Explosive Decompression.

A hypertext narrative by

Olga Caterenciuc

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 813

Choice count: 8

Section count: 6

Image count: 4

Error count: 2

Field Related Analysis:

Tourism : 36 matches (Air, Aircraft, Airport, Boarding, Cockpit, Driver, Flight, Flight attendant, Glass, Hotel, Passenger, Plane, air, aircraft, airport, altitude, blown, bridge, cab, clouds, cockpit, coffee shop, compartment, flight, flight attendant, fuselage, hotel, jet, p.m, passenger, through, ticket, to visit, trip, vacation, watch)

Computer Science : 20 matches (bridge, call, choice, Class, closed, crash, decompression, emergency, engine, exit, floor, geek, huge, local, name, News, open, traffic, view, window)

Nursing : 12 matches (accident, ambulance, compartment, decompression, flight, heart, obsession, pain, plane, sound, TV, injured)

Target Structure:


Explosive Decompression.


On my way to the airport.

In 2 hours I have my flight to Hawaii. I decide to book my vacation in Honolulu because I have a good friend of mine living there. He said I could stay at his place thus I could save money on the hotel. My friend is a local so I’ll have a chance to visit as if I was a local too. I feel excited about this trip. First of all, because it has been a while I didn’t take my vacation and second of all because I’m going to take a plane. My obsession with airplanes is overwhelming, which is usual for a plane geek.

Choice 1 : In the airport.

Choice 2 : I'm late for my flight.

Air Bridge

In the airport.

Finally, I’m in a passenger lounge and I hear the boarding announcement of my flight. I get my ticket then I walk down the air bridge and I see our huge aircraft. It’s a Boeing 737-800. I can see pilots getting ready in the cockpit. Flight attendants are greeting me. I’m happy because I’ve got a window seat. I’m located near the emergency exit under the wing. From here I have a perfect view on the enormous jet engine. I’m more than satisfied.

Choice 1 : Flight.



Boarding is over. We are heading to our runway then six minutes later we take off. I don't know why, but takeoffs are my favorite part of the whole flight. Landings are my less favorite, I become emotionally nostalgic. We've reached the normal flight altitude of 24,000 feet. I observe clouds floating around our aircraft, I look down and I see the ground far away. I become anxious and worried, which is unusual. My ears are in pain. All I can hear is flight attendant approaching from behind and a sudden "whooshing" sound. In a few seconds, I see a gaping hole blew open in the fuselage directly above the first- class compartment. Then, in milliseconds, everything is flying around -- books, magazines, shoes, suitcases, you name it. Just in front of me, that stewardess is sucked out of the plane through the hole. I’m preparing for the same. ‘’We're going to die! ‘’ The only thought I’m repeating to myself. One-third of the roof is blown off. I can see the sky above and the ocean below. About two rows in front of me, the floor is buckling up, the plane is disintegrating so pieces are falling off it. The wind is catching it. The hole up front gets bigger and bigger. We are losing the altitude. Passengers are singing hymns and bracing for a crash. I feel my heart beating so fast. Then, all I see is black. I lose consciousness. I hear the ambulance, people are crying. I open my eyes and I see that we are on the ground. People are injured and I was too. We are safe now. It seemed like a nightmare. I can't even imagine how the plane landed. Thank God I passed out, thus I couldn't see all of this horror.

Choice 1 : Start over

I'm late for my flight.

I'm stuck in traffic for 2 hours because there's a huge accident on my way to the airport. Everything is closed. I feel like someone doesn't want me to get to my flight. It is pissing me off. I missed my flight. I ask my cab driver to drop me near the closest cafe. It's raining outside, so I need my warm coffee. I'm in this coffee shop called Neil's Cafe. I love it. It is so cozy here. I call to reschedule my flight for tomorrow because I don't feel like rushing to my next flight today. They have a place on a flight 356 tomorrow morning at 8:15 a.m.

Choice 1 : I come home and I fall asleep instantly.

Choice 2 : I come home and I watch news.

I come home and I fall asleep instantly.

It is 7 p.m. and I’m home. I had a long day so I take a hot shower. I make myself a cup of tea and I go to bed. I grab my book and I read a few pages. Then, I fell asleep.

Choice 1 : Start over

I come home and I watch news.

It is 7 p.m. and I’m home. I had a long day so I grab myself a glass of red wine and I turn on the news. First thing I see on the TV, shocked me. It’s my flight that I missed. They had an explosive decompression a few minutes after they had taken off. The aircraft lost its roof. A stewardess was sucked out of the plane. I don’t have words. I can’t believe that today’s traffic saved my life.

Choice 1 : Start over

The End.