Business Hypertext - Fatima's College's choices.

A hypertext narrative by

Fatima Arous

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 3035

Choice count: 67

Section count: 47

Image count: 46

Error count: 37

Field Related Analysis:

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 38 matches (arrangement, case, Cause, company, England, escape, fact, family, force, four, franchise, House, injury, judge, judgment, lawyer, lawyers, living, market, marriage, master, month, offer, office, parent, parole, premium, promise, prosecute, register, reputation, robbery, sentence, ship, silence, street, theft, young)

Tourism : 33 matches (Beach, Bus, Employee, Food, Membership, Opportunity, PROFiT, Program, Ride, Sport, abort, apartment, apron, average, beach, bus, coach, coffee shop, course, door, field, franchise, language, master, multiple, program, register, ship, sitting, stand, stop, through, track)

Computer Science : 29 matches (abort, choice, Class, field, filling, frame, group, handle, huge, hypertext, lock, mask, master, name, Native language, neighbor, open, parent, physical, Pick, reader, running, sentence, sleep, STAR, track, language, window, design)

Target Structure:

ins-and-outs (1 match)

invaluable (1 match)

more often than not (1 match)

overtime (1 match)

purpose (1 match)

the drive of work (1 match)

undermine (1 match)


Business Hypertext - Fatima's College's choices.

It all start here.

It all start here.

My name is Fatima Zohra Arous. This hypertext start when I was 15 years old, in secondary 5. I had to take one of the big decisions of my life, cause it will influence and finally determinate the rest of my life. I need to decide which college I wanted to go, and I'm heisting between a French college or an English college.

Choice 1 : French College.

Choice 2 : Go to an English College.

French College.

French College.

I hesitate between two colleges. Firstly, there is Montmorency College near me who is looking for new players for his volleyball team, my favorite sport. Or, Ahuntsic College, which is very far from home and where there are many people who smoke.

Choice 1 : Go to Montmorency College.

Choice 2 : Go to Ahunstic College.

Go to Montmorency College.

Go to Montmorency College.

If I go to Montmorency, I can make the try out to be part of the volleyball team.

Choice 1 : I got accepted to the the team.

Choice 2 : I was refused to the team.

I got accepted in the volley ball team

I got accepted to the team.

I'm so happy I'm part of the team I love what I'm doing I hope everything will continue to go well for the future!

Choice 1 : I got injured.

Choice 2 : I got recruited by an American University.

I got injured.

I got injured.

Because I got injured, I had to decide about my volleyball career. The injury put me in a wheelchair for the rest of my life. I took a year to focus in myself and to try to adapt to this new life.

Choice 1 : Sad right? Try an other ending!

 I got recruited by an American University.

I got recruited by an American University.

An American university offer me the opportunity to play for the school and to have a scholarship.

Choice 1 : I accept the offer.

Choice 2 : I refuse the offer.

I accept the offer

I accept the offer.

I accept the offer and go to the American University and I become a new volleyball players of their team.10 years later I'm rolling in my Lamborghini with paparazzi following me. I became a super star as a professional players of volleyball.

Choice 1 : You think there's a better ending? Try again!

I refuse the offer

I refuse the offer.

10 years later, I ride in my little rusty Toyota, gnawing with regret for the choice I made by refusing the offer of the university for the career in volleyball. I participate in anti-depression sessions because I have suicidal thoughts now.

Choice 1 : You can change this! Try again.

I was refuse to the team.

I was refused to the team.

I have not passed the tests, so I have not done exercises since that time, during my two years in college I would only study, sleep and eat.

Choice 1 : I took 100 kg.

Choice 2 : I got a Cote R of 40.

I took 100 kg.

I took 100 kg.

I am too ashamed of myself, I have no more self-estime, and I am too afraid of the judgment of others. I think about dropping out of school and locking myself up at home forever, but I'm still hesitating. I have to make a choice.

Choice 1 : I give up at school.

Choice 2 : I keep hope and don't give up at school.

I give up at school.

I give up at school.

I am lost, I feel no longer meaning in my life, I do not know what to do with it. I heard that a new small gym open at my place, I think maybe to register.

Choice 1 : I take a gym membership.

Choice 2 : I don't take a gym membership.

I take a gym membership

I take a gym membership.

I spend a lot of my days at the gym, with my new coach, Jako who trains me every day motivating me all the time and gives me confidence in me. It started just two weeks ago and I'm already seeing a huge change! I know that I am on the right track, soon I found a fulfilling life.

Choice 1 : Not happy? Try again!

I don't take a gym membership

I don't take a gym membership.

The judgment of the people is too unbearable for me, I am sure that I judge every time we look at me. I hide myself from everyone and lock myself in my room forever, opening only the door to my mother, who has lost hope in me, so that it brings me my food and my drinks. I do not stop taking the weight I can not even walk. I can not support this live anymore, I kill myself.

Choice 1 : You can change that! Try again!

I keep hope and don't give up at school

I keep hope and don't give up at school.

I decided to stay in school and face people.

Choice 1 : I met James.

Choice 2 : I get bullied.

I met James

I met James.

Staying at school, I was able to meet James, he was super nice to me since the first time he saw me, I'm crazy fall in love with him because he accepted me such that I am and I do not feel judged by him. It gives me confidence in myself and motivates me to resume my healthy lifestyle. Then one day, the old age of my 19 years, he asks me in marriage! I do not know what to do, I'm sure he's the man of my life and I'm going to lose him if I say no, but am I too young?

Choice 1 : Say yes and mary James.

Choice 2 : Say no and break up with James.

Say yes and mary James

Say yes and Mary James at.

I said yes to James and now I am pregnant. My parents didn't agree with my decision. I didn't even finished school. I am not ready to raise a baby by myself if my parents do not support me at all. So, I do not have any choices I need to abort the baby.

Choice 1 : Want to keep the baby? Try again!

I get bulied

I get bullied.

I get bullied because of my physical appearance and I can't handle the look that other people keep giving me as if I am a stranger to this world. I stop eating, I am not loosing enough weight, and I am done with my life. I don't have any energy anymore to fight back so I just ended my life.

Choice 1 : Not happy? Try again!

I got a coter R of 40

I got a Cote R of 40.

Because I didn't get into the volleyball team I had a lot of time to study for my classes. After all my hard works, my grades increased. This is why I finished with an amazing Cote R of 40. After seeing my grades, multiple universities contacted me. I hesitated between Oxford and Harvard.

Choice 1 : I got accepted to Oxford.

Choice 2 : I got accepted to Harvard.

I got accepted to Oxford University

I got accepted to Oxford.

I'm living in England now in a beautiful apartment, I met a lot of new friends, and I am working in a new coffee shop near the university. I wonder where I'd be now if I got accepted in the volleyball team.

Choice 1 : You want to know? Try again!

I got accepted to Harvard University

I got accepted to Harvard.

I am now living in Boston, studying at Harvard University. My purpose is to obtain a master in finance.

Choice 1 : Not happy? Try again!

Say no and breakup with James

Say no and break up with James.

I wasn't ready to get married even if I love James with all my heart. Now we aren't together no more because I refused to marry him. I am so depressed because James is not in my life anymore. I can't handle seeing him in school so I dropped school, and I am now working at McDonald's for the rest of my life.

Choice 1 : Disappointed? You can fix that , try again!

Go to Ahuntsic College

Go to Ahunstic College.

I decided to go to Ahuntsic College so I could study in the field I want, which is Business Management. Even the fact that the college is really far from my house and that I heard bad things about student influence. But things started to go wrong because I was missing the bus more often than not, so I was always late for my morning classes. I have to find a solution.

Choice 1 : Don't go to my morning class anymore.

Don't go to my morning class anymore

Don't go to my morning class anymore.

As I was not going to my classes, I was all stranded, because I could not follow the group and exams I did not understand anything. My friends will take me to another year again, I will not be able to go back to school.

Choice 1 : Work at McDonald.

Choice 2 : Start my own business.

Work at McDonald

Work at McDonald.

I am now working at McDonald's, I'm moving up the ladder each month thanks to my overtime. The boss saw that I'm a serious employee working really hard, so by moving the ladder again and again and again; one year later I got offer a franchise of McDonald's! I wonder if I'm ready for that.

Choice 1 : I accept the offer.

Choice 2 : I refuse the offer.

I accept the offer

I accept the offer.

I regret my choice so much, I can't handle the drive of work, I am in a deficit and I feel like I am in a dead-end right now. And I just quit without saying anything, the big bosses of McDonald are really mad at me, they undermine about me and they messed up my reputation to make sure I can't find a job anymore.

Choice 1 : I prosecute them.

Choice 2 : I say nothing and live with it.

I prosecute them

I prosecute them.

I was stupid to think that I'll win against a company as powerful as McDonald's. They have the best lawyer in town to who they give besides, snippets to make sure he gives his best. I was no match for those, with the lawyer dear hand that I could find in the firm of lawyers. So, I lost the case and all my money because I'm poor and I can't find a job anymore because of the reputation that stick on my name. I can not support this life anymore, so I jumped out of a building and kill myself.

Choice 1 : Not happy? Try again!

I say nothing and live with it

I say nothing and live with it.

When I saw that I did not try to fight with them, they had pity on me. They regretted what they did and they apologized. Also, they actually give me another chance, with this time, a bigger frame about the market, all the economy's part, employee management, etc. 6 months later, my little McDonald's walks like a roller coaster and brings a lot of profit. I always get premium wages and I'm leaving really happy now.

Choice 1 : It's not what you expected? try again!

I refuse the offer

I refuse the offer.

Some time later, I bitterly regretted my choice because they offer it to my colleague, who is also my neighbor, he opened his McDonald just in front of my house, so I saw him getting richer every month, jealousy rose more and more in me. One day I could not stand to see him flourish in "my" place, I killed him.

Choice 1 : You can surely change that! Try again.

Star my own business

Start my own business.

I decided to accomplish my dream by opening my own company of makeup, called: « Zohra's Beauty». I know all the ins-and-outs about the industrie of makeup because it's my passion. My first boutique is beautiful, it's a place invaluable for me, it's here where all my live changed, I finally find a sens to my life, and my company is more and more lucrative each year. 5 years later, Sephora went bankrupt because of my success and I'm billionaires.

Choice 1 : Want to see what could have happened if I have make an other choice? Try again!


Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Write a choice here.

Go to an English College

Go to an English College.

I hesitate between two colleges. Firstly, there is Dawson College that offer me a scholar ship in interior design. Or, Vanier College, that offer me the opportunity to have French studies, my native language.

Choice 1 : Go to Dawson College.

Choice 2 : Go to Vanier college.

Go to Dawson College

Go to Dawson College.

I discover a passion that I didn't know I have before. I graduated and I have now to make a choice for the future. But my parents do not accept this choice of career, because according to them it is not noble enough. So they force me to quit this program.

Choice 1 : I stop my studies in Interior Design.

Choice 2 : I don't listen to them and continue my studies in Interior Design.

I stop my interior design studies

I stop my studies in Interior Design.

I can't forgive them, I don't want to see them anymore for the rest of my life.

Choice 1 : I'm running away of my parent's house.

I'm running away from my parent's house

I'm running away of my parent's house.

I am alone in the street, I sleep outside, none of my friends are there to support me, I am no longer money to go to pick up nor to feed me I sleep the tabla street. I need to find a solution to my risks.

Choice 1 : I steal to survive.

Choice 2 : I use my talents to survive.

I steal to survive

I steal to survive.

I found no other solution faster than stealing. I started stealing convenience stores for little food, clothing stores, etc. But it's not enough for me, I'm still sleeping outside and I can not stand it anymore. I try everything for everything and decide to rob a bank. I will steal a gun. The robbery went really well, I installed all the hostages sitting face down, hands tied. After filling my bag with $10,000 100 bills, I ran to the bathroom to escape through the window, taking off my mask, thinking I did not need it anymore. That's when I fall face to face with an employee who was hiding in the bathroom. He saw my face. I am uncovered.

Choice 1 : I kill him.

Choice 2 : I negotiate an arrangement with him.

I kill him.

I kill him.

I fled to Mexico and started my life again. But since the incident I can not be happy, I do not sleep at night anymore. The face of the man I killed does not come out of my mind, I regret my choice and can not live like that anymore, I decide to kill myself.

Choice 1 : Not happy? Try again!

I negociate

I negotiate an arrangement with him.

I give him a part of the money I just theft, in exchange for his silence and threaten him by telling him that I know where his family lives.

Choice 1 : He betrayed his promise and denounced me.

Choice 2 : He keeps his promise.

He betrayed his promise and denounced me

He betrayed his promise and denounced me.

The police find me, and my sentence is 35 years behind bars without parole.

Choice 1 : Not happy? try again!

He keeps his promise

He keeps his promise.

One week later, I'm on the edge of the beach in front of my beautiful villa in Mexico, enjoying my life.

Choice 1 : Not happy? Try again!

Go to Vanier College

Go to Vanier college.

What attracted me to College Vanier is their health program half French and half English.

Choice 1 : Enter in " Science in French and English" program.

 Enter in

Enter in " Science in French and English " program.

Studying in English, allowed me to improve my English, and as it was the first time, French helped me keep a very good average in my notes. So I have more doors opening in the future thanks to this advantage. I love the program and I took a more economics course, where I learn about the macroeconomist and the macroeconomist.

Choice 1 : Go to McGill University.

Choice 2 : Go to the University of Montreal.

Go to McGill University

Go to McGill University.

I passed four awesome years at McGill University studying medicine. I graduated, and I am now working in my own doctor office, leaving with my beautiful husband and two kids.

Choice 1 : Not happy? Try again!

Go to the University of Montreal

Go to the University of Montreal.

I'm not sure if I continue in science or go to Actuarial because I know this program is reputed at this university, and I really like my course of economy.

Choice 1 : Continue in Science.

Choice 2 : Go to Actuarial.

Continue in Science.

Continue in Science.

I passed the 4 most boring years of my life, studying biology. I am now working as a biologist, wearing every day that same white apron that I hate. I was so much sad that I was drugging myself to forget the pain. I am now, one year later, officially an addict, I can not go to work anymore. I finished my life in a rehab center.

Choice 1 : Hmm, maybe you can find a better end. Try again!

Go to Actuarial

Go to Actuarial.

Fortunately I followed my heart! Maths are really made for me, I loved my years at the university. I am now graduated and work as an actuary and I earn a very good salary! Life is Beautiful! :).

Choice 1 : It is a to beautiful ending for you? Try again!

I use my talents to survive

I use my talents to survive.

I use my drawing skills to decorate home decor ideas to the street passer-by. My mini organized market is becoming more and more popular, 6 months later I became famous thanks to that and earn quite a good life.

Choice 1 : Not happy? Try again!

I don't listen to them and continue my studies in Interior Design.

I don't listen to them and continue my studies in Interior Design.

My parents do not want me at home anymore. I told my situation to my drawing teacher, he took me under his wing. 5 years later, I'm working with Beyonce, Kylie Jenner, and many other super stars, for their home in Hollywood. I'm a billionaire.

Choice 1 : Not happy? Try again!

The End.