My career as a Medical Recorder.

A hypertext narrative by

Faissa Delacruz

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 680

Choice count: 27

Section count: 17

Image count: 17

Error count: 14

Field Related Analysis

Education : 62 matches

(academic, cegep, choice, college, don, fail, failure, field, grade, high school, market, options, school, university)

Law : 15 matches

(court, financial, law, lawyer, market, office, order, recorder)

Archaeology : 13 matches

(here, keep, market, orientation, re, study)

Target Structure: (7 matches)

internships (1 match)

maddening (1 match)

pull off (1 match)

straight a's (1 match)

thoroughly (1 match)

though (1 match)

thoughtful (1 match)


My career as a Medical Recorder.

Choosing your PATH.

You just finished high school, and you're not sure what career to choose.You have worked hard to get a good grade in Math and to orient yourself in the field of finance, but you are thoroughly and thoughtful targeting a career that is not too much in demand in Cegep to be accepted and to be able to go to the job market quickly.

Choice 1 : Go to Medical Records.

Choice 2 : Do Financial studies.

Career choice

Go to Medical Records.

Now that you know what to choose, you just have to decide which Cegep to go to. This program is offered in not many Cegeps. You only have two to choose and put one aside.

Choice 1 : Go to collège Ahuntsic.

Choice 2 : Go to collège lionel groulx.

Medical Record

Do Financial studies.

By choosing financial studies you will have the choice to go to university to continue your career.

Choice 1 : University of Montreal.

Choice 2 : UQAM.

Financial studies

Go to collège Ahuntsic.

Now that you have been accepted at Ahuntsic College. You will decide the length of your journey if you want to do your program in 3 years by pulling straight A's or do it in 4 years.

Choice 1 : Do it in 3 years.

Choice 2 : Have fun

College Ahuntsic

Go to collège lionel groulx.

The program at this college is contingent, so the chances of being accepted are minimal.You either risk being refused or you simply decide not to go to cegep anymore.

Choice 1 : Apply in College Lionel Grouxl.

Choice 2 : Don't go to Cegep.

College Lionel Groulx

University of Montreal.

Doing your studies in one of the most reputable universities in Canada would have been wonderful and especially studies in the business world there are many job opportunities, even though university has a lot of academic requirements and maddening work that must be followed in order to succeed.

Choice 1 : Study a lot.

Choice 2 : Drop out

University of Montreal


UQAM is renowned for it's many interesting programs. You would be tempted to change for another, and pull off what's convenient. What would it be.

Choice 1 : Law.

Choice 2 : Stay in Finance.


Do it in 3 years.

After completing the Medical Records program at Ahuntsic College followed by internships, you will go directly to the labor market by choosing in which position.

Choice 1 : Clinic

Choice 2 : Logistics office


Have Fun and do it in 4 years.

Having fun in college can put your studies at risk and there is a high risk of failure. When you find yourself in a situation of academic failure, your orientation to the labor market will change, and you will have to decide other things.

Choice 1 : Get a part time job


Apply in College Lionel Grouxl.

The application in Medical Records has been rejected and you no longer have a chance because the 3 rounds have ended.

Choice 1 : Unemployed.

Choice 2 : Wait for next year


Don't go to Cegep.

you have chosen other options than going to Cegep.

Choice 1 : bussiness

Choice 2 : Do nothing



You are unemployed and you cannot meet your basic needs.

Choice 1 : Beggar

Choice 2 : Keep searching for a job


Have Fun and do it in 4 years.

Having fun in college can put your studies at risk and there is a high risk of failure. When you find yourself in a situation of academic failure, your orientation to the labor market will change, and you will have to decide other things.

Choice 1 : Have Fun and do it in 4 years.



To becoming a Lawyer.

Choice 1 : Work in your own

Choice 2 : In court


Stay in Finance.

To finish and make money.

Write a choice here.


Study a lot.

Moves quickly into the job market, to gain as much experience as possible.

Write a choice here.


Give up.

you decided to not continue and fail.

Choice 1 : Have Fun and do it in 4 years.

Give up