The life of Etienne Roy

A hypertext narrative by

Frédérik Roy

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1037

Choice count: 38

Section count: 44

Image count: 43

Error count: 88

Field Related Analysis:

Business : 15 matches (accounting, business, company, cost, firm, marketing, offer, pay, president, promotion, representative, salary, sale, sales, store)

Tourism : 12 matches (City, Extra, Marketing, Party, Program, Promotion, course, dep, marketing, option, program, trip)

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 11 matches (animals, company, cost, goods, House, land, living, offer, option, sale, self-employed)

Target Structure:

retirement (1 match)


The life of Etienne Roy

After montmorency.

After the college Etienne plan to be rich, he had many choices.

Choice 1 : Go to Harvard university.

Choice 2 : Accounting course.

Go to Harvard university

Go to Harvard university.

Etienne had many opportunities after graduating from Harvard.

Choice 1 : Openning a new compagny

Choice 2 : New career in marketing.

Choice 3 : New career in sale.

Openning his new compagny

New compagny.

Etienne opens a new company, but after couple years he had many choices.

Choice 1 : Go work for google.

Choice 2 : Open a firm.

Openning his new compagny

New career in marketing.

Career in marketing.

Choice 1 : Accept a job for Olymel in marketing

Choice 2 : Accept a modeling job for Calvin Klein

Openning his new compagny

New career in sale.

After his sales course, a company saw Etienne potential and decide to offer him a job like sales representative, but Etienne wants to open a car dealer.

Choice 1 : Accept the job

Choice 2 : Car sellers.

Go work for google

Go work for google.

Etienne keeps working hard with google, but he receives a call from a friend to go on a trip to Cancun.

Choice 1 : Go to Cancun

Choice 2 : USA.

Open is firm

Open a firm.

Etienne needs to make extra hours for the company but a friend call him to go out this weekend.

Choice 1 : He continues is hard work

Choice 2 : He decide to go out with is friends


Stay in Cancun.

He lost is job.

Write a choice here.

Stay in the US


Etienne stay in the U.S.

Write a choice here.

firm popular

The firm became popular.

Etienne is now living the life he always wants.

Write a choice here.

firm popular

The firm don't work.

Sadly Etienne needs sale all is goods.

Write a choice here.



Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Choice 1 : He's continues is hard work

Choice 2 : Don't make the extra hours



Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Write a choice here.


President marketing.

Olymel offered a promotion to Etienne, a president marketing job. To celebrate that, Etienne get two choices.

Write a choice here.

Write a choice here.


Is boss was really angry and decide to cut Etienne.

Write a choice here.


After getting hired by Calvin Klein, Etienne wants to celebrate that but he also need to go to the gym to kept is body.

Choice 1 : Go to the gym

Choice 2 : Go to a party


His hard work pay off and Calvin Klein offer a full-time job to Etienne.

Write a choice here.


After the party, Calvin Klein saw compromising pictures of Etienne and they decide to retire there offer.

Write a choice here.

sales representative.

Now working like a sale representative for Oakley Etienne received a offer from Nike, a better company but with a smaller salary.

Choice 1 : Decline the offer

Choice 2 : Go with nike

Don't expand.

Etienne continues the life he's living in a modest house.

Write a choice here.

Car sellers.

After couple years, the car dealer is pretty good, but a land near the actual place is now for loans and Etienne want to buy it.

Choice 1 : Don't expand the car dealer

Choice 2 : Take a risk


The risk was a great one. Etienne is now one the richest man in the country after opening many other's car dealer.

Write a choice here.

Normal life.

Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Write a choice here.


After couple years with Oakley, is choice to stay there was a great one and he's now living in a big house in california.

Write a choice here.


After couple year with Nike, Etienne lost his job because he's wearing Adidas every days.

Write a choice here.

Accounting course.

After graduating from accounting school, Etienne have many choices.

Choice 1 : Go work for Remax

Choice 2 : Start is own business

Choice 3 : Go to UQAM


Etienne haves the option the stay in Laval or go in a new city with less Remax sellers.

Choice 1 : Take a risk

Choice 2 : Stay in laval

Improve his notoriety.

After getting really popular, Etienne have two options.

Choice 1 : Buy a house

Choice 2 : Buy a car

New house.

Etienne is now living lonely in a big house.

Write a choice here.

Etienne rock the city with his new car.

Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Write a choice here.


Etienne's living a life.

Write a choice here.

normal life.

Etienne's living a anonymous life.

Write a choice here.


A new company means extra hours and Etienne needs to make them.

Choice 1 : Make the extra hours

Choice 2 : Don't make the extra hours


Extra hours always pay off and now the only decision Etienne face is a car or a cottage.

Choice 1 : He's buying a Ferrari.

Choice 2 : He's buying a cottage.

He's buying a Ferrari.

He's living the rich life.

Write a choice here.

He's buying a cottage.

He's living his retirement.

Write a choice here.

Normal life.

Refusing the extra hours don't cost too much, but Etienne living a normal life.

Choice 1 : Take a snack in the drug store

Choice 2 : Go directly to his house


Wow Etienne win the loto 6-49 and he's now a millionaire.

Write a choice here.


His business crash and Etienne's now living with is parents.

Write a choice here.


After graduating, Etienne really don't like what he's studying in and want to change.

Choice 1 : Stay in university but in a other program

Choice 2 : Go make a DEP in plumbing

Stay in university.

He develop love for medical, but Etienne also like animals.

Write a choice here.

DEP in plumbing.

Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Write a choice here.


Etienne is now a doctor.

Write a choice here.


Etienne is now a veterinian.

Write a choice here.

The End.