The path of the architect.

A hypertext narrative by

valerie plante

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1530

Choice count: 70

Section count: 46

Image count: 44

Error count: 25

Field Related Analysis:

Education : 18 matches (CEGEP, School, choice, college, don, field, field of study, first, graduate, graduation, learn, register, report, school, social, task, technology, university)

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 17 matches (accomplice, clients, close, company, court, family, Local, month, office, register, reputation, security, society, Special, suicide, volunteer, witness)

Computer Science : 17 matches (architecture, channel, choice, close, field, group, local, open, path, Pick, population, Push, recognize, security, task, YouTube, design)

Target Structure:

internship (3 matches)

lack of (1 match)

learn the ropes (1 match)


The path of the architect.

The start of a journey.

I'm studying Architecture Technology at Saint-Laurent Cegep to become an architect. It's my first year of college and I have the choice to do some internship during the summers.

Choice 1 : Do internship

Choice 2 : Do internship

Choice 3 : Do summer job


I now have the choice to continue my studies to become an architect or to stop there and become a technician in architecture.

Choice 1 : Stay as a technician.

Choice 2 : Continue my studies to university


I have the choice to register at university or to start working.

Choice 1 : Start working.

Choice 2 : University.


I realise that I don't like what I do at work. I decide to change my field of study.

Choice 1 : Start again


I have many choices at university, I can become an architect and also an interior designer.

Choice 1 : Study as an architect and graduate

Choice 2 : Study as an interior designer and graduate

Architect decision.

After my graduation I have the choice to open my own company or to join a company with experienced architect.

Choice 1 : Other company

Choice 2 : Create my own

Other company.

I am presently working in a well-known company and I have to work on many projects in different areas of various projects.

Choice 1 : I can work anywhere in Canada for this well know company

Choice 2 : I can work anywhere in the world for this well know company

Continue as a technician.

I have a choice of being a technician as a career, or be a technician for a few years before going back to university.

Choice 1 : Stay as a technician.

Choice 2 : Work as a technician for a few years and go to university

Work anywhere in the world.

Work for prestige and fame in Italy or France. Or work in under developed countries to build school or hospital.

Choice 1 : Prestige and fame

Choice 2 : Help communities

Work anywhere in Canada.

I could choose to stay close to my family in Montreal or try new things and go to Vancouver.

Choice 1 : Work in Montreal

Choice 2 : Work in Vancouver

Interior designer.

I now have the choice to work a couple of years in a company and create my own after or to stay with them.

Choice 1 : Create my own

Choice 2 : Stay

Create my own.

I'm now in my own little company. I can have regular clients or popular clients.

Choice 1 : Regular

Choice 2 : Popular


I was refused to the university because of my lack of experience. I now have the choice to work as a technician or try to find a company where to gain experience via internship.

Choice 1 : Start working

Choice 2 : Gain experience

Start working.

Because I don't have experience I have to learn the ropes. I have to start at the bottom. Be a junior or a secretary.

Choice 1 : Junior

Choice 2 : Secretary

Gain experience.

I have the choice of working in a company or I can gain experience by volunteering in special projects.

Choice 1 : Company

Choice 2 : Volunteering


I do basic work, or simple, repetitive task that other don't want do. I can do junior work for a long time or push and complain to do more.

Choice 1 : Continue

Choice 2 : Complain


After a few years at the company, the boss allows me to be a technician.

Choice 1 : Accept.

Choice 2 : Refuse.


After a few years at not progressing I am starting to hate my job, I am depressive and thinking about committing suicide. After a month of thinking of suicide, I died of an overdose of anti-depressants.

Choice 1 : Start again


After pushing and complaining for years, the boss keeps saying I lack experience and patience and refuses to promote me. The following week, a mysterious gas leak causes the company office to explode.

Choice 1 : Start again


After 15 years of experience, I am considered as an Architect.

Choice 1 : Start again


I start to regret staying for so long and get depressed and become unable to work. i eventually stop working and get social security to live.

Choice 1 : Start again


I work in a company that is crooked and I can choose to do nothing or report the to the police.

Choice 1 : Nothing.

Choice 2 : Report.


I have the choice to volunteer here or overseas.

Choice 1 : Here.

Choice 2 : Overseas.


I continue to do the work that is asked of me and it's making me an accomplice.

Choice 1 : Start again


I report them to the police and when comes the time to be a witness to the trail I get killed before I get to the court.

Choice 1 : Start again


I work with the group habitat for humanity and after a few projects I end up going to the university and being a popular architect.

Choice 1 : Start again


I end up in civil war. I am bombed a month later and I am now crippled.

Choice 1 : Start again


I cater to the design needs of regular people, and show very little imagination or develop a style that is appreciated by all and get my own YouTube channel.

Choice 1 : Little imagination.

Choice 2 : YouTube channel.

Little imagination.

By doing only what my clients want or need and only following the peint color fashion I end up with only aged clients that will no longer require my services. I become a forgotten designer.

Choice 1 : Start again

YouTube channel.

I become the Canadian "Mister Kate".

Choice 1 : Start again


I have such imagination and style that I am wanted by actors, singers and rich and famous people. Is it going to last or not.

Choice 1 : Last.

Choice 2 : Does not last.


I continuously imagine and grow my style that I can adapt and remain popular.

Choice 1 : Take all the demands

Choice 2 : Being selective

Does not last.

My sense of style, popularity and imagination was just a fad.

Choice 1 : start again

Take all the demands.

Work for everyone that asks and have demands for years to come. Go all over the world and work until I am rich and exhausted.

Choice 1 : Start again

Being selective.

Choose my clients and do only work that I like for clients that appreciate me and let me work in a way that I like and with materials I like.

Choice 1 : Start again


I decide to stay because I like the company and the people. After a few years, I become a co-owner of the company.

Choice 1 : Start again

Stay as a technician.

I remain a technicien because I like it, and I am recognize as a professional and appreciated by me peers.

Choice 1 : Start Again

Work in Montreal.

I can choose to work for the city or in a firm specialised in restoration of old or historical buildings.

Choice 1 : Work for the city.

Choice 2 : Restoration.

Work in Vancouver.

i work in Vancouver for the challenge, the culture and the multicultural society. I would like to work for the rich Asian population or have the chance to do floating houses.

Choice 1 : Asian society.

Choice 2 : Floating houses.

Work for the city.

I work for the city and we need to be twice as much people to do half the work. And we get paid for it. ( Montreal joke ).

Choice 1 : Start again


We are the most hard working firm in Montreal and I love the work because of the history and all the materials we work with.

Choice 1 : Start again

Asian society.

In Vancouver there's an important Asian population. Their houses combines North-American style with Asian style which is interesting.

Choice 1 : Start again

Floating houses.

I start making floating houses and become popular. I create an alternative to regular houses that becomes super popular in coastal cities.

Choice 1 : Start again

Prestige and fame.

I become an architect in all the best cities in Europe and die rich and famous.

Choice 1 : Start again

Help communities.

I go to Africa to build schools and hospitals. I end up in a country where there's a civil war and while working around a building, a grenade is thrown next to my feet. I pick up the grenade and throw it back, killing the local chief of the rebels. The village lives in peace until the next one comes.

Choice 1 : Start again

Create my own.

After working a few years in other companies I create my own company and make a reputation for myself.

Choice 1 : Start again

The End.