My Career as a Social Worker.

A hypertext narrative by

Coralie Côté

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1615

Choice count: 34

Section count: 23

Image count: 23

Error count: 4

Field Related Analysis

Education : 101 matches

(cegep, choice, class, classes, cognitive, colleges, compensation, course, discrimination, don, field, first, grades, head, intervention, learn, lesson, lessons, memory, sabbatical, school, sets, social, teacher, teachers, teaches, test, university)

Law : 51 matches

(absence, act, arrest, assets, case, child, children, close, compensation, development, discrimination, distress, fact, family, house, interest, intervention, living, mental disability, minutes, mortgage, office, place of, prejudice)

Social Work : 39 matches

(abuse, child, depression, discrimination, health, help, intervention, mental health, prejudice, social, social work, social workers, teacher)

Target Structure: (26 matches)

background check (1 match)

comes in handy (1 match)

compensation (1 match)

drudgery (1 match)

ins-and-outs (1 match)

internship (6 matches)

internships (1 match)

learn the ropes (1 match)

leave of absence (1 match)

mortgage (1 match)

office politics (1 match)

ojt (1 match)

overtime (1 match)

compensation package (1 match)

pensions (1 match)

perpetrator (1 match)

premium wage (1 match)

retirement (4 matches)

sets aside (1 match)

straight a's (2 matches)

test drive (1 match)

the drive of work (1 match)

wage (2 matches)

bribes (1 match)

theft (1 match)

assets (1 match)


My Career as a Social Worker.

The end of cegep.

My two years of cegep are finally done. I have to decide in which university I want to go to do my baccalaureate in social work. I have the opportunity to choose because I have straight A's in my classes.

Choice 1 : Go to the University of Sherbrooke.

Choice 2 : Go to the University of Montreal.

Loge of the cegep of St-Hyacinthe.

Go to the University of Sherbrooke.

I am now at the University of Sherbrooke. I am in my dream program in the field of social work. This year, the program offers us to do internships to have experience with the difficulties that we are going to see, like dependence, discrimination, mental distress and so many others.

Choice 1 : Do an internship.

Choice 2 : Don't do an internship.

University of Sherbrooke logo.

Go to the University of Montreal.

I decide to go to the University of Montreal. The first thing that the program asks us to do is to choose a lesson between two choices that is offered.

Choice 1 : Do some cognitive psychology lessons.

Choice 2 : Do some child development lessons.

University of Montreal.

Decide to do an internship.

By doing this internship, I learn the ropes of the job of a social worker. It really comes in handy by the fact that I have more experience in this field now. It's a good test drive to know if I love this program or not. It helps me to calm my anxiety, and to know how to act with some patients who have mental disability by example. Now my University years are over, I need to decide where I want to work.

Choice 1 : Open my own office.

Choice 2 : Do intervention in a youth center.


Decide to not do an internship.

I don't do an internship, and continue to go to school full time. I make some new friends. The teachers and their classes start to be boring. I have a choice to make.

Choice 1 : Drop school.

Choice 2 : Ask to change one of my teachers.

homework and books.

Open my own office.

This is my dream job. I have my own office, and I help people who come to search help. I have my own office politics, and my own schedule. I can do overtime if I want or not. It's been now 33 years that I work there. I start to be a little bit tired.

Choice 1 : Close my office company to take my retirement.

Choice 2 : Continue to work at my office.

office lobby.

Do intervention in a youth center.

I never did intervention with kids, but I love children, so I thought that I would love it, but things don't go well. There is one little boy who is living terrible things at home with his family. His parents do sexual abuse on him. Because of that, he does some misconducts at the center, and he is aggressive with me.

Choice 1 : Stay to help him.

Choice 2 : Give this case to another social worker.

Intervention with a kid.

Stay to help him.

I give all my time, and all my energy to help him. It starts to be very difficult. I made a burn out, and a depression. I am not working anymore, and I am in distress.

Choice 1 : Start over.


Give this case to another social worker.

I give the case to another social worker. I am very affected by this experience. I decide to ask for a leave of absence to my boss. He accepts because it is in my compensation package. I never restart to work after that.

Choice 1 : Start over.


Close my office company to take my retirement.

It's time for me to take my retirement. The daily drudgery of working in my field is coming to an end. My office was very popular, so I have the chance to have really good sets aside to help me to pay my mortgage. I also have some pensions which allow me to do my hobbies. Now, I can be more concentrate on myself, and on my family for the rest of my life.

Choice 1 : Start over.


Continue to work at my office.

I continue to work. It is certain that I can decide for my schedule, but the drive of work start to be a lot for my age. I start to have less energy, and it is bad for my health. I die of a heart attack at the age of 55.

Choice 1 : Start over.

An heart attack.

Drop school.

I stop to going to school, and I have to start working to survive. I have my first OJT to I start working at a grocery store. My colleague teaches me ins-and-outs and help me very well to be a good cashier. The wage that I have is good to my personal needs. I spend the rest of my life as a cashier, even if it's not my dream job. My 65th birthday arrives, and I decide to take my retirement. I regret to not having finished my studies.

Choice 1 : Start over.

Cashier at a grocery store.

Ask to change one of my teachers.

I am very anxious because I have a new teacher, and he is weird. I talk to him in class, and I realise that he has mental disability. Sometimes, he does aggressive acts. He also has dementia, and prejudice on girls. I understand that he's not a real teacher, he's a psychologist who had been fired because he's a perpetrator of sexual act. I found that by doing a background check on his life.

Choice 1 : Call the police.

Choice 2 : Confront him.


Call the police.

I'm at the back of the class, and I call the police directly. The teacher is in front of me. He sees that I'm anxious and realizes what I'm doing. His personality changes, and he starts to be stressed. He pulls a gun out of his pants and shoots me. I die of my injuries 20 minutes after.

Choice 1 : Start over.

A gun.

Confront him.

I tell him that I know that he's not supposed to be here. He panics, and pushes me on the wall. My head hurt, and I die of my injuries.

Choice 1 : Start over.

head injury symbol.

Do some cognitive psychology lessons.

I found this course not that interesting. It talks about memory, perception, and this is not in interest. It is very difficult for me to have good grades. I finish my studies, and I have interviews to do to have a job, but it brings me a lot of anxiety. I decide to stop there and to take a sabbatical year to apply to another program : business.

Choice 1 : Start over.

Universal business school logo.

Do some child development lessons.

I do all the lessons on the child development. I adore that. I love children. I want to help them as a social worker, so I do my best at school to have straight A's. For that, I need to pass a lot of time with my teachers to be sure to understand the subject. A rumor starts to go on at school. People said that I am in love with Mr. Philip. It's a scandal.

Choice 1 : Continue my life.

Choice 2 : Cry, and stop going to school.

Someone tell a secret.

Continue my life.

I continue to live my life like it never has happened. The rumor is gone. My years of studies are done, and I work in a big organism with a lot of social workers. One day, one of my colleges approach me at my break between two patients. He tells me that he wants to take the place of the boss in this organism. He bribes me with money to help him on his plan.

Choice 1 : Accept the money.

Choice 2 : Reject the money.

Someone giving money.

Cry, and stop going to school.

Everyone is laughing at me. It is too much, and I can't take it anymore. It affects my mental health, and I decide to lock me up in my house. I commit suicide.

Choice 1 : Start over.


Accept the money.

I decide to help him because it will give me a better position in the organism with benefit like a better salary. After two months, we took the place of the boss. The organism is ours. I ear someone calls the police because he thought that we theft the boss's assets.

Choice 1 : Run away.

Choice 2 : Stay right there.

I am the boss logo.

Reject the money.

I'm not interesting by is proposition. What he doesn't know it is that the boss have put a micro under my office because there was a rumor that this man offered money to people to help him. So, the boss heard all the conversation. He comes to my office, and asks the man to follow him. I have a premium wage because I help the boss to arrest him, and the micro was my idea. I continue to work there for the rest of my life.

Choice 1 : Start over.

Premium wage logo.

Run away.

I run at my house. I take all the things that I need, and I fly to another country. I end my life in France as a cook. Police never found me.

Choice 1 : Start over.

A plane.

Stay right there.

I wait for the police because I know that me and my colleague have done something wrong. Police arrests us. I go in prison for 5 years. I never restart to work after all of my years in prison. I end my life with my dog because my family doesn't want to see my anymore.

Choice 1 : Start over.
