Field-Related Hypertext Narrative: The choice you do is the life you will have.

A hypertext narrative by

Krystelle Merand

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1520

Choice count: 48

Section count: 31

Image count: 31

Error count: 24

Field Related Analysis:

Tourism : 19 matches (Airport, Bistro, Europe, Flight, Package, Party, Plane, Program, airport, bistro, compensation, field, flight, package, pass, program, residence, to visit, trip)

Education : 16 matches (School, choice, class, classes, compensation, don, failed, field, first, learn, sabbatical, school, social, student, training, university)

Computer Science : 13 matches (call, choice, Class, crash, don't care, field, hypertext, open, Package, parent, pass, screen, store)

Target Structure:

compensation package (1 match)

dead-end job (1 match)

flirtation (1 match)

internship (1 match)

learn the ropes (1 match)

misconduct (1 match)

on-the-job-training (1 match)

overtime (1 match)

vacant position (1 match)


Field-Related Hypertext Narrative: The choice you do is the life you will have.

What should I do?

The beginning.

After two years of studying Social Science, I am ready to go to university. I know in which program I will go, but I don't know when and which university I will choose. I want to have fun and stay in my comfort zone, but I also want the opposite and become more independent. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Don't go to university and find a job.

Choice 2 : Uqam University.

Choice 3 : University of Ottawa.


Don't go to university and find a job.

After thinking for a long time, you decided to take a sabbatical year. After all, you have time to continue your studies! During this sabbatical year, you have too chosen between work for saved money or to travel with your friends. Your parents aren't agree about your trip and want you to save money your future projects.

Choice 1 : Work for a shoes shop.

Choice 2 : Go to Europe with your friends.


Uqam University.

You decided to go to Uqam University. You want to stay near all of your friends and your family. Also, you are near of the Grande Bibliothèque and this university is in The Quartier des spectacles of Montreal. You can see different kinds of people. The only problem is that you don't know anybody.

Choice 1 : Go talk to someone.

Choice 2 : Don't talk to anyone.

University of Ottawa

University of Ottawa.

You decided to go to the University of Ottawa. You moved to a student residence with one of your friends. You are going to have fun! To celebrate your independence, your friend and you decided to go to a party. The next morning, you don't want to go to class because you are too tired.

Choice 1 : Go to class.

Choice 2 : Don't go to class.


Work for a shoes shop.

My parents asked my cousin if she can find me a job at the place she works. She told them that it was a vacant position at her job and that I will be perfect to fill the position.

Choice 1 : Start your first day at the shoes shop.

Choice 2 : Refuse the job.


Go to Europe with your friends.

You only live once! I choose to go to Europe with my best friends Anthonya and Celia. Since I am taking this decision, my parents don't talk to me anymore. The day of my leaving, at the airport, I received a call from my parents.

Choice 1 : Answer the phone.

Choice 2 : Don't answer the phone.


Answer the phone.

I answered the phone. My parents asked me if I'm going to change my mind. I was no longer convinced of my decision, but my friends press me because the plane has to fly.

Choice 1 : Take this flight.

Choice 2 : Don't take this flight.


Don't answer the phone.

You ignored the call of your parents and take your flight. You continued your studies in Europe and you found a job afterwards. You never go to see your parents again.

Choice 1 : Try again


Take this flight.

Everything was fine, when the plane sank in a tornado. The plane will crash. My last thought is that I should never have taken this plane. Sometimes, it is good to listen to his parents!

Choice 1 : You are dead

Choice 2 : Try again


Don't take this flight.

You told your friends that you were going stay to think. They were disappointed, but they took the flight. You stayed at the airport for 3 hours. You have seen on the screen that your friend's plane crashed.

Choice 1 : You are going to Thailand.

Choice 2 : You go back to your parent's house.


You are going to Thailand.

You wanted to pay tribute to your friends, so you decided to go to Thailand because it was their dream to visit it. When you arrived, a man and you fell in love. He became your new boyfriend.

Choice 1 : Stay with your new boyfriend and don't continue to visit Thailand.

Choice 2 : Continue to visit Thailand without your new boyfriend

Choice 3 : Continue to visit Thailand with your new boyfriend.


You go back to your parent's house.

When you saw that your friend's plane crashed, you decided to go back to your parent's house. You finished your studies and had a beautiful life.

Choice 1 : Try again.


Continue to visit Thailand without your new boyfriend.

You are independent ! At the moment, pay tribute to your friends is more important than love. You continued your visit. You found this country beautiful, so you decided to stay and live day by day.

Choice 1 : Try again.


Stay with your new boyfriend and don't continue to visit Thailand.

A week after you get together, you have decided to marry. You found a job in the orphanage where your husband works. Your parents were really happy for you. All your life you regretted not having found a new way to pay tribute to your friends.

Choice 1 : Try again


Continue to visit Thailand with your new boyfriend.

During the trip, your boyfriend and you have found a heavenly place. You decided to open a bistro. You never married, but finished your life together.

Choice 1 : Try again


Go talk to someone.

You decided to go talk to someone. You noticed one person in particular who looked very nice. You have a lot of things in common, so you became friends. You did your internship with her and after your studies, you learn the ropes of your first job with her.

Choice 1 : Try again


Don't talk to anyone.

Even if you repeat to yourself that you didn't here to make friends, you begun to feel alone.

Choice 1 : Change university.

Choice 2 : Continue in this university.


Go to class.

You slept throughout the class. You didn't take notes.

Choice 1 : Ask for notes.

Choice 2 : Don't ask for notes.


Don't go to class.

You decided to not go to your classes anymore, because you were too tired. A few years later, when you wanted to come back to school, you had to catch up your failures.

Choice 1 : Try again.


Ask for notes.

You have no idea what happened while you were sleeping and it stresses you. You are asking notes to the person next to you.

Choice 1 : Ask the person on you right.

Choice 2 : Ask the person on you left.


Don't ask for notes.

You have no idea what happened while you were sleeping and you don't care. You think that it probably not that important. When you go back to your room, your friend asks you if you want to go to a party.

Choice 1 : You want.

Choice 2 : You don't want.


Ask the person on you right.

The person on your right, gave you the notes and helped you to pass this class. You have never fell asleep a class until the end of your studies.

Choice 1 : Try again.


Ask the person on you left.

The person on your left, didn't gave you the notes and you failed the class. You have never fell asleep a class until the end of your studies.

Choice 1 : Try again.


You want.

You decided to go to this party.Two days later, all of your friends and family were looking for you. No one has ever knew what happened to you.

Choice 1 : Try again.


You don't want.

You said no to your friend and you have never missed classes again.

Choice 1 : Try again.


Start your first day at the shoe shop.

It was a dead-end job, but it offerts a lot of overtime. When you was on-the-job-training you noticed that one of your colleagues was handsome, so you begun to have a lighthearted flirtation. You are didn't know why, but he told everyone that you have a misconduct. You are didn't know what to do, the gossips start to driving you crazy.

Choice 1 : You quit the job.

Choice 2 : You stay at this job.


Refuse the job.

Your parents were angry at you, so you decided to leave their house. Quickly, you realized that you had to find a job, so you applied to a clothing store and returned to school.

Choice 1 : Try again.


You quit the job.

You are tired of gossips. You asked for a compensation package and they didn't give it to you.

Choice 1 : try again.


You stay at this job.

You stayed at this job. Some months later, you decided to leave this job, because of the gossips. You always remembered this first job.

Choice 1 : try again


Change university.

You are happier in your new university.

Choice 1 : try again


Continue in this university.

You decided to drop out school.

Choice 1 : try again.

The End.