Which Path Will You Choose?

A hypertext narrative by

Rosalie Boudreau

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1380

Choice count: 21

Section count: 15

Image count: 15

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis

Education : 86 matches

(bachelor's degree, choice, classes, college, degree, diploma, field, first, goal, goals, grades, high school, homework, learn, management, master's degree, options, project, sabbatical, school, semester, skills, social, student, university)

Law : 40 matches

(children, development, distress, human rights, international, law, master, mission, order, privilege)

Tourism : 38 matches

(benefits, diplomas, field, gap, goal, human, international, language, master)

Target Structure: (13 matches)

biases (1 match)

come in handy (1 match)

dead-end job (11 matches)

intern (1 match)

internship (11 matches)

learn the ropes (1 match)

maddening (1 match)

overwhelming (2 matches)

purpose (1 match)

straight a's (2 matches)

time management (1 match)

undermine (1 match)

abroad (4 matches)


Which Path Will You Choose?

Social Science At Ahuntsic College.

You just finished high school, and you decide you want to go study Social Science at Ahuntsic College in order to go to university. A little while after submitting your application, you received a response from the College : you got accepted! Now, you have two choices : get straight A's or to be nonchalant about them.

Choice 1 : Get Straight A's.

Choice 2 : Being Nonchalant About Your Grades.

The facade of College Ahuntsic.

Get Straight A's.

You decide that you are a good student, and you want good grades in order to go university in the program of your choice. You do your homework, you attend your classes, you have good time management, and you study hard. You always wanted to go to university in International Relations therefore you have the easiest choice to make.

Choice 1 : University Of Montreal International Relations.

Straight A's report.

Being Nonchalant About Your Grades.

You wanted to relax, and do not worry about school. You never really thought about the repercussion to only have passable grades. At the end of your DEC, you realized that you needed good grades to be able to enter your dream program : International Studies. Now, you are stuck with your plan B : Asian studies. You are disappointed in yourself, but you will have other options later on.

Choice 1 : University Of Montreal Asian Studies.

Cote R.

University Of Montreal International Relations.

Congratulations! You entered your dream program! Everything is going well. You get your bachelor's degree in International Relations. You studied different subjects such as, Law, Economic, History, Geography, Language, etc. Now, you need to choose between three interesting options : going straight to get your master's degree in International Relations, do an internship before applying for your master's degree or take a gap year to travel.

Choice 1 : Master Degree In International Relations.

Choice 2 : Internship.

Choice 3 : Travel.

International Studies University of Montreal.

University Of Montreal Asian Studies.

You got in! During, one semester you worked very hard to get your grades up. You really wanted to get in your dream program and your efforts paid off. Now that you meet the conditions to get in International Relations, you decided to try again, and apply.

Choice 1 : University Of Montreal International Studies.

Asian Studies University of Montreal.

Master Degree In International Relations.

You thought the bachelor degree was hard? Then please be prepared for the master degree! You will get trough it you do not need to worry, but be careful, you should not start to undermine your efforts. Sometimes, you will probably want to quit because the amount of work will be overwhelming and maddening, but if you stay focused on your goals, you will be able to succeed. Before starting your new diploma, you need to choose between studying abroad in your program or to get your master degree at Montreal University, and then do an internship before starting your new career.

Choice 1 : Study Abroad.

Choice 2 : Internship.



You want to see if you really like the International Studies field before doing your master degree, so you decide to do an internship. You think that this internship will come in handy and help you in the future. This will also give you more chances to get accepted for the master degree. You do your best to be a good intern and succeed. Now, you are ready to start studying to get your master degree in International Relations.

Choice 1 : Master Degree In International Relations.


Study Abroad.

Studying abroad is a great privilege, and a great opportunity especially if you are studying in International Relations. You will emerge in another culture and meet people from everywhere around the world. You will probably experience a cultural shock, and sometimes you will cry and want to go back home, but everything is worth it if you choose to pursue for your dream job. However, your dream job is hard, so you have two choices : either you go for it or you go for a dead-end job.

Choice 1 : Dream Job.

Choice 2 : Dead-End Job.

Study Abroad


There you are almost near the end! You are slowly reaching out your main goal. You just have to do this internship before entering the work field. This internship is the hardest obstacle left. You are not lucky, and you entered a bad workplace with a boss who has very poor work ethic. You do your best to get through it and get this done with! Your boss has biases and people do not help you to learn the ropes. They rather make you do the nasty jobs that no one wants to do. Besides your awful experience, you were still able to pass your internship. You have now you master degree in International Relations and you need to choose a career. You can rather go for your dream job or a dead-end job because your dream job is not easy at all!

Choice 1 : Dead-End Job.

Choice 2 : Dream Job.


Dream Job.

Wow, you got guts! You went for the big prize after all this hard studying years. You made the right choice. You will be able to work for one of the biggest global organization. To be able to work at one of these organizations is really prestigious, and you should be very proud. Now, you have only one choice to make left yet : which global organization will you choose? You can either go work for the U.N. or UNICEF.

Choice 1 : Work At UNICEF.

Choice 2 : Work at U.N.

Dream Job

Dead-End Job.

You chose the dead-end job. You have no chance whatsoever to advance in your career. You have a low wadge, very limited benefits, and no chances to acquire new skills or new responsibilities. There is no purpose to stay there! You are lucky, you have the opportunity to change your path for one last time. You can go for it, and do your best to get your dream job! However, you still also have the choice to stay in your dead-end job...

Choice 1 : Dream Job.

Choice 2 : Stay In The Dead-End Job.

Dead-End Job


Congratulations! You got your first job in your field, and it is at one of your dream organizations. You always loved helping people and emerge in their culture. UNICEF helps children who are in need all around the world. Your first mission is in Ukraine where you need to do humanitarian work. It is very hard on your mental health because you keep seeing people in great distress or buildings getting destroyed. You will probably need to take a sabbatical after this mission since it is very demanding mentally and physically to help a country in war. Despite this overwhelming experience, you still love your job, and you have no regrets. The end!

Write a choice here.


Work at U.N.

The U.N. is a wonderful place to work at! Their mission is to promote peace, security and sustainable development worldwide. You will do humanitarian work and protect human rights. You will work with the international laws and everything you always wished for! You will be part of impactful project all around the world. You can be very proud of how far you have become. The end!

Write a choice here.

Work At U.N.


You have always wanted to travel, and this is the perfect time between two diplomas! You will meet new people and gain experience. You will visit countries you have always wanted to visit. You will have so much fun during your trip, but everything must come to an end. You did not put enough money aside, so you are left with two choices : start working, and forget about your goals or try to get your master degree.

Choice 1 : Master Degree In International Relations.

Choice 2 : Dead-End Job.


Stay In The Dead-End Job.

You chose to stay at your dead-end job. It is not the best choice, but you chose simplicity. You will never need to worry with big projects and many responsibilities. You chose the carefree life. Maybe, you will never do the job you wanted, but the most important thing is that you are happy with the choice you made. The end!

Write a choice here.

Dead-End Job