Choice Of Path.

A hypertext narrative by

Nai-ka Gay

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 84

Choice count: 0

Section count: 1

Image count: 0

Error count: 1

Field Related Analysis:

Education : 6 matches (adult, choice, college, intervention, social, university)

Social-Work : 4 matches (confused, intervention, program, social)

Nursing : 3 matches (adult, base, social)

Target Structure:


Choice Of Path.

The beginning.

After three long years of studying in Youth And Adult Correctional Intervention program, I am finally done with college! Now, I have to make a choice base of what I want to do next. Unfortunately, I am still a little bit confused of where or what I want to do. I am still hesitating between going to McGill University and working as a social worker to gain more experience.

Write a choice here.

Write a choice here.

The End.