The Atypical Journey of a Social Worker.

A hypertext narrative by

Mathilde Raiche

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1944

Choice count: 30

Section count: 20

Image count: 20

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis

Education : 107 matches

(cegep, choice, class, classes, courses, diploma, don, first, goal, grades, graduate, graduation, head, homework, intervention, learn, management, market, options, project, research, school, score, social, student, teach, teachers, trainee, training, university)

Social Work : 66 matches

(abuse, child, counselor, financial, health, help, intervention, mental health, psychological, psychosocial development, services, social, social work)

Business : 40 matches

(bankrupt, business, clients, company, development, financial, lend, management, market, meeting, money, offer, office, opportunity, pay, salary, service, staff, trainee)

Target Structure: (25 matches)

background check (1 match)

flirtation (1 match)

hr (1 match)

ins-and-outs (1 match)

intern (1 match)

internship (8 matches)

learn the ropes (1 match)

more often (1 match)

ojt (3 matches)

on-the-job-training (1 match)

perpetrator (1 match)

put aside (1 match)

retirement (2 matches)

set aside (1 match)

sexual harassment (1 match)

straight a's (1 match)

more often than not (1 match)

thoroughly (1 match)

time management (1 match)

trainee (1 match)

undermining (1 match)

vacant positions (1 match)

wage (1 match)

volunteering (1 match)

abroad (1 match)


The Atypical Journey of a Social Worker.

The Graduation at the Cegep of Saint-Hyacinthe in Social Sciences.

My name is Mathilde, and I just graduate at the Cegep of Saint-Hyacinthe in Social Sciences. Next year, I am going to university in the Social Work program. I am so happy to start my future career's program, but before that, I need to decide to which university I will go study. I can go to the University of Quebec in Montreal or to the University of Montreal.

Choice 1 : Go to the University of Quebec in Montreal.

Choice 2 : Go to the University of Montreal.

Picture of the Cegep of Saint-Hyacinthe

The University of Quebec in Montreal.

I just get into the Social Work program at the University of Quebec in Montreal, and I like it. My classes are interesting, and I learn many things about the behaviorism, and the child development. Until the end of my session, I need to start an internship connected to my future profession. There are two choices offered to me, I can start an OJT for the child protection at the DPJ or I can learn the ropes as an intern with a therapist.

Choice 1 : Start an OJT for the child protection at the DPJ.

Choice 2 : Start an internship with a therapist.

Picture of the University of Quebec in Montreal

The University of Montreal.

I just start the Social Work program at the University of Montreal, and I don't like doing social interventions. My practical courses are thoroughly annoying because everything I learn is only about how to do interventions. With that I put aside all of my homework every week. I want to put efforts into my future profession, but I think I should try something else because I am not happy with my social work branch. With that I have to decide if I want to change my program branch or, if I want to stop my studies.

Choice 1 : Change the program branch.

Choice 2 : Stop the studies.

Picture of the University of Montreal

The OJT for the Child Protection at the DPJ.

This on-the-job-training is so interesting. I can learn all the ins-and-outs of the job of Social Work. Also, the DPJ's staff teach me the social code and the procedure to apply for an intervention. After the day, they liked me so well that they offer me a job with a wage into their department. I can either take this work opportunity at the DPJ or go finish my baccalaureate in Social Work.

Choice 1 : Take this work opportunity.

Choice 2 : Finish the baccalaureate in Social Work.

Picture of the child protection

The Internship With a Therapist.

As a trainee, I work with a clinical psychologist from the HR (Human Ressources). About my background check, he asks me some questions about the jobs I had in the past. During the day, I notice that he is acting weird with me, and he is misconducting in front of his clients. Now, I am so embarrassed about this, and I don't know what I should do anymore. Should I tell his boss about his comportment or should I say nothing, so I will not lose the internship.

Choice 1 : Tell his boss about his comportment.

Choice 2 : Say nothing to keep the internship.

Picture of a therapist

The New Program.

I decide to change my program branch for something that is more interesting to me. The fact is that I don't know what I can do if I am not doing interventions as a Social Worker, and I need some help. Should I meet an orientation counselor, to learn the other possibility of the Social Work job, or should I do some research on the internet?

Choice 1 : Meet an orientation counselor.

Choice 2 : Do some research on the internet.

Picture of program

The End of My Studies.

I decide to stop my studies, and now I have nothing to do during my days. It is really boring, so I think I should do something with my life. I like to help people, so I think I should look on the internet the volunteering abroad programs offer into the world. I am interested about the goal of helping kids, who don't have access to a great life in Africa. I see that there are three options for me. I can go to Tanzania, and help kids who have socials' difficulties, I can go to South Africa and build socials services buildings, or I can go to Kenya, and create socials services programs.

Choice 1 : Help kids in Tanzania.

Choice 2 : Build socials services buildings in South Africa.

Choice 3 : Create socials services programs in Kenya.

Picture of studies

The Job Into the DPJ's Department.

I just get the job into the DPJ's department, and I am really happy about it. Every day, I can help children with their psychosocial development. Even if it is a difficult job, it is exactly what I wanted to do when I started my studies. Now, I can either stay with the DPJ for the rest of my career or I can start my own business.

Choice 1 : Stay with the DPJ.

Choice 2 : Start a business.

Picture of DPJ

The Baccalaureate in Social Work (the End).

I go back to school to finish my baccalaureate. My grades are above the score of 90 in every class, and my teachers say that I am a straight A's student. I am organized, and my time management is perfect. With that, I am able to finish my baccalaureate in two years, and to get my diploma with honors. At first, when I get into the labor market, there are no vacant positions for the job in Social Work. I decide to wait, but there is no situation change. So, I understand that I have done all of my studies for nothing.

Choice 1 : Start again.

Picture of diploma

The Denunciation of the Clinical Psychologist (the End).

I just tell his boss about his comportment, and there are already other plaints about him. Many other girls have made complaints about sexual harassment into the past, but no one have been listened, until me today. Since I solve the problem, his boss give me his post. I am really happy about it because with this internship, I got a job, and I punished a perpetrator, who went into prison. Now, I will do therapies as a Social Worker.

Choice 1 : Start again.

Picture of a denunciation

The Continuity of the Internship (the End).

I decide to say nothing to keep the job, but after a couple of weeks, I recognize that this flirtation is making me crazy. My mental health is affected, and I can't continue this internship. I am so scared of being abuse that I don't want to return to school. Now, I am depressing at my house and all I do every day is to eat ice cream on my couch and to regret my life.

Choice 1 : Start again.

Picture of depression

The Bad Meeting (the End).

This morning, I decide to meet an orientation counselor to explore the different branches of the Social Work. On my way, I am so nervous that I am not paying attention to the road, and with that, I hit a truck. On the moment of the accident, I am alive, but after a couple of minutes, and no emergency services, I die with the ringing of the orientation counselor's call who is worrying about my delay.

Choice 1 : Start again.

Picture of an accident

The Research on the Internet (the End).

I decide to do some research in order to know what I can do for my future in Social Work other than interventions. At first, I find out that one of the Social Work branch is about doing psychological research. I am not convinced about this option, so I do another research, and I get nothing else. I am so discouraged that I decide to give up on my Social Worker's career. With that I don't go back to school, and one year later, I am now in the street with no job, no money, and no home.

Choice 1 : Start again.

Picture of itinerant

The Life in Tanzania (the End).

I take the first plane to come in Tanzania. I am so excited because even if it is a dead-end work, I will do a humanity service to help children with socials' difficulties. My work will give them equal access to socials' services. After a couple of years, I fall in love with the country, and the people, so I decide to not come back to Canada and to live there.

Choice 1 : Start again.

Picture of Tanzania

The Project in South Africa (the End).

I take the plane, and I get to South Africa to build socials services buildings. On my first day, I go to the site of construction, and I start the job. Then, at the end of the day, there is a brick, who fall on my head while I am working. The brick fall so high that the shot get me into a coma. For many weeks, I stay into that situation, so they decide to unplug me. With that, I die by doing an accomplishment.

Choice 1 : Start again.

Picture of South Africa

The Social Work Career (the End).

I stay at the DPJ for the rest of my career. Every year, I set aside half of my salary for my retirement. With all that money and with the OAS (Old Age Security), I am able to take my retirement at the age of 65 years old, and to be happy about my life.

Choice 1 : Start again.

Picture of retirement

The Personal Business.

I create my own business called "The Child Association of Help". It is a good project, and everything is working well, but after a couple of months, the company is in trouble. I don't have enough clients to make money to pay my employees. I am going into bankrupt, and now, I have to do something. Should I steal some money for the company, and with that no one will know that I am in trouble or should I ask for the bank help, and don't know if they will lend me the money?

Choice 1 : Steal money for the company.

Choice 2 : Ask for the bank help.

Picture of business

The Programs in Kenya (the End).

I go to Kenya to create socials services programs. I am not really good for it, and after a couple of days, I hear that the school's director is undermining me. More often than not, he is talking behind my back, and saying that I could never do something great to help children. One day, I decide to go into his office and I take a hammer to hit his computer. Then, I leave the country.

Choice 1 : Start again.

Picture of Kenya

The Sacrifice for the Company (the End).

I decide to steal the money to save my company. One night, I go to the bank, and without the key, I open the front door. Then, the system alarm start. I hear the police coming, so I find somewhere to hide. With luck, the police don't find me, and I steal 100 000 dollars. With that, my company survive, and I make my career.

Choice 1 : Start again.

Picture of stealing

The Bank Help (the End).

I go to the bank to ask them some financial help. The officers tell me even if my company is great and the goal of helping children is a good idea, they can't lend me money because I don't have enough experience. I try to dissuade them, but they tell me I should put efforts into something more concrete. With that I go into bankrupt, and I lose everything I have made.

Choice 1 : Start again.

Picture of bank