My Future Life.

A hypertext narrative by

Marilou Vergara-Saumier

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 2101

Choice count: 32

Section count: 21

Image count: 42

Error count: 62

Field Related Analysis:

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 36 matches (accomplice, accumulation, answer, Book, brain, Child, children, client, community, company, damage, Development, Financial, harassment, improvement, judge, justice, lien, living, maturity, minimum wage, offence, office, option, power, profession, public, rehabilitation, rule of the, Special, status, Syndrome, title, trust, unfair, user)

Education : 30 matches (School, bachelor's degree, behavior, choice, classes, college, degree, don, evaluate, field, field of study, first, grades, graduation, head, integration, learn, objective, reading, research, school, social, student, students, task, training, university, vacation, vision, work experience)

Psychology : 30 matches (abuse, adolescence, behavior, brain, client, dynamic, environment, field, g, happiness, harassment, image, interview, love, need, organism, participant, personality, phenomenon, psychology, rehabilitation, script, sociology, statistics, syndrome, therapy, thinking, toxic, trip, vision)

Target Structure:

intern (1 match)

internship (2 matches)

invaluable (2 matches)

office politics (1 match)

overtime (2 matches)

straight A's (1 match)

wage (2 matches)


My Future Life.

CC BY-SA 3.0, Lien

" alt="Graduation." title="Graduation." style="width:100%;">

It all started like this.

After studying 2 years at Gédéon-Ouimet, I graduated. I finished my secondary. Now i have to decide of the field I will study in college. I am very hesitant to which profession I will pursue. I'm not sure if I want to continue my studies.

Choice 1 : I decided to find a job.

Choice 2 : I decided to study at Ahuntsic College.

Coffee shop Lizenz.jpg
By User:Lofor, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link

" alt="Coffee shop" title="Coffee shop" style="width:100%;">

My basic job.

I droped out of school and started looking for a minimum wage job. I pursued a training to work in a coffee shop. It was easy to learn the basics of this job and gradually, I was saving money. However, I wasn't fulfilling the wish of what I wanted to do in my life. I hated my job.

Choice 1 : Even if this job was not my passion, I kept it. I prefered to stay in my comfort zone even if I had a low wage. I didn't progress, it was a dead-end.

Choice 2 : I decided to travel.

Collège Ahuntsic07.JPG
By Khayman - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link

" alt="Ahuntsic College" title="Ahuntsic College" style="width:100%;">

Be persevering.

I decided to study at Ahuntsic College. It's the closest school to my apartment. I'm not sure of the field of study I will choose. I know that I want a job to help vulnerable people.

Choice 1 : Social Science Psychology at Ahuntsic College.

Choice 2 : I have always wanted to help needy people. So I will study to become a Social Worker.

By Leedsdoggod - Own work, CC BY 3.0, Link

" alt="Ahuntsic College" title="Ahuntsic College" style="width:100%;">

The traveler.

I saved a lot of money and decided to travel to understand my personality and find what kind of life i wanted.

Choice 1 : I decided to travel in Peru.

Choice 2 : I decided to travel in Malawi.

Public Domain, Link

" alt="Women power." title="Women power." style="width:100%;">

I am a Social Worker.

I finally got my DCS. I always scored straight A's. I am 22 years old and it's time to find myself a job. During my studies I was an intern at La Maison L'Épervier a company that brings support to women living in a violent situation. My internship was very interesting. They said I did a invaluable job, and they asked me to stay after my internship for a real career at their company.

Choice 1 : My career at Maison L'Épervier.

Choice 2 : My career at a new job as a Social Worker.

Public Domain, Link

" alt="Women power." title="Women power." style="width:100%;">

Social Science Psychology at Ahuntsic College.

Social Science Psychology is a program to prepare students for university. We learn the basic phenomenon of humans. The DCS doesn't give me a job. It prepares students for university. Later, I have to choose the field of study I will pursue.

Choice 1 : My choice is a baccalaureat in sociology.

Choice 2 : I applied for Social Worker at the Université de Montréal.

Machu Picchu, Perú, 2015-07-30, DD 47.JPG
By Diego Delso, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link

" alt="Peru" title="Peru" style="width:100%;">

Research myself in Peru.

My travel to Peru is a way to answer my personal questions. What has volunteering to do with work? I got involved in a community work organization. We did a lot of environmental activities. The willingness of the team was incredible. They were always willing to give of their time. My trip in Peru was a great experience. My volunteering initiatives brouhgt me work experience. This travel allows me work in community organizations in Montreal, and it's a one-in-a-life time experience.

Choice 1 : My career is great and i'm happy of all the work experience that my traveling gives me.

Nkhata Bay, Malawi.jpg
By JackyR - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link

" alt="Malawi" title="Malawi" style="width:100%;">

Malawi in Africa and it's beautiful village and inhabitants.

The locals are welcoming to strangers. All they inhabitants of this region work side by side. They included me in their way of living. Their lands and territories give them the tools to achieve financial independence. They have always wanted to take care of themselves. I think this way of living is made for me. I decided to be a part of this community. I will live the rest of my life in this country.

Choice 1 : I will live the rest of my life in Malawi.

Girl power at the 2016 DNC CoUsvabWYAAQkkp.jpg
By Kathryine Gypson (VOA News) -, Public Domain, Link

" alt="Girl power" title="Girl power" style="width:100%;">

My career at Maison L'Épervier.

I consider myself lucky to have this job. The women having the battered women's syndrome have the feeling they responsible for this damage. They think they deserve the abuse, so it takes many of years to find the strength to leave their husband. The intervenes try to decrease the control the aggressor have on them. Thursday, I was waiting for a new client. While waiting for her, I analyzed her file. The dynamic of her relationship is toxic. She wants to leave her husband and try our service of rehabilitation to work. She opened the door, and I was astonished when I saw my sister. She asked me for help. I didn't know if I will help her because it's against the rule of the office politics.

Choice 1 : Help my sister at Maison L'Épervier.

Choice 2 : Assign the task at another Social Worker.

I Will Help You" alt="Help others" title="Help others" style="width:100%;">

My new job as a Social Worker.

I am now a Social Worker employed at the Centre Jeunesse de la Montérégie. My clientele are juvenile offenders. They are children who have committed an offence. They are victims of special social circumstances. A lot of them are treatment center leavers. It's a demanding job we are always doing overtime, and we get intimidated day after day. All of these situations are deterring me to continue. There are kids who don't want our help to make it through.

Choice 1 : My career at Centre Jeunesse de Montérégie.

Choice 2 : Find a job to be a happy employee.

Celtic Studies XIV International Congress Maynooth 2011.jpg
By Mogrady - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link

" alt="Studies" title="Studies" style="width:100%;">

My studies in sociology at the Université de Montréal.

I'm a third-year sociology student. My baccalaureate is supposed to take 3 years but I removed some classes. It's difficult to study and have a job in the same time. The baccalaureate in sociology contains a lot of book reading and formation for statistics. I don't have one day off in my week. I accumulate a lot of late arrivals at my job. My boss is a great guy. He always helps me, and I've been working for him for a long time. One of his employees left his job, so he needed my help to do extra hours. It is not a good idea for my study's, but it's difficult to say no.

Choice 1 : I decided to accept the request of my boss

Choice 2 : I decided to refuse the request of my boss.

By User:Primalchaos - Image:Human_brain_NIH.jpg, Public Domain, Link

" alt="Studies" title="Studies" style="width:100%;">

I applied in Social Working at the Université de Montréal.

The baccalaureate to be a social worker is a contingent program. I forgot to evaluate my chances. I have a 26 cote R, and we need 25 of cote R to be accepted. However, because it's a contingent program, we needed to have 28 and more of cote R. I'm wasn't accepted in the program I always wanted. The time to apply is finished. I am deterred.

Choice 1 : I decided to drop out of school.

Choice 2 : I decided not to give up and take the option of the bachelor's degree by accumulation.

US Department of Justice Scales Of Justice.gif
Public Domain, Link

" alt="Justice" title="Justice" style="width:100%;">

Help my sister at Maison L'Épervier.

It's been 3 months and I've tried to do my best for my sister. It's difficult to see her like this. I never thought her husband was violent. I need to talk about it with one of my colleague. I don't know who I can trust. My choice was not ethical. I'm not able to have an objective vision of the situation. I talked about it with Julia a social counselor in my department. She denounced me to the boss. She didn't want to be accomplice. My boss fired me. I think it's an unfair choice because I did an invaluable job.

Choice 1 : I have to find me another job.

By Hatha Yoga School Rishikesh - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link

" alt="Do the right thing" title="Do the right thing" style="width:100%;">

I ask my competent colleague to help my sister.

My colleague Julia is a very competent intervenor. She spent 20 years in community development. However, it's difficult to see my sister all day at my job without being informed of her situation. I heard a lot of horrible histories about battered women. My brain is doing a lot of script. I'm not concentrated at work. I'm always thinking of her and I less attentive to my other patients.

Choice 1 : I take a break of my job.

Choice 2 : I try to continue my work.

Nicaragua boys.jpg
CC BY-SA 3.0, Link

" alt="Child" title="Child" style="width:100%;">

My career at Centre Jeunesse de Montérégie.

I'm too pride to dump my job. It was very long to find me a job, and I don't want to start again bring CV and start again the experience of the competitive interview.

Choice 1 : My career is not my first job but I don't quit.

Happy Child IMG 3769.jpg
By Hubertl - Own work, CC BY 4.0, Link

" alt="Happiness" title="Happiness" style="width:100%;">

Find a job to be a happy employee.

I didn't like my job with the juvenile offenders. They are in adolescence crisis. They didn't have the maturity to understand they are making bad choices. I didn't see improvement in their behavior because they don't want help. I opted to work with people who want to make it through. Now, I'm working at CSAI a social center helping immigrants. It's a no profit community organisation who assists new comers in their integration. I love my job. The gratitude of my clientele makes me a happy employee.

Choice 1 : I decided to continue my career at CSAI.

ELKJØP (consumer electronics retailer) husholdningsprodukter espressomaskin (cofee maker) - supermarket interior shelves aisles - Tønsberg Norway 2017-11-02.jpg
By Wolfmann - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link

" alt="My job" title="My job" style="width:100%;">

Having a job during my studies.

I don't have time to study. I work every day. There are a lot of people who bring their CV but my boss think they are not competent for the job. I finished with bad grades. I have to begin my studies again.

Choice 1 : I never finished my studies because my boss always gives me overtime.

Students wikipedia academy.jpg
CC BY-SA 2.5, Link

" alt="Student" title="Student" style="width:100%;">

Studies in first.

I talked with my boss and told him I wanted to help, but also told him how important my studies are. He gave me his excuses. I finished my baccalaureate in sociology and I have a great job.

Choice 1 : The talk with my boss saved my future career.

Lee graduate.jpg
By Hkeely - Own work, CC BY 3.0, Link

" alt="Graduated" title="Graduated" style="width:100%;">

My bachelor's degree by accumulation.

I finished my bachelor's degree by accumulation. This kind of certificate is not recognized by every organism. I have to begin with a job in community environment first. The salary is not the best but I love my job and with my perseverance I will move forward.

Choice 1 : I kept my perseverance and I upgraded year after year.

WLA vanda Bed lit a la polonaise.jpg
By Wikipedia Loves Art participant "Opal_Art_Seekers_4" - Uploaded from the Wikipedia Loves Art photo pool on Flickr, CC BY 2.5, Link

" alt="To rest" title="To rest" style="width:100%;">

Vacation position.

It was too hard seeing my sister without being able to be with her. I decided to take a break. My vacation position permitted me to host my sister at my home during her therapy. At the end of the situation I had all of my brain to start my job again.

Choice 1 : I returned to Maison L'Épervier after my vacation.

Bonjour Tristesse film poster.jpg
By Saul Bass -, Public Domain, Link

" alt="Sadness" title="Sadness" style="width:100%;">

The burn-out.

Day after day I always had my sister in my head. I tried to talk with Julia many times but she didn't want to say anything. She began to talk at our partner about the situation. She said I did harassment on her. I didn't feel good at my work. Everybody seemed to judge me.

Choice 1 : I did a burn-out.

The End.