Your Career in Medicine

A hypertext narrative by

Antoine Picard

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 3586

Choice count: 68

Section count: 45

Image count: 0

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis:

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 35 matches (act, action, brain, Budget, children, community, complaint, credit, criminal, European, fact, family, four, General, government official, government, harassment, illegal, minutes, misconduct, month, murder, offer, office, option, private, public, remedy, reputation, section, Sexual, specialty, warning, witnesses, young)

Nursing : 34 matches (adrenaline, alcohol, blast, brain, cancer, pressure, clinic, depression, dermatology, Doctor, environment, fear, general practitioner, heart, heroin, hospital, HR, medical, medication, medicine, practitioner, oncology, pathology, plane, practice, SAD, section, slapped, solution, surgeon, surgery, injured, patients, treat)

Education : 31 matches (CEGEP, Education, European, National, School, behavior, choice, class, classes, credit, don, field, general, grades, head, high school, knowledge, learn, learning, lesson, points, private, project, research, school, student, students, teach, teacher, teachers, university)

Target Structure:

background check (1 match)

HR (3 matches)

income (2 matches)

intern (1 match)

internship (1 match)

misconduct (1 match)

purpose (1 match)

sexual harassment (1 match)

straight A's (1 match)

though (1 match)

thoughtful (1 match)


Your Career in Medicine


Your time at CEGEP de Saint-Laurent is almost done and it is now time for you to choose which university you want to go to. You got straight A's during all your school years and you know that you want to apply for medicine.

Choice 1 : You want to leave Montreal and go study at Sherbrooke University

Choice 2 : You prefer to stay in Montreal and apply at Montreal University.

Section 1.

You are learning a lot in Sherbrooke and you come to visit your family once in a while. After four years, it is now time to choose if you want to specialize in a particular field or if you want to practice general medicine. You also feel extremely overwhelmed because of all the work and you consider taking a year to travel.

Choice 1 : You want to learn about a specialty in particular.

Choice 2 : You want to work as a family doctor and only work in general medicine.

Choice 3 : You don't have any energy left because of your studies so you decide to take a year for yourself and travel.

Section 2.

After a lot of thought, you come to the conclusion that your favorite specialties are emergency medicine and oncology, which is the branch of medicine that deals with treatments of cancer.

Choice 1 : You like to work under pressure and you perform well with adrenaline, so you decide to specialize in emergency medicine.

Choice 2 : You prefer to work on treatments of cancer to understand better this illness and try to find a cure.

Section 3.

During your career as an emergency doctor, a man who got injured in a car crash arrives in the emergency room. However, after a background check, you learn that this man murdered his entire family. You think about the drawbacks and the advantages of saving him. What do you decide to do?

Choice 1 : You think about your purpose as a doctor and decide to treat him like a regular patient.

Choice 2 : You think about your family and your disgust for this person and you decide to secretly let him die.

Section 4.

You have decided to save the murderer. Because of this, you kept your job and continued your career in medicine. Years later, you are watching the news and you see that the man that you saved back in the days has committed another murder. You become depressed and decide to end your life.

Choice 1 : The end. Go back to the start to try a different path.

Section 5.

You have decided not to treat him and the murderer died because of you. However, because of this misconduct from your part, you got fired from your job, but the entire country, after finding out, treats you like a hero.

Choice 1 : The end. Go back to the start to try a different path.

Section 6.

You are working as an intern in a new section of a hospital dedicated to finding a cure for cancer and treating patients who have cancer. During your internship, you find a cure that could potentially save millions of lives all around the globe. Do you want to share this with your boss or keep it to yourself to earn all of the profit for you only?

Choice 1 : You decide to tell your boss to keep your integrity intact, trusting that your boss will give you credit for it.

Choice 2 : You keep it yourself and go to the government so that they can approve your cure and sell it. You will become rich!

Section 7.

You told your boss and he immediately told the news and gave you credit for it. Congratulations, your thoughtful work has earned you an important place in history and science.

Choice 1 : The end. Go back to the start to try a different path.

Section 8.

You go to the government to present them the remedy that you created. The government workers realize that your cure works and, out of a sudden, kill you. In fact, the ineffective treatments gave them a lot of money and they didn't want to lose their high income because of you. Sorry!

Choice 1 : The end. Go back to the start to try a different path.

Section 9.

You now work in a well-known clinic. You earn a very high income and you are happy with your job as a general practitioner. One of the doctors working in the clinic is become very flirtatious, to the point that it becomes an annoyance. Do you want to confront him/her directly or go to your boss?

Choice 1 : You tell the person to stop and also tell him/her that you are not interested and that you want to be left alone.

Choice 2 : Feeling extremely annoyed, you go directly to your boss and tell him/her about your colleague's behavior.

Section 10.

After telling him/her to stop, your coworker does not take you seriously and says that he/she did not do anything wrong. He/she then makes a very degrading sexual comment. Do you decide to slap the person on the face or to leave quickly and complain to the HR department?

Choice 1 : You decide to slap your colleague because you consider this to be sexual harassment and you want to teach him/her a lesson.

Choice 2 : You go to the Human Resources department because you now have a good and concrete reason to file a complaint.

Section 11.

After you slapped him/her, the person directly goes to the HR department and because of your act of violence, you are fired from the clinic and your reputation as a doctor is ruined. You become depressed because you worked so hard for this and you therefore become addicted to alcohol.

Choice 1 : The end. Go back to the start to try a different path.

Section 12.

The HR department is very understanding and immediately takes action against this. Your colleague is transferred to another clinic and receives a formal warning. If he/she does something similar in the future, he will not be able to practice medicine anymore. You, on the other hand, live a great life and you become a well-known doctor.

Choice 1 : The end. Go back to the start to try a different path.

Section 13.

When you tell your boss about your colleague's behavior, he/she does not do anything because being flirtatious is not a valid reason to give consequences to someone according to him/her. Are you angry and do you decide to yell at your boss or you keep your cool and try to get over it?

Choice 1 : You decide to yell at your boss and tell him/her that he should not accept this kind of behavior because it ruins your work environment.

Choice 2 : You leave your boss's office and carry on with your life like nothing happened.

Section 14.

Your boss in infuriated because of how you addressed him/her and immediately fires you for your behavior. However, a few days later, you get a job offer from an excellent clinic in Montreal. You accept the offer and you are pleased to know that this time, your colleagues are respectful and your boss is fair to his/her employees. You then live a great life!

Choice 1 : The end. Go back to the start to try a different path.

Section 15.

You go back to your office, trying to forget what happened. You see a few patients and the annoying colleague then comes in. Angry that you told the boss, he/she threatens your family and becomes extremely violent. For the rest of your career, you live in fear of him/her and live a sad and fearful life. Sorry!

Choice 1 : The end. Go back to the start to try a different path.

Section 16.

You decide to take a break from your studies and leave the country. Do you prefer to go on a trip for pleasure in Europe or to go on a humanitarian trip in Haiti?

Choice 1 : You want to go have fun in Europe and discover the beautiful European cultures.

Choice 2 : You want to help a community and go to Haiti.

Section 17.

You take the plane to Europe and you have a lot of fun there. People are really nice and you make a lot of new friends. After nine months, you feel like it may be time to return to Canada. Do you want to return to Canada to pursue your studies or do you wish to stay in Europe and establish yourself there?

Choice 1 : You want to go back to Canada.

Choice 2 : You want to stay in Europe because of the beautiful connections you made there.

Section 18.

You go to the airport, excited to go back to Quebec and see your family and friends again. Sadly, your plane has a problem over the Atlantic Ocean and it crashes. All the passengers and staff die instantly, including you. Sorry!

Choice 1 : The end. Go back to the start to try a different path.

Section 19.

You stay in Europe and establish yourself in Paris. You decide to pursue your medical studies at a university in Paris and live a happy life as a well-known surgeon with a loving family that you built there. Congratulations!

Choice 1 : The end. Go back to the start to try a different path.

Section 20.

You arrive in Haiti and you are immediately transported to the village where you will help children with their education. A few days later, before going to bed, you feel the ground under you shake intensely. There is an earthquake! You know that there are children sleeping in the building right next to yours. Do you want to be heroic and save the children or save yourself and therefore increase your chances of survival?

Choice 1 : You want to save the children

Choice 2 : You want to survive so you only save yourself.

Section 21.

You go to the children's dorms and wake them up. You urge them to follow you and go to the safe anti-earthquake building located near them. Sadly, while the children are waking up, the building collapses and you die, along with all the young students. Sorry!

Choice 1 : The end. Go back to the start to try a different path.

Section 22.

You know that there isn't enough time for you to save all the children and you want to increase your chances of survival, so you immediately run to the anti-earthquake shelter located near your place. There, you treat many people thanks to your medicine knowledge and you are now considered a national hero/heroin. You then decide to join the Doctors Without Borders organization to save helpless people around the world.

Choice 1 : The end. Go back to the start to try a different path.

Section 23.

You have excellent grades in pretty much all of your classes and you are happy with your decision of staying in Montreal because you can still see your family and friends on the weekend. However, you realize that a guy in your pathology class always cheats on his exams. Do you want to tell the teacher, confront the guy or simply mind your own business and stop worrying about it?

Choice 1 : You wish to tell the teachers to stop this injustice.

Choice 2 : You want to confront the guy directly and tell him to stop cheating.

Choice 3 : You mind your own business and decide not to do anything about it.

Section 24.

After you told the teacher about the cheating situation, the guy is immediately kicked out of the medicine program and you are congratulated for your honesty. After four long years, you finally graduated and you are now not sure if you want to specialize in cardio-thoracic surgery or in dermatology.

Choice 1 : You want to pursue your studies in cardio-thoracic surgery.

Choice 2 : You want to study dermatology.

Section 25.

You are now a well-known cardio-thoracic surgeon and you earn one of the biggest wages out of all the doctors in the province. One day, a young girl arrives in your operating room. She needs a heart surgery. However, her parents are Jehovah's Witnesses and it is forbidden for them to have a heart surgery. What do you want to do?

Choice 1 : You want to save the little girl, no matter what her parents' beliefs are.

Choice 2 : You respect the parents' beliefs and you try to come up with another solution instead.

Section 26.

Although you were able to save the little girl, her parents are extremely angry and they file a complaint against you. The chief of surgery has no other option but to fire you. You then decide to become a teacher for future medicine students.

Choice 1 : The end. Go back to the start to try a different path.

Section 27.

After a lot of research, you realize that open-heart surgery is the little girl's only option to survive. You try to convince the parents more and you tell them that there is no other way. After a lot of dispute, they finally agreed and put their beliefs on the side so that their daughter can survive. You do the surgery and everything goes well, you are able to save the girl. You then live a very fulfilled life with a great career as a surgeon.

Choice 1 : The end. Go back to the start to try a different path.

Section 28.

You are currently working in a well-known dermatology clinic in Downtown Montreal. One day, a man with a gun enters the building. You only see him entering from the window and you recognize the student that cheated a few years ago. Do you want to go confront him and talk to him or do you prefer to hide?

Choice 1 : You think that you can confront him and stop him from doing the unforgivable.

Choice 2 : You prefer to hide because you know he has something against you.

Section 29.

You go to the lobby and see the armed man. He then points his gun at you and tells you that you ruined his life by telling the teacher he was cheating, and that now, you should pay for it. You try to respond but he immediately shoots you in the head. Sorry!

Choice 1 : The end. Go back to the start to try a different path.

Section 30.

You run to the nearest closet and wait patiently and nervously. You hear screams coming from downstairs and you get really scared. A few minutes later, you hear sirens. The police is here! You're safe. Later, you watch the news and realize that 3 people got shot because of this man. You then live a life of guilt and depression.

Choice 1 : The end. Go back to the start to try a different path.

Section 31.

After confronting the person who is cheating, he decides to stop cheating because you told him that if he didn't stop, you would tell the teacher. A few years later, you are a brain surgeon. An old high school friend that you haven't seen since high school invites you to a party, but know that you have an important surgery the next morning. Do you want to go?

Choice 1 : You miss your high school friends so you decide to go.

Choice 2 : You think about your important surgery tomorrow so you decline the invitation.

Section 32.

You had a blast last night! Now, it is time to do your surgery but you are extremely tired and you feel like you could ruin it. Do you still wish to do it knowing that the patient cannot wait long to get his surgery?

Choice 1 : You decide to perform the surgery anyway because it is urgent.

Choice 2 : You want to wait for the next day to do the surgery to have time to rest.

Section 33.

Even though you were exhausted because of last night, you still perform the surgery well and you save your patient's life. You become a very well-known brain surgeon after this surgery and you live a great life! Congratulations!

Choice 1 : The end. Go back to the start to try a different path.

Section 34.

During your rest, the patient died. You should have done the surgery even if you were tired, the patient didn't have enough time for you to rest! You killed a patient and because of that, you have a bad reputation and it ruins your career.

Choice 1 : The end. Go back to the start to try a different path.

Section 35.

You decide not to go to the party and your surgery goes very well, congratulations. A few weeks later, one of your patients is paralyzed and needs a brain surgery. However, when you examine him, you see that he has a tattoo of a racist and degrading symbol. Do you still want to operate him?

Choice 1 : You don't agree with this person's racism but you think it is still your job to operate him.

Choice 2 : You don't want to operate on him because he has a racist tattoo.

Section 36.

You operate on him and it goes well. Thanks to you, this man is no longer paralyzed and he can live his life to the fullest. Your career becomes even better after this and you become one of the best known brain surgeons in the entire country.

Choice 1 : The end. Go back to the start to try a different path.

Section 37.

You refuse to treat him, so he gets transferred to another hospital. Your boss is extremely furious at you, but still gives you another chance because he also thinks that racism should be punished and not treated lightly. You keep your career and become a great surgeon.

Choice 1 : The end. Go back to the start to try a different path.

Section 38.

You decided to mind your own business and you now try to get the best grades possible without cheating. After graduating, you can either choose to go work in a hospital as a general practitioner in the public sector or you can open your own private clinic. What do you want to do?

Choice 1 : You want to work for the public sector.

Choice 2 : You want to open your own private clinic.

Section 39.

After a few weeks working as a general practitioner in the hospital, you realize that one of your coworkers drinks alcohol on the job and he seems to be an alcoholic. You are outraged when you realize that he treats patients regardless. Do you want to tell your boss or just keep it to yourself and hope that your colleague won't endanger a patient's life?

Choice 1 : You tell your boss.

Choice 2 : You keep it for yourself.

Section 40.

You go to your boss's office and you tell him/her what you saw your colleague do. Your boss fires your coworker without even thinking about it and you even get a promotion because of your bravery and honesty. Congratulations!

Choice 1 : The end. Go back to the start to try a different path.

Section 41.

After a month, your colleague prescribes the wrong medication to a patient while he is under the influence of alcohol. Because of this, your coworker's patient developed an illness he/she didn't have before. This continuously happens and he eventually ends up killing someone. You then feel bad for not saying anything and because of the depression, you become an alcoholic yourself. Sorry!

Choice 1 : The end. Go back to the start to try a different path.

Section 42.

You open your own clinic and you are very proud of it. However, after a few months, you realize that you do not have enough funds to keep it up and running. A government official illegally offers you funds from the government's budget in exchange for free care for him and his family. Do you accept this offer?

Choice 1 : You accept because you feel like you do not really have any other option.

Choice 2 : You refuse because you know this is illegal and you do not want to become a criminal.

Section 43.

You accept the government official's money and thanks to that, your clinic survives and prospers! Two years later, authorities find out and you are sent to jail for three years. In addition, you even lose your right to be a doctor. Sorry!

Choice 1 : The end. Go back to the start to try a different path.

Section 44.

Because you refused the offer, you clinic is not able to survive and you have to abandon the project. However, you later get a job at a very well-known hospital and you are able to practice medicine there. After a few years, you forget that you even had a private clinic and you simply enjoy your life as a doctor in the public sector. Congratulations!

Choice 1 : The end. Go back to the start to try a different path.

The End.