A Story about My Future.

A hypertext narrative by

joanie levassseur

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1536

Choice count: 45

Section count: 26

Image count: 26

Error count: 39

Field Related Analysis:

Nursing : 30 matches (birth, professional, ambulance, anaphylaxis, cancer, coma, compensation, contact, crisis, delivery, Ebola virus, epidemic, epinephrine, foot, glucagon, hospital, HR, inflammation, kleptomania, pain, position, pulse, reaction, resuscitation, supervisor, virus, wrist, emergency care, patience, patients)

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 27 matches (act, answer, blood, case, Child, company, compensation, contact, delivery, departure, harassment, House, identity, intervention, justice, kleptomania, lawyer, minutes, misconduct, murder, notice, office, opinion, road, Sexual, Speaker, theft)

Prehospital Emergency Care : 21 matches (ambulance, hospital, pain, emergency, paramedic, patient, allergies, anaphylaxis, cough, cyanotic, delivery, epinephrine, glucagon, intervention, partner, pulse, resuscitation, virus, patients, foot, emergency care)

Target Structure:

a foot in the door (1 match)

flirtation (2 matches)

getting sucked up in (1 match)

HR (1 match)

intern (2 matches)

misconduct (2 matches)

office politics (1 match)

on-the-job-training (3 matches)

sexual harassment (1 match)

vacant position (1 match)

wage (1 match)


A Story about My Future.

Ahuntsic College

Province to work.

After, graduating my program Pre-Hospital Emergency Care at Ahuntsic College. I have too chosen my future job. My choices are I stay at Quebec without any further training and work for the company where I did my intern to have a foot in the door. My second options are to go to Alberta, where there is a better wage but I have to have other training necessary.

Choice 1 : Quebec in the company where I did my intern.

Choice 2 : Go to Alberta


Quebec company.

You are with your new partner who is very unpleasant with you. You see him steal money from the patient what do you do.

Choice 1 : After the intervention you tell your partner that It is not professional.

Choice 2 : You ignore is acts.

Choice 3 : You're going to see your supervisor to deal with it and fix it.



This is really hard for you because you are not a good English-speaker so with the patients it's hard to understand clearly where is her pain. But your supervisor said on-the-job-training you will be a perfect anglophone.

Choice 1 : You continue to learn English language on-the-job-training.

Choice 2 : You back to Quebec.


After, the intervention you tell your partner that It is not professional.

Your partner understands your opinion and he is feel bad to do that because he need more money for his daughter who have cancer. After, this intervention you have a call at his home about his daughter who have a difficulty to breath.

Choice 1 : You call another ambulance.

Choice 2 : You go to your partner's house to help his daughter.


You call another ambulance.

You call another ambulance because your partner is getting sucked up in because this is her daughter and he will comprise the paramedics to do a good intervention.

Choice 1 : Your partner is angry at you and you give up so you don't call another ambulance for his daughter

Choice 2 : you call another ambulance and bring your partner to the hospital to meet his daughter


Your partner is angry at you and you give up so you don't call another ambulance for his daughter.

Your partner who is really angry, strikes you in the face and you lose consciousness.

Write a choice here.


You call another ambulance and bring your partner to the hospital to meet his daughter.

Your partner calm down his emotions and want to go to the hospital the fastest to see her daughter coming at the hospital and not to disrupt the intervention.

Write a choice here.


You go to your partner's house to help his daughter.

You go at his house help his daughter because it is your office politics to help every person who needs help.

Choice 1 : His daughter died

Choice 2 : His daughter stays alive


His daughter died.

Your partner is really depressive about the dead oh his daughter. Two weeks later you you find him dead by pending.

Write a choice here.


His daughter stays alive.

Your partner is really happy and his daughter survived to the cancer with a foundation made by his colleagues.

Write a choice here.


You ignore is acts.

Ignoring his act you do not tell the situation to the HR. In your next intervention he continues to steal the patients.The patient see him when he was steal is money.

Choice 1 : The patient call the police.

Choice 2 : You tell your partner to give the money with a compensation of 100 dollars.


The patient call the police.

On the arrival of the police, your partner has escaped and thanks you for not denouncing him at the beginning.He had steal the identity of a paramedic.

Choice 1 : You run to catch your fake partner to prevent him from escaping

Choice 2 : You go to jail for complicity in theft


You tell your partner to give the money with a compensation of 100 dollars.

He gives the patient's money with a compensation of $100. You ask why he steals all patients.

Choice 1 : He tells you that he suffers from kleptomania

Choice 2 : He tells you he needs money because he is addicted to the casino and he owes a lot of money so if he does not want to be broken both legs he must find the money.


You're going to see your supervisor to deal with it and fix it.

Your supervisor is very happy that you call him and at the end of the meeting he touches your butt.

Choice 1 : You told to your supervisor's boss he was misconduct with you.

Choice 2 : Tell to stop this flirtation.


You told to your supervisor's boss he was misconduct with you.

Your supervisor's boss decide to kick out you supervisor because he doesn't laugh about sexual harassment.

Choice 1 : There is now a vacant position as a supervisor for you and you become the new supervisor

Choice 2 : Your supervisor's boss tells you to stop inventing stories to confuse his friend who is your supervisor


Tell to stop this flirtation.

Your supervisor apologizes he thought you were interested in him.

Choice 1 : The next day he still touches your butt

Choice 2 : Three days later, he remakes the same acts towards another employee


You continue to learn English language on-the-job-training.

When you ask if the patient is allergic to latex to know if you administrate glucagon but you don't understand his answer and you act as if he had none because you do not like to repeat your patients.

Choice 1 : You give glucagon to your patients and he have an anaphylactic reaction.

Choice 2 : You did not take glucagon because of the criteria of exlusion which are latex allergies.


You give glucagon to your patients and he have an anaphylactic reaction.

You feel really bad for the patient you administrate epinephrine to help him to reduce the inflammation in his throat to have a facility to breath.

Choice 1 : The allergic reaction has decreased and the patient is much better.

Choice 2 : The patient is less well he hardly breathes anymore he becomes cyanotic.


You did not take glucagon because of the criteria of exlusion which are latex allergies.

Then you see on his wrist a medic-alertte for a latex anaphylaxis. then you administer glucagon.

Choice 1 : You notice a large amount of fluid between these legs she is giving birth to a child.

Choice 2 : You can do nothing else you have to evacuate urgently


The allergic reaction has decreased and the patient is much better.

The patient are better. He's doing so well that he will bring you to justice for having made him an anaphylaxis latex crisis.

Choice 1 : You win the case with the help of a very good lawyer

Choice 2 : You lose the case and you go in jail for attempted murder


The patient is less well he hardly breathes anymore he becomes cyanotic.

The patient becomes greyish, he has no pulse, and the resuscitation maneuvers begin.

Choice 1 : The patient survive

Choice 2 : The patient died


You notice a large amount of fluid between these legs she is giving birth to a child.

Patience gives birth to a child but it is badly positioned. It must then be positioned correctly for the delivery of the baby.

Choice 1 : The baby is delivered and healthy

Choice 2 : The baby is too big to be delivered it requires an emergency caesarean.


You can do nothing else you have to evacuate urgently.

You are caught in a traffic jam you have for an hour before arriving at the hospital.

Choice 1 : You call a helicopter which will take 15 minutes and prevent the patient from being in a coma

Choice 2 : You contact road safety to move faster


You back to Quebec.

When you return to Quebec, there is an epidemic of Ebola.

Choice 1 : You become infected with Ebola virus.

Choice 2 : You have to go to help the victims of the virus even when it's up to you to catch it.


You become infected with Ebola virus.

Being infected you must be quarantined.You see your mother that you had not seen since your departure for Alberta.

Choice 1 : You pass two days with your mother before she died.

Choice 2 : Finally it is not the Ebola virus, but a simple epidemic flu.


You have to go to help the victims of the virus even when it's up to you to catch it.

You see a child with the virus that sucks his blood out of his lungs when they cough you decide not to get dressed against infections because it takes 30 minutes to get dressed by the standards and you did not want to see this.

Choice 1 : You do not become infected and the child survives ebola.

Choice 2 : You become infected with the virus then you will die and the child also dies

The End.