Language Program

A hypertext narrative by

Antonela Virlan

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1481

Choice count: 44

Section count: 45

Image count: 45

Error count: 5

Field Related Analysis:

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 26 matches (act, Book, character, children, client, company, complaint, contract of employment, contract, deputy, director, fine, government, harassment, interest, misconduct, month, mutual, notice, obligation, place of, section, Sexual, short title, tenant, title)

Education : 25 matches (School, behaviour, choice, class, college, course, exam, fail, knowledge, management, mark, marks, method, methodology, motivation, plagiarism, school, skills, social, student, students, teach, teacher, university, writing)

Computer Science : 20 matches (call, cell, character, choice, Class, client, Declare, handle, mark, medium, Method, methodology, open, physical, Section, source language, store, translation, translator, language)

Target Structure:

misconduct (1 match)

sexual harassment (1 match)

wage (3 matches)


Language Program

Give this section a short title.

You have a great passion for languages. That's why you go to Montmorency College in Language Program. At the end of your college studies you have to go to university. It is the time to make a choice!

Choice 1 : Teaching Program

Choice 2 : Translation Program

Give this section a short title.

You decide to become a translator. You finished your studies successfully, but you realize that this job does not really interest you. You do not really like writing and you do not handle the target language with ease because the source language is not your mother tongue.

Choice 1 : To change your job

Choice 2 : to accept the employment abroad

Choice 3 : Never go back to study

Give this section a short title.

You start to work in a management company. You earn a good wage, but the company goes bankrupt. Now you are unemployed.

Choice 1 : You ask for social assistance

Choice 2 : You start writing

Give this section a short title.

After your studies, you receive two job offers abroad.

Choice 1 : Go to France

Choice 2 : Go to China

Give this section a short title.

When you understand that translation is not the job you are interested in, you lose your motivation and you never go back to studies. So, you have two choices:

Choice 1 : To work in a convenience store

Choice 2 : To become a janitor

Give this section a short title.

You are accepted, but a friend offers you a job you could illegally not declare the wage.

Choice 1 : You accept this job

Choice 2 : You do not accept the job

Give this section a short title.

Given your passion for literature, you begin to write a book and you decide to publish it. The money you have earned, you decide to invest in a familial business or make a donation.

Choice 1 : You open a bookstore

Choice 2 : You make a donation

Give this section a short title.

The government has discovered your lie and you have to pay a big fine.

Write a choice here.

Give this section a short title.

After a while, you find a new job which allows you to live well enough.

Write a choice here.

Write a choice here.

Give this section a short title.

You serve a client with whom you start a friendly dialogue. So, he proposes you a job and gives his cell number.

Choice 1 : You call him

Choice 2 : You do not call him

Give this section a short title.

You have a tenant who does not want to pay for housing.

Choice 1 : You put him outside

Choice 2 : You allow him to pay next month

Give this section a short title.

He does not want to leave the apartment. He calls the police to accuse you of physical harassment.

Write a choice here.

Give this section a short title.

The tenant leaves the apartment without paying for it.

Write a choice here.

Give this section a short title.

Your interest in the history and culture of France makes you choose to work in Paris. However, your contract of employment ends. So, you have to choose to stay in France or to come back to your country.

Choice 1 : Stay in France

Choice 2 : Return to your country

Give this section a short title.

When you have arrived in China, the company you are working for, proposes you to be a textual translator or an interpret.

Choice 1 : Textual translator

Choice 2 : Interpret

Give this section a short title.

You are employed by the French government and you become the president’s interpreter.

Write a choice here.

Give this section a short title.

You go back to your country and you continue to work as a translator for a medium wage.

Write a choice here.

Give this section a short title.

Your business becomes prosperous thanks to your passion and devotion.

Write a choice here.

Give this section a short title.

You donate money for children with intellectual disabilities.

Write a choice here.

Give this section a short title.

You are paid by word and you make a great career in China.

Write a choice here.

Give this section a short title.

You are paid per hour. However, you to not have much success and you return to your country.

Write a choice here.

Give this section a short title.

He offers you a job in his business. You realise that it is your dreams' job.

Write a choice here.

Give this section a short title.

You continue to work in the convenience store for all your life.

Write a choice here.

Give this section a short title.

You decide to become a secondary teacher. You have finished your university studies and you start to work at a school.

Choice 1 : You are a kind teacher

Choice 2 : You are a strict teacher

Choice 3 : You are a carefree teacher

Give this section a short title.

You focus more on the relationship between you and your students rather than on the content of the course.

Choice 1 : A student falls in love with you

Choice 2 : You are chosen as the best teacher of the year

Give this section a short title.

Your students do not like you because of your strict attitude towards them. So, you become their enemy. This is why they want to make a complaint about you.

Choice 1 : You become more indulgent

Choice 2 : You do not change

Give this section a short title.

You do not really care about the success of your students. During an exam, you notice that several students are plagiarism.

Choice 1 : You do not care

Choice 2 : You denounce the student to the school administration

Give this section a short title.

Because of your extremely manageable character, you are in such a difficult situation.

Choice 1 : You start to flirt with him

Choice 2 : You ignore him

Give this section a short title.

Because of your skills, the school administration propose you to take the place of the deputy director.

Choice 1 : You accept

Choice 2 : You refuse

Give this section a short title.

You become more indulgent towards your students. However, one of them takes advantage of it and demonstrate a bad behaviour.

Choice 1 : You use a new methodology

Choice 2 : You return to your old teaching method

Give this section a short title.

You are not going against your nature. This is why one of your students insults you.

Choice 1 : You give him a slap

Choice 2 : You call his parents at school

Give this section a short title.

Your students get a very good mark for this exam. This is why they are asked to participate in an intellectual study.

Choice 1 : You accept

Choice 2 : You refuse

Give this section a short title.

The school administration asks you to be more vigilant about plagiarism.

Choice 1 : You become more vigilant

Choice 2 : You do not respect your obligation

Give this section a short title.

After that, you are obliged to resign from school.

Write a choice here.

Give this section a short title.

You ignore the misconduct of your student. After a while, he accuses you for sexual harassment.

Write a choice here.

Give this section a short title.

After one year, you become the director of the school.

Write a choice here.

Give this section a short title.

After two years, you are transferred to another school where you do not have the same success.

Write a choice here.

Give this section a short title.

Your class has obtained the best average of the school.

Write a choice here.

Give this section a short title.

It does not work. You understand that teaching is not for you.

Write a choice here.

Give this section a short title.

Because of this act, you lose your right to teach.

Write a choice here.

Give this section a short title.

After this incident, there will be mutual respect in your classroom.

Write a choice here.

Give this section a short title.

The results of the studies are biased. You are fired from the school.

Write a choice here.

Give this section a short title.

The school administration discovers your bad attitude and calls you to a serious discussion.

Write a choice here.

Give this section a short title.

Students' marks start to increase thanks to their own knowledge.

Write a choice here.

Give this section a short title.

More than half of the class fail the ministerial exam.

Write a choice here.

The End.