It all started like this.

A hypertext narrative by

lissa a

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1485

Choice count: 67

Section count: 44

Image count: 44

Error count: 27

Field Related Analysis:

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 13 matches (account, bankruptcy, Clinical, company, cost, debt, divorce, General, government, Information, lottery, Military, public)

Business : 12 matches (account, bankruptcy, business, company, cost, debt, investment, management, money, pay, president, technology)

Nursing : 12 matches (clinical, hospital, oncology, personality, plane, practice, radiation, SAD, stage, sugar, supervisor, sick)

Target Structure:

income (1 match)


It all started like this.

Scene 1.

You decide what you want to do in life.

Choice 1 : You choose to go to Ahuntsic cegep

Choice 2 : You choose to move country and start a new life

Scene 2.

You go to Ahuntsic and you decide what you want to do in life.

Choice 1 : You choose the Radiation Oncology program

Choice 2 : You choose the Networking program

Choice 3 : Suddenly, you won the lottery

Scene 3.

You are in Radiation Oncology program and now you start the clinical practice (stage).

Choice 1 : You are now at the Jewish General Hospital for your first clinical practice and you see the radiation oncology supervisor

Choice 2 : You see a military patient and you start talking to him

Scene 4.

You start talking with the supervisor.

Choice 1 : He is going to tell you a big news

Choice 2 : He start talking about the typical day in Radiation Oncology

Scene 5.

The supervisor is telling you that he has choosen you to start tomorrow to work here.

Choice 1 : You quit school to start working as a Radiation Oncology

Scene 6.

The supervisor started to talk about this job and he started to discouraging you.

Choice 1 : You don't want to be in this program anymore so you try to figure what you want to do in life.

Scene 7.

You start talking with the military patient and he start telling you stories.

Choice 1 : You don't want to be a Radiation Oncology

Choice 2 : His stories are breathtaking and you start thinking if you should apply in the military

Scene 8.

You hate this program because you find out that you can't save the life for the military guy.

Choice 1 : This job is too sad so you decide again what you want to do in life

Scene 9.

You apply in the military.

Choice 1 : You want to be in the military but not in this country so you decide what you want in life

Scene 10.

You are in the Networking program and now you almost finish school.

Choice 1 : You know you are the best in this program so you apply in the government

Choice 2 : You choose to work for Google

Scene 11.

You got applied in the government.

Choice 1 : The government wants you to work for the president

Choice 2 : You hacked the government

Scene 12.

You work for the president and you see his true personality.

Choice 1 : You hate working for the president so you quit the job to figure what you want to do in life

Scene 13.

You hacked into the secret files and you saw secret information that were hidden from the public.

Choice 1 : You got fired and now you trying to see what you want to do in life

Scene 14.

You choose to work for Google because it's the most well-know technology companies in the world.

Choice 1 : It's been 5 years you work for Google so now they offered to grown in the company

Choice 2 : You are now working for Google but it's too boring for you

Scene 15.

You are in the higher-level management and now you are millionaire.

Choice 1 : You have so much money that you want to do something new in life

Scene 16.

This company is too boring and you hate your boss.

Choice 1 : You decide what you want to do in life because this job is not for you

Scene 17.

You bought a lottery ticket and the next day you won the jackpot.

Choice 1 : You won 1 millions dollars so you decide to invest

Choice 2 : You won 1 millions dollars and you decide to open a coffee shop

Scene 18.

You decide to invest in a condo to make more money.

Choice 1 : You start building this new condo that cost 1 millions $

Choice 2 : You already put 50% of the money into this condo but something happening

Scene 19.

After 5 years, the building is finally finish so you start to have more income.

Choice 1 : You have too much money in your bank account so you decide what you want to do else in life

Scene 20.

You already put 50% investment into this condo and someone hacked into your bank account.

Choice 1 : You are now broke and you try to figure what you should do next

Scene 21.

You won one millions and you open a coffee shop.

Choice 1 : After 5 years intro this business, someone burns your shop

Choice 2 : After 10 years, you went bankruptcy

Scene 22.

You see your shop that has been burned down.

Choice 1 : You decide that you leave this business and you are trying to find something new to do in life

Scene 23.

You went bankruptcy.

Choice 1 : You can't pay off the debt so you try to figure what's the next plan

Scene 24.

You move to different country to start a new life.

Choice 1 : You start a band with some friend you met

Choice 2 : You decide to go to Australia

Choice 3 : You move to Italy

Scene 25.

You move to France and you guys start a new Rock Band.

Choice 1 : Your band got accepted on tour

Choice 2 : One of you guys got really tired with the band

Scene 26.

You guys are now on the seven day of the tour but something bad happening.

Choice 1 : The tour bus has crashed

Choice 2 : One of you guys is sick

Scene 27.

The band announced that the tour has been cancelled.

Choice 1 : You guys decide to find something new to do

Scene 28.

One of you guys was really sick so you guys are in the hospital.

Choice 1 : The tour has been cancelled

Scene 29.

One of you got tired to work with one of you guys in this band.

Choice 1 : You left the band

Choice 2 : You choose to become a solo player

Scene 30.

You left the band because you didn't like to be a rocker band.

Choice 1 : You restart your life at zero

Scene 31.

You become a solo player and you start your own career in music.

Choice 1 : You become a well known artist and you move to a different country

Scene 32.

You decide to go to Australia.

Choice 1 : You find yourself a sugar daddy

Choice 2 : You travel in different cities

Scene 33.

You marry your sugar daddy.

Choice 1 : You find out that he has a business valued of billions dollars

Choice 2 : You find out also that his the president

Scene 34.

You found out that he cheated.

Choice 1 : You kill him and you disappear with the money and you decide to start a new life

Scene 35.

He's the president but now you hate him.

Choice 1 : You divorce him and you start a new life

Scene 36.

You move to Italy.

Choice 1 : You are a fashion blogger

Choice 2 : You start your own fashion business

Scene 37.

You got recognize by the owner of Chanel.

Choice 1 : He tells you to work with him

Choice 2 : He is asking for help with ideas

Scene 38.

He tells you to work with him but your name will not been seen.

Choice 1 : You refuse and you start something new

Scene 39.

He is asking for help with ideas.

Choice 1 : You refuse because your not pay enough so you choose something new to do

Scene 40.

You start your own fashion business.

Choice 1 : You are now in the fashion industry and you are in the Fashion Week

Choice 2 : Your ideas were stolen

Scene 41.

You are in the Fashion Week and won the best fashion clothes.

Choice 1 : You got rich and you decide to start something new

Scene 42.

Your ideas were stolen.

Choice 1 : You choose to discover who stolen your ideas

Choice 2 : You decide to take the plane and leave the fashion industry

Scene 43.

You find out that is Louis Vuitton that stole your ideas.

Choice 1 : You choose to discover who stolen your ideas and you leave the country to do something new

Scene 44.

You decide to take the plane and leave the fashion industry because they are not unique.

Choice 1 : You find out that the fashion industry is not met for you so you try to decide what you want to do in life

The End.