My Career Path

A hypertext narrative by

Stéphanie Paquet

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 2723

Choice count: 44

Section count: 45

Image count: 45

Error count: 14

Field Related Analysis:

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 26 matches (absence, acceptance, accident, animals, client, close, company, compromise, contract, documents, family, Financial, fine, hire, living, offer, order, parent, poaching, price, private, receiving, rent, robbery, Uniform, warning)

Psychology : 26 matches (absence, adaptation, attention, biology, bit, client, continuity, dream, family, field, field study, focus, hit, instinct, knowing that, love, mean, need, order, pH, population, sweet, therapist, therapy, thinking, trip)

Computer Science : 22 matches (bit, Branch, call, capture, check, choice, client, close, compromise, field, floor, mean, pack, parent, path, physical, population, Private, share, supervise, transport, True)

Target Structure:

lack of (1 match)

leave of absence (2 matches)


My Career Path

Cegep St-Laurent

The choice.

I am currently in my last year of cegep and I recently received my acceptance letters from different universities. Luckily, I have been accepted in the two programs I wanted the most in three different universities. Therefore, I have to choose what program I want to study in.

Choice 1 : Study in physical therapy

Choice 2 : Study in biology

Physical therapist

Soon to be a physical therapist!

In the end, I decided to follow the path of physical therapy since I wanted to do this job for a couple of years. I now have to decide which university I want to go to in order to become a physical therapist.

Choice 1 : Go to the University of Montreal

Choice 2 : Go to the University of Sherbrooke

Choice 3 : Go to the University of Laval

University of Montreal

University of Montreal, here I come!

I choose to go to the University of Montreal because it allowed me to stay at my parent's home and to continue my riding lessons. After five years there, I am about to graduate and I have yet to decide either to work in a hospital or in a private practice.

Choice 1 : Work in a private practice

Choice 2 : Work in a hospital

Broken arm

The accident.

After seven years working in a private practice, I am happy to say that I made a good choice. I had an accident last week in which I broke my arm. It is not so bad, but it affects my work because it is harder to support my patients. I have to do something about it.

Choice 1 : Take a leave of absence

Choice 2 : Ask your boss for a desk job

My dog!

Time for myself.

I asked my boss for a leave of absence until my arm healed. Luckily, he gave it to me because he was concerned about me overworking myself. With a lot of time for myself, I decided to adopt a dog from an animal shelter and give him a better life.

Write a choice here.

Desk job

Luck is on my side.

In the end, I went to talk to my boss and ask him if he could give me a desk job until my arm healed. He agreed and he even gave me a supervision job, so I could help younger physical therapist. At least it would not be too boring.

Write a choice here.


A wind of change.

After some years working in a hospital, I decided that I needed a change in my life. I had a few options, and after talking about them with my boyfriend, I was still hesitating between going back to the university and leaving the hospital for a private practice.

Choice 1 : Get a specialization

Choice 2 : Work in a private practice

My new co worker

To be a student again.

After thinking about it for days, I decided to go back to school and get myself a specialization. I worked on the influence of animals on a physical therapy and immediately decided to train a dog to help me with my patients after seeing the positive results.

Write a choice here.

Family time

Starting a new life.

Not wanting to burden my boyfriend with money, I decided against going back to school. Therefore, I started working in a private practice close to our home, and because of that, I even managed to spend far more time with my family.

Write a choice here.

University of Sherbrooke

University of Sherbrooke, here I come!

I ended up going to the University of Sherbrooke because of the great amount of internships provided. It was a little bit far from home, but I had a good time there. I still have to decide if I want to stay in town or get back to Montreal.

Choice 1 : Stay in town

Choice 2 : Get back to Montreal



I decided to stay in this lovely town and soon after graduation, I started working in a small private practice. Unfortunately, a colleague was very mean to everyone and made the working place a living hell. I tried to ignore everything, but the day she spilled her coffee on my white uniform, I have had enough.

Choice 1 : Talk to the boss

Choice 2 : Talk to my colleague

Talking to my boss

Dealing with my problems.

Knowing that it would be useless to talk to her, I decided to directly talk to my boss. I told him about what happened, and he told me that he would check with the other workers. A week later, I learned that she had been fired.

Write a choice here.

Being yelled to

Trying to find a solution.

I decided to talk to my colleague before going to see my boss. Maybe, we could find a solution together? Unfortunately, she did not wish to talk because she soon started to yell at me. My boss ended up coming to see what the problem was. After some explanations, he simply gave her a warning.

Write a choice here.

The robbery

Home sweet home.

I decided to go back to Montreal and rent an apartment with my younger brother. During a week vacation with our parents, we realized that we had been victims of a robbery. Many of our valuable items had been taken away, and we were already on a financial down because of the trip.

Choice 1 : Rent a cheaper apartment

Choice 2 : Take a second job

New apartment

New home.

Because of the lack of money, we decided to rent a cheaper apartment until our situation improves. We choose to live closer to my brother's university, and he even started to work a little to help me to pay the bills.

Write a choice here.

New job

New job.

I decided to take a second job for the weekends until it got better. Times were difficult, but I did not want my brother to suffer from it. He needed to put his entire focus on his studies like I did with mine.

Write a choice here.

University of Laval

University of Laval, here I come!

Quebec was a beautiful town. It was lively, not as much as Montreal, but still lively. I enjoyed my time there as well as the people. This is why I decided to stay in town and build my life here.

Choice 1 : Work in a hospital

Choice 2 : Work in a private practice

Fresh air

Need of fresh air.

After some years working at the hospital, I needed to change something in my life. I was not sure what I had to do, but I knew that it was related to my work. Therefore, I started to check my options.

Choice 1 : Talk to your boss about a side project

Choice 2 : Create your own company



After reading a lot of articles about it and talking to people who had done it, I decided to give the idea to my boss. Reading about it himself, he was glad that I would be ready to train a dog to cheer our patients up. A year later, the hospital had its new mascot: Jack.

Write a choice here.

My own company

I am the boss now.

After thinking about it for a while and talking to the right people, I decided to create my own company of physical therapy. I was extremely proud of myself when everything worked out well!

Write a choice here.

The hit

Intense situation.

When I went to give some documents to my colleague during her break, I realized that her client was still with her. I was about to turn around when I saw him hit her. As a physical therapist, it was not uncommon to be at the receiving end of a client's anger, but this was too much.

Choice 1 : Call the police

Choice 2 : Stop the man by yourself



Knowing that this man was dangerous and stronger than me, I decided to call a male colleague to make sure that he could help her until the police arrived. My boss told me to escort my colleague to the hospital until he sorted the situation out.

Write a choice here.


Taking the matter in my own hands.

I reacted on instinct and ran forward to help her. I calmly took the man's attention away from my colleague by talking to him. My colleague then managed to get away from the room and talk to my boss who arrived shortly after. I then escorted my colleague to the hospital.

Write a choice here.


Soon to be a biologist!

In the end I decided to follow my instinct, and to study Biology. Indeed, I never had a precise idea of what I wanted to do in the future, but ever since I had to make choices for my future, I always choose what matched best with my interests. Now, I only had to choose in which university I wanted to go to.

Choice 1 : Go to the University of Montreal

Choice 2 : Go to the University of Sherbrooke

Choice 3 : Go to the University of Laval

University of Montreal

University of Montreal, here I come!

I choose to go to the University of Montreal because it allowed me to stay at my parent's home and to continue my riding lessons. After five years there, I am about to graduate and I have yet to decide either to work in the field or to become a researcher.

Choice 1 : Work in the field

Choice 2 : Become a researcher



I decided to work in the field. It is a wonderful job, but since it only works by contracts, my financial situation has a lot of ups and downs. I think it would be best for me to find a more stable job.

Choice 1 : Continue working in the field

Choice 2 : Become a teacher


Still in the wildlife.

I simply love my job in the field too much to let it go. I can ;earn plenty of things about animals by observing them and keeping tabs on them. It also allows me to protect them better which is wonderful. I decided not to limit myself to the Quebec because there are many places in the world that requires biologists.

Write a choice here.


Another path.

With the experience I have, I decided to do a Ph.D. and become a university teacher. Therefore, I will still be able to share my passion for animals, and prepare the next generation of biologists. Luckily, a teacher already offered to supervise me.

Write a choice here.


Difficult choice.

I have been doing research for the university for some years, and after some hints from teachers, I realized that I indeed would be a good teacher. Some teachers suggested doing a Ph.D., but I am not sure if I really want to.

Choice 1 : Become a cegep teacher

Choice 2 : Head researcher.


Perfect life.

Not wanting to do a long Ph.D., I decided to apply as a Biology teacher to some cegep. I think that it was a good idea because I soon received positive answers. I am very happy about this decision and I even have some time between sessions and continue some research.

Write a choice here.

Head researcher

Head researcher.

Once I finished my Ph.D., I received some offers to teach in different universities. I choose one in another town and I eventually became the head researcher of a biology branch.

Write a choice here.

University of Sherbrooke

University of Sherbrooke, here I come!

I ended up going to the University of Sherbrooke because of the great amount of internships provided. It was a little bit far from home, but I had a good time there. I still have to decide if I want to stay in town or get back to Montreal.

Choice 1 : Stay in town

Choice 2 : Go back to Montreal

British Columbia

Interesting offer.

I have been doing research for the University of Sherbrooke for some years now. Yesterday, I received an offer to do some field study in British Columbia. I accepted immediately, but I do not know if I want to continue in the field or in a laboratory.

Choice 1 : Work in the field

Choice 2 : Work for a university

British Columbia

A dream come true.

After seeing me perform in the field, the company which asked for my expertise decided to hire me. I was afraid not to have a stable job if I worked in the field, but I am now reassured. The landscape is also wonderful!

Write a choice here.


A quiet life.

While doing my job, I completely fell in love with this part of Canada. This is why I decided to apply as a researcher at the British Columbia University once the job was done. I met some wonderful people there!

Write a choice here.

Broken vial

The big mess.

I decided to work as a researcher in Montreal. I was working on a big project that could save a lot of lives in the medical field. Unfortunately, one of the researchers completely lost it one day, and started to throw everything on the floor, breaking important vials and expensive research material.

Choice 1 : Find a way to continue the research

Choice 2 : Wait for the company's judgement

Our price


Since this research was extremely important, I, along with other members of the team, decided to continue it by trying to get new funds, new material, and working more hours with less pay. In the end, it worked out fine because we all received a price for the research.

Write a choice here.


Just a little outburst...

The amount of broken things was too much for the company to allow the continuity of the research. Therefore, everyone who had been working extremely hard for this project have been fired because of the little outburst of one person...

Write a choice here.

University of Laval

University of Laval, here I come!

Quebec was a beautiful town. It was lively, not as much as Montreal, but still lively. I enjoyed my time there as well as the people. This is why I decided to stay in town and build my life here.

Choice 1 : Work for a company

Choice 2 : Become a researcher


The accident.

After working for a project here and there near the town, I got myself a big contract in Africa. After some time there, managed to get myself bitten by a hyena I was observing. Luckily, nothing bad really happened and I healed completely, but I was not sure if it was a good idea to continue this work.

Choice 1 : Go back to Canada

Choice 2 : Stay in Africa

Snowy owl

New specialization.

This accident really scared my family, so I had to come back in Canada to reassure them. Once I did it, I realized that I missed the wildlife, so I decided to compromise. I stayed in Canada to observe birds instead of big predators.

Write a choice here.


From now on.

After talking with some of my colleagues, I realized that all of them had been bitten at least once, and it mostly reminded them to be more careful around the animals. Seeing them gave me some courage, and I decided to stay. After all, I was really lucky to do this job.

Write a choice here.

Dead wolf


After some years as a researcher, I decided to move out of the city. I started working with a team for the protection of wolves. A situation arose near a small village where some wolves were killed because of poaching. We found out that the population of the village did not like the presence of the wolves.

Choice 1 : Relocate the pack

Choice 2 : Teach the villagers how to live with the pack



Seeing that the population did not like the wolves presence at all, we decided to relocate the pack to new territory far from any village. After the capture and transport of the pack, we released them in their new territory, and observed their adaptation.

Write a choice here.



We decided to teach the population how to live in the same territory as the wolves to avoid any confrontations. The villagers took some protection measures, and after a while, they were proud to live peacefully near a pack of wolves.

Write a choice here.

The End.