A Tiger versus a Shark.

A hypertext narrative by

Nicholas Walker

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 225

Choice count: 6

Section count: 4

Image count: 4

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis:

Environmental and Wildlife Management : 9 matches (tiger, shark, habitat, zoo, blood, eyes, claws, fur, leg)

Computer Science : 5 matches (choice, counter, floor, table, versus)

Nuclear Medicine : 4 matches (back, blood, leg, pain)

Target Structure:


A Tiger versus a Shark.

My kitchen

Start here.

When I woke up, I was shocked to find a tiger on my counter and a shark in my sink. I knew immediately what I needed to do.

Choice 1 : Fight the tiger.

Choice 2 : Attack the shark.

Choice 3 : Take the tiger to the zoo.

Fight the tiger

Fight the tiger.

I decided to fight the tiger that had entered my habitat. I crouched low, and then I leaped onto the tiger's back, grabbing onto its fur. The tiger was too quick for me. He spun around and clawed my back. Its claws glistened with blood. The shark sensed the blood, and as its eyes rolled back in its head, it jumped from the sink onto the floor to chew on my right leg. The pain was terrible. I quickly slipped into unconsciousness and never woke up again.

Choice 1 : Start again from the beginning

Fight the shark

Attack the shark.

Using my best boxing moves, I pummeled the shark into submission and carried it to the table to feed the family.

Choice 1 : Start again from the beginning

Walking a tiger on a leash to the zoo

Take the tiger to the zoo.

After slipping a leash on the tiger, I took the tiger back to the zoo, where it will be well cared for and loved.

Choice 1 : Start again from the beginning

The End.