One Day...

A hypertext narrative by

Tomé Silvério

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1388

Choice count: 44

Section count: 45

Image count: 45

Error count: 66

Field Related Analysis:

Tourism : 19 matches (Airport, Competition, Construction, Europe, Flight, Member, Opportunity, Passport, Plane, agent, airport, architecture, charge, customs, flight, leg, pass, passport, to visit)

Computer Science : 15 matches (architecture, burn, call, choice, close, don't care, group, member, name, pass, Push, rendezvous, sign, structure, design)

Dance : 12 matches (Apart, Back, Close, Cross, Flight, Follow, Front, Out, Point, Side, Solo, Time)

Target Structure:


One Day...

Scene 1.

You are an architectural student at Montmorency college. You just got your diploma and you are able to work.

Choice 1 : You decide to apply and find a job as architect

Choice 2 : Participate in an intercontinental architectural competition

Scene 2.

You are close to a construction site, in the way to apply in a renowned architecture office, but someone calls you on your cellphone and you see that is the name of an architect that you know.

Choice 1 : You answer the phone

Choice 2 : You decide to not answer your phone

Choice 3 : You have the idea to visit the construction site

Scene 3.

This architect offer you the opportunity to work as an architect in Europe.

Choice 1 : You take the risk and accept the offer of the man

Choice 2 : You refuse the offer of the man

Scene 4.

You take the plane and after a long flight you arrive in Europe, but nobody is waiting for you at the airport as planned with the architect previously.

Choice 1 : You call the architect

Choice 2 : You decide to wait

Scene 5.

The architect explain that he is late. One hour later, he arrive to the airport and some years later you become and renowned architect in Europe.

Write a choice here.

Scene 6.

After some hours waiting for someone you realize that you were deceive.

Write a choice here.

Scene 7.

You decide to follow your first idea and meet the leaders of the renowned architect office to apply.

Choice 1 : You are stressed

Choice 2 : You feel confident

Scene 8.

The stress makes you insecure and the leaders of the office perceive fragility in your personality. You don't get the job.

Write a choice here.

Scene 9.

You are to confident and the leader of the office preceive in you arrogance. You don't get the job.

Write a choice here.

Scene 10.

So, you decide go in person apply in a renowned office.

Choice 1 : Not plan a rendezvous

Choice 2 : Plan a rendezvouz

Scene 11.

The leader of the architecture offices is angry because he did not expect you here.

Choice 1 : Explain the situation

Choice 2 : Assume the entire responsability

Scene 12.

The leader of the offices is understanding and let you pass an interview. You are engaged I you become a very good architect.

Write a choice here.

Scene 13.

Since the leader of the offices don't know your situation he offer you to come back later. But some hours after you see him he had a heart attack and died, so you don't had the job.

Write a choice here.

Scene 14.

The leader of the offices is happy to see you and ask you where would you like to talk with him.

Choice 1 : You chose to go with him in the cafe in the other side of the street

Choice 2 : Go in his office

Scene 15.

You and the leader decide to cross the street but a distracted rider charge on you an brake you a leg. So, the meeting can take place and you go to the hospital.

Write a choice here.

Scene 16.

You talk with him about your expectations in the future and he like it. You are engaged!

Write a choice here.

Scene 17.

You see a sign that says that you are must have construction boots and an helmet if you want to enter in the construction site.

Choice 1 : You don't care about the sign

Choice 2 : You care about the sign

Scene 18.

You enter in the construction site and you see the architecte that manages the constructin site in the top of the roof of the establisment in construction.

Choice 1 : You decide to wait him

Choice 2 : You rejoin him on the roof

Scene 19.

During the time you were wiating for the architect some bricks were fall down but you don't note. One brick hit your head and you died.

Write a choice here.

Scene 20.

You see a ladder, but you don't note that it is not attached to the structure. You fall and died.

Write a choice here.

Scene 21.

You see a worker and you ask if you can talk with the architect. He says no.

Choice 1 : Return at home take your helmet and your boots

Choice 2 : Not return at home

Scene 22.

You return at home take your helmet and your boots and return in the construction site to talk with the architect. After a short discussion you were engaged.

Write a choice here.

Scene 23.

You apply at the offices that you would like to work. They don't engaged you because you don't have a lot experience in construcyion site.

Write a choice here.

Scene 24.

You have two weeks do design a building.

Choice 1 : Make the project alone

Choice 2 : Make the project in group

Choice 3 : Cheat

Scene 25.

You start working in the project, but you don't have any idea.

Choice 1 : Travel and visit another country to have ideas

Choice 2 : Visit websites to inspires you

Scene 26.

You arrives at the customs and you don't have your passport.

Choice 1 : You steal a passport

Choice 2 : You return at home to take your passport

Scene 27.

You found a very nice website with beautiful buildings.

Choice 1 : Chose the same building as the website

Choice 2 : You chose to design simple building

Scene 28.

An agent saw you and you go in prison.

Write a choice here.

Scene 29.

You lose the competion because you don't had a lot time to do the project.

Write a choice here.

Scene 30.

You are disqualified of the competition.

Write a choice here.

Scene 31.

Your project simple, but you win the competition, because everybody apart you cheat.

Write a choice here.

Scene 32.

A group of two persons not very talented want to be in your team.

Choice 1 : Reject them and find someone else

Choice 2 : Accept to be in team with them

Scene 33.

You find a very good mate, but he don't want to incorporate your ideas in the project.

Choice 1 : Stay in his team

Choice 2 : Go out of the team because this guy is impolite

Scene 34.

Congratulation! You win the competition!

Write a choice here.

Scene 35.

You and the other guy lose the competition because you didn't make the project in team.

Write a choice here.

Scene 36.

You do not agree with some decision these two persons take.

Choice 1 : You talk to the rest of the team and express your point

Choice 2 : Start a new project secretly to participate in solo at the competition

Scene 37.

One member of the group don't agree with you and wreck the project, so you lose.

Write a choice here.

Scene 38.

The two other members of the team realize what you are doing and they kill you.

Write a choice here.

Scene 39.

You hesitate if you steal or destroy the project of a very strong opponent that win the competition each year.

Choice 1 : Destroy his project

Choice 2 : Steal it

Scene 40.

You go talk to him and you explain that you would like to see his project. Then you are alone with his project because he is in the washroom.

Choice 1 : Tear the project

Choice 2 : You burned the project

Scene 41.

He lose the competion, but he push you and fall of the building.

Write a choice here.

Scene 42.

When he arrive from the washroom, you burn his project in front of him and you are discradited from the title of architect because your bad comportment.

Write a choice here.

Scene 43.

You decide to steal his project.

Choice 1 : You sell it

Choice 2 : Use the project to win

Scene 44.

You sell it and you win a lot of money because the one buy your project win.

Write a choice here.

Scene 45.

You win the competition.

Write a choice here.

The End.