Financial Venture

A hypertext narrative by

Théodore Tremblay

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 236

Choice count: 6

Section count: 4

Image count: 4

Error count: 5

Field Related Analysis:

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 13 matches (account, Book, close, fact, family, Financial, Information, insurance, monopoly, section, short title, title, trade)

Business : 10 matches (account, amount, broker, business, finance, financial, insurance, money, trade, venture)

Computer Science : 8 matches (choice, close, don't care, global, interactive, open, reader, Section)

Target Structure:


Financial Venture

Day One.

It's a normal Sunday morning and you're looking for that old monopoly game in your basement. Your family is getting impatient but you don't care. In fact, behind a rusty book is lying $500 you hid a couple years ago. You are euphoric because you had to lawn so many grass to accumulate this amount of money. Now you get to choose what you do with it! Choose wisely.

Choice 1 : You open a trading account on Interactive Broker

Choice 2 : You put the $500 on the monopoly prize pool

Day One and a half.

You tried opening an account an Interactive Broker but they're asking for too much personal information you can't provide at the moment. Finance is your passion so you need to do something.

Choice 1 : You go ask your mom for that social insurance number

Choice 2 : You visit Airbnb for an apartment close to Wall Street

Choice 3 : You decide that Forex trading is your vocation

Choice 4 : Screw stocks and global currencies, you want to trade cryptocurrency

The winner of the monopoly game invested the money in GMO cucumber business.

Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Write a choice here.

Give this section a short title.

Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Write a choice here.

The End.