, field, field of study, first, intervention, school, teacher, technology, test, verification)

Sociology : 12 matches (actor, class, School, care, technology, psychology, school, Small, intervention, Third, World, verification)

Target Structure:

wage (1 match)


Alicia's story :)


The beginning.

Hi, I'm Alicia, and I am twenty years old. I have been studying Youth And Adult Correctional Intervention for three years at Ahuntsic College. I have had a boyfriend for four years now. I also have two amazing dogs (Kyra and Gucci).

Choice 1 : I will finish the last one year in my field of study.

Choice 2 : I quit school to make money.

Choice 3 : I change my field of study.


I will finish the last one year in my field of study.

I will finish my field of study because I like and this is my passion. Then, when I'm in class my phones just rings.

Choice 1 : Bad news about my dog Gucci.

Choice 2 : My mom had a car accident.

Choice 3 : Videotron calls me because I didn't pay my bill.


I quit school to make money.

I have been poor for three years because of school. I'm done of it. So, I choose to quit school to earn money.

Choice 1 : I will be a drug's dealer.

Choice 2 : I will work in a Tim Horton's.

Choice 3 : I will go to Ontario for a better salary.


I change my field of study.

I do not like my field of study. I'll try another field of study hoping I'll like it.

Choice 1 : Police Technology.

Choice 2 : Paralegal Technology.

Choice 3 : Psychology.


I will be a drug's dealer.

Be a drug's dealer is maybe illegal but it permit to earn a lot of money. So, I call a dealer to buy some cannabis.

Choice 1 : I meet the dealer and he's a nice guy.

Choice 2 : I meet the dealer and he's a really bad guy.


I will work in a Tim Horton's.

Tim Horton's is the easiest choice. It permits me the chance to earn money now and not in one year.

Choice 1 : First day at work, I rapped out boiling coffee on the boss.

Choice 2 : I realise my boss is my biggest enemy.


I will go to Ontario for a better salary.

I choose to leave to Ontario because minimum wage is 15 dollars an hour.

Choice 1 : I don't find jobs at Ontario.

Choice 2 : Someone offers me a job in a restaurant.


Police Technology.

Police technology can be a nice field of study. I just need to do the physical test and if I pass it, I'll be accepted.

Choice 1 : I didn't pass the test.

Choice 2 : I pass the test.


Paralegal Technology.

I would like to study in Law. They just need to make some verification to be sure I am not having a criminal record. I hope they will not found out what I did.

Choice 1 : They find out I killed someone.

Choice 2 : They didn't find out.



I would really like to study in Psychology. It could be very interesting to analyse human's mind.

Choice 1 : I realise human's mind is too complicated.

Choice 2 : I like psychology as hell.


Bad news about my dog Gucci.

My boyfriend tells me that my dog just ran away. I just panic, I don't know how to react.

Choice 1 : I left my class and go find him.

Choice 2 : I passed out in class.


My mom had a car accident.

My dad calls me and tells me that my mom just got hit by a big truck.

Choice 1 : I take my keys and start driving.

Choice 2 : I start crying in front of all my class.


Videotron calls me because I didn't pay my bill.

I'm studying and I'm poor because I don't have time to work a lot. I didn't pay my last bill and Videotron just calls me because of it.

Choice 1 : I will pay my bill.

Choice 2 : I tell him I don't care about it.


I meet the dealer and he's a nice guy.

He is a nice guy. He invites me in, ask me if I want anything to drink. He is a friendly dealer.

Choice 1 : we became partner after the first day.

Choice 2 : He gave me a lot of free cannabis.

I meet the dealer and he's a really bad guy.

He has a killer face. He has a gun in his hand and ask me who I am.

Choice 1 : He shot me because I didn't answer.

Choice 2 : I told him my name, and he realized I'm his brother.

First day at work, I rapped out boiling coffee on the boss.

I rapped out boiling coffee on him. He screamed on me. I was so afraid loosing my first day at work.

Choice 1 : He fired me.

Choice 2 : He said it will be fine for this time.

I realise my boss is my biggest enemy.

When I first met him, I realized it was my ex boyfriend that cheated on me.

Choice 1 : I quit the job

Choice 2 : I slapped him in the face and continued working.

I don't find jobs at Ontario.

Arriving to Ontario, no jobs calls me back. I can't find job because too many people has the same idea as me.

Choice 1 : I became an itinerant.

Choice 2 : I came back to Quebec.

Someone offers me a job in a restaurant.

Someone offers me a job in a restaurant. I was a small restaurant, but I will earn money.

Choice 1 : I took the job and became an important cook.

Choice 2 : I took the job but It wasn't really a restaurant. It was a bad place.

I didn't pass the test.

I didn't pass the test because I wasn't strong enough for the Police Technology.

Choice 1 : I killed every police officer I can because I was mad.

Choice 2 : I cry and finally became an actor.

I pass the test.

I was so happy when I opened the letter that told me I was accepted in Police Technology.

Choice 1 : I call my parents to tell them the good news.

Choice 2 : My friend told me that I was an ass because they didn't accept her.

They find out I killed someone.

They found out that in 2015 I killed my friend because she didn't want to buy me Hot-dog.

Choice 1 : I told them they were stupid. Anyone would do the same as I did.

Choice 2 : I buy myself hot dog to feel better about this bad news.

They didn't find out.

They didn't find out I killed my friend, so they accepted me in Paralegal Technology.

Choice 1 : I told them because I can't lie.

Choice 2 : I became a judge.

I realise human's mind is too complicated.

It is too complicated to understand the human. It was hard for me.

Choice 1 : I keep hope and continue even if it were hard.

Choice 2 : I gave up and started work at McDonald's

I like psychology as hell.

Psychology was so amazing. I can't stop thinking about it. It was my life.

Choice 1 : I became one of the best psychologists in the world.

Choice 2 : I failed all of my class even if I liked it.

I left my class and go find him.

I was so sad, I left class and go found my dog. He was all I had.

Choice 1 : I passed three years in the wood trying to find him, and I did.

Choice 2 : He was under my bed.

I passed out in class.

I made myself stress so hard that I just passed out in the class.

Choice 1 : I woke up alone in the class. Everyone just left me there.

Choice 2 : I woke up in a weird place.

I take my keys and start driving.

My mother was at one hour away. I took my keys and start driving to meet her at the hospital.

Choice 1 : I hit a deer on the road. I woke up beside my mother at the hospital.

Choice 2 : The third world War just start while I was driving.

I start crying in front of all my class.

I cried in front of all the class even if I didn't wan't to.

Choice 1 : My teacher told me to shut up.

Choice 2 : I died of crying.

I will pay my bill.

I choose to pay my bill. It makes me stress when I'm late.

Choice 1 : I paid my bill, but they stop my subscription.

Choice 2 : I paid my bill, and they offered me a job at their company.

I tell him I don't care about it.

I told him I don't care about having a late bill and if he wasn't happy it wasn't my problems.

Choice 1 : He said that he was sorry.

Choice 2 : He added me a $25 of charges because I have been impolite,

The End.