HyperText Narrative

A hypertext narrative by

hasna mebrouk

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 827

Choice count: 44

Section count: 24

Image count: 24

Error count: 4

Field Related Analysis:

Nursing : 18 matches (acquired, clinical, contact, Doctor, hospital, medical, medicine, nuclear medicine, pharmaceutical, pharmacology, pharmacy, practice, psychologist, social, status, stress, patients, chemistry)

Education : 14 matches (choice, classes, college, colleges, course, courses, homework, knowledge, options, placement, reading, research, social, university)

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 12 matches (analytical, Clinical, close, company, contact, family, offer, order, possibility, residence, specialty, status)

Target Structure:


HyperText Narrative


The beginning.

It all started when I came to Canada.I was perplexed.I was not sure what I'm going to do.

Choice 1 : Work as a doctor

Choice 2 : Change de career


Work as a doctor.

When I inquired about the possibility of working as a doctor I was told that I had to integrate an order that requires a lot of tests, so I had 2 choices.

Choice 1 : Pass the tests

Choice 2 : Redo studies

Change the career.

There are several opportunities.

Choice 1 : Work any job

Choice 2 : Study

Pass the tests.

If I passed all tests, and joined order of doctors. I had 2 choices.

Choice 1 : Wait to find a residence post in Montreal

Choice 2 : Apply in a rural area


Redo medical studies.

I knew, it is not easy to redo studies from the beginning, so I had 2 choices.

Choice 1 : Redo medical studies in Canada

Choice 2 : Redo medical studies in USA

Work any job.

It is a good idea to work so, no homework, no stress. I had 2 choices.

Choice 1 : Work in pharmaceutical company

Choice 2 : Work in a pharmacy


Studies are very important, because it allows to acquire a good social status. I had 2 choices.

Choice 1 : Study at college

Choice 2 : Study at university


Wait to find a residence post in Montreal.

While I was waiting for a residency post in a hospital, I became depressed. I had 2 choices.

Choice 1 : Consult a psychologist

Choice 2 : Visit my country to get fresh ideas

Apply in a rural area.

After getting a doctor job in New-Brunswick, 2 choices were offered.

Choice 1 : Accept the offer and leave to New-Brunswick

Choice 2 : Refuse the offer and stay in Montreal

Redo medical studies in Canada.

In Canada, medical studies are expensive, I had 2 choices.

Choice 1 : Ask for a loan from the bank

Choice 2 : Work and study at the same time

Redo medical studies in USA.

Life in USA is not really different from life in Canada, but I didn't know anyone there. I had 2 choices.

Choice 1 : Stay in USA and continue to work

Choice 2 : Return to Canada


Work in a pharmaceutical company.

When I started working in this company, I was pregnant and I had heavy tasks to do, which made me very tired. So, I had 2 choices.

Choice 1 : Leave the job

Choice 2 : Talk to the responsible in human resources

Work in a pharmacy.

When I worked in the pharmacy I communicated with people who speak French and English, and my English was not perfect. So, the boss gave me 2 choices.

Choice 1 : Take English classes

Choice 2 : Leave the job

Study at the college.

There are many good colleges in Montreal, and I had to choose between 2.

Choice 1 : Ahuntsic college.

Choice 2 : Rosemont college

Study at university.

There are several options at the university.

Choice 1 : Study pharmacology

Choice 2 : Study medical care


Consult a psychologist.

When I consulted the psychologist he prescribed me sedatives, I had 2 choices.

Choice 1 : Change the psychologist.

Choice 2 : Take the sedatives

Visit my country to get fresh ideas.

During my visit to my country I had a lot of fun. I met my family and my friends. It helped me to forget the stress. I had 2 choices.

Choice 1 : Stay in my native country

Choice 2 : Return to Canada


Accept the offer and leave to New-Brunswick.

At the beginning, I liked life there, because everything is new to me. But after, I started to get bored. I had 2 choices.

Choice 1 : Return to Montreal

Choice 2 : Stay in New- Brunswick and try to adapt

Ahuntsic College

Ahuntsic College.

By reading on the site of Ahuntsic College, I was interested in 2 courses.

Choice 1 : Nuclear medicine

Choice 2 : Laboratory Sciences

Rosemont College.

By reading on the site of Rosemont College, I discovered that there were not courses interested me.

Choice 1 : Go to Ahuntsic College

Nuclear medicine.

Nuclear medicine is a very important specialty, and very close to my area of medicine but I prefer not to be in contact with patients.

Choice 1 : Go to Ahuntsic College

Laboratory Sciences

Laboratory Sciences.

This is a promising program for graduates because the placement rate is highly. I had 2 choices.

Choice 1 : Analytical Chemistry

Choice 2 : Biotechnology


Analytical Chemistry.

A lot of chemistry.

Choice 1 : Biotechnology



Biotechnology passionate me, I will start my last year in this course and I hope to find a job in clinical research because it allows me to practice my new job while using my already acquired medical knowledge.

Choice 1 : try again

The End.