My Physics Hypertext Narrative

A hypertext narrative by

Sebastien Fortier

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 2091

Choice count: 57

Section count: 38

Image count: 0

Error count: 23

Field Related Analysis:

Tourism : 23 matches (Alcohol, Employee, Europe, Human, Natural, Opportunity, Package, Plane, Program, Promotion, Resources, apartment, average, bonus, compensation, field, forward, package, program, through, times, trip, vacation)

Education : 21 matches (Education, School, choice, classes, college, compensation, continuing, diploma, don, field, first, grades, level, options, project, reward, school, social, teacher, university, vacation)

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 16 matches (act, action, Child, claim, clerk, club, company, compensation, drugs, family, House, minimum wage, notice, offer, surprise, young)

Target Structure:

compensation package (1 match)

HR (1 match)

wage (1 match)


My Physics Hypertext Narrative

It all started like this.

You study in Natural Sciences at Montmorency College since 4 sessions. You live in an apartment in Laval and it's the summer before the last session in college. During your summer job, you were offered to work full time and drop out of school: what should you do?

Choice 1 : Quit school and go work for the company

Choice 2 : Continue school to finish college.

Quit school and go work for the company.

You have decided to drop out of school. You will notice after a few months that your job is too hard and that you do not earn the salary that you believe you deserve. You hesitate between quitting your job and going back to school for the next session, or continuing to work hoping for better social conditions.

Choice 1 : Going back to school.

Choice 2 : Continue to work there.

Continue school to finish college.

You have now completed College! The company you worked for last summer is calling and offering you a job. You wonder what to do between these options.

Choice 1 : Accepting the job offer.

Choice 2 : Refusing to continue your university studies.

Choice 3 : Refusing to take a year off.

Accepting the job offer.

You have accepted the job offer, but your manager does not accept your salary requests. He wants to pay you the same salary as last summer, but you think you deserve more because your level of education is higher. What are you going to do?

Choice 1 : Give in to his offer.

Choice 2 : Find another job.

Refusing to continue your university studies.

Congratulations, you have finally finished University! Many companies have approached you to offer a job as an engineer. One of them is located in the region where you live and offers an average salary, while the other is located in Europe, but it offers you a much higher salary. Which job are you going to take?

Choice 1 : The one located in Europe.

Choice 2 : The one located in your region.

Refusing to take a year off.

You have decided to take a year off. You are young and don't have many responsibilities. You have two choices available to you. You can take this opportunity to travel around the world or take the opportunity to make money.

Choice 1 : Travel around the world.

Choice 2 : Take the opportunity to make money.

Give in to his offer.

You have accepted the salary offered by your manager and have been working for him for almost a year now. Times are hard and you spend a lot of energy on your job. Your manager wants to reward you for your efforts by inviting you to dinner at his house. You find his invitation strange and you wonder what to do.

Choice 1 : Accepting his offer.

Choice 2 : Refusing his offer.

Find another job.

You are unemployed and have no College diploma. You have little money and do not know what to do. You have the choice between going to the streets of Montreal for money, or finding a job without a future. What are you going to do?

Choice 1 : Going to the streets of Montreal for money.

Choice 2 : Finding a dead end job.

Accepting his offer.

You have accepted your boss's offer, but at dinner, his wife and you connected and you kept in touch with her. One day, your boss learns that you slept with his wife and fires you. You lost, please try again.

Choice 1 : Try again

Refusing his offer.

You refused your boss's offer and offend him. He then decides to make your life even more difficult and makes you do difficult tasks at work. You can not take the pressure and fall into depression. You lost, please try again.

Choice 1 : Try again

Going to the streets of Montreal for money.

You decided to live in the streets of Montreal and unfortunately started doing drugs. Just a few months later, you died of an overdose. You lost, please try again.

Choice 1 : Try again

Finding a dead end job.

You have decided to have hope and found a job at a low salary. During your years of working at this place, you have met the woman of your life, and have lived a beautiful and simple life since then. Please start again.

Choice 1 : Start again

Travel around the world.

You have decided to go traveling. You have the choice between two destinations. The first being in Mexico to relax and have fun, and the second being in South America to make a humanitarian trip. What do you choose?

Choice 1 : Go to Mexico.

Choice 2 : Go to South America.

Take the opportunity to make money.

You found yourself a minimum wage job as a clerk in a grocery store. Your manager looks forward to your excellent work and wishes to give you a promotion and give you a bigger job. What are you going to do?

Choice 1 : Accept his offer.

Choice 2 : Refuse his offer.

Go to Mexico.

You are enjoying your vacation. You and your friends are doing plenty of activities. Unfortunately, during one of your diving expeditions, a shark bites your arm off and leaves you permanently paralized. You lost, please try again.

Choice 1 : Try again

Go to South America.

You have decided to do a good action so you are on your way to South America to help rebuild a small village recently hit by a hurricane. Luck is not your side. Strong winds make your plane have technical problems and you die in a plane crash. You lost, please try again.

Choice 1 : Try again

Accept his offer.

You have accepted his offer. Following your promotion, you quickly increase position in the company so you have decided not to go back to school. You have continued working in this grocery store throughout your career. Please start again.

Choice 1 : Start again

Refuse his offer.

You have refused his offer and you are still a clerk. Your career in this grocery store ends very quickly, as a car hits and kills you after your work shift. You lost, please try again.

Choice 1 : Try again

The one located in Europe.

You have decided to go to work in Europe! It's your dream job. You are finally asked to do a project. However, you are new to this country, and do not know the regulations by heart. Are you going to attack this project alone, or with a colleague who knows more about it?

Choice 1 : Attack this project alone.

Choice 2 : Attack this project with a colleague.

The one located in your region.

You made a reasonable choice. The job was everything you imagined. However, you do not feel included in the group. To your surprise, we invite you to an evening with colleagues. You hesitate to go because you already promised your wife that you were going to spend the evening together. What are you going to do?

Choice 1 : Going out with your colleagues.

Choice 2 : Stay home with your girlfriend.

Going out with your colleagues.

You have decided to spend the evening with your co-workers. Unfortunately, you forgot that it was your 10th anniversary with your wife. She will not be happy to hear that you spent the evening in a strip-club instead of being with her! She left you later that night. Please try again.

Choice 1 : Try again

Stay home with your girlfriend.

Romantic as you are, you have made the choice to spend the evening with your wife. You did well, because that evening allowed you to give birth to the child you had always wished for. Please start again.

Choice 1 : Start again

Attack this project alone.

You decided to do the project alone. You put a lot of time and effort into the project, and it turned out to be very successful. Unfortunately, a few years later, the building that you have designed collapsed, and it has created a scandal. You lost, please try again.

Choice 1 : Try again

Attack this project with a colleague.

You decided to do the project in a team. Good choice ! Your project was a hit and you got a great bonus that allowed you to travel a lot and see your family more regularly.

Choice 1 : Start again

Going back to school.

You have decided to go back to school. You have passed College, but your grades are very low. You applied to a university in engineering, but you were refused. You wonder what to do between applying in the same program, but in a different university, or applying in a different program.

Choice 1 : Apply to another university.

Choice 2 : Change your program.

Continue to work there.

You gave a chance to your job. Your salary did not improve and you started getting bullied at work. You wonder if it would be better to go to see HR, or to act as if nothing was wrong.

Choice 1 : Go to see human resources.

Choice 2 : Act as if nothing was wrong.

Apply to another university.

You applied to another university, but you still got refused. You are desperate and you wonder what to to between going to work at McDonald's, or crying like a baby and lock yourself up in your basement.

Choice 1 : Work at McDonald's.

Choice 2 : Cry like a baby.

Change your program.

You have decided to change program. You have attended a few of your classes, but you do not really like what you are studying. You wonder what to do between continuing or leaving school.

Choice 1 : Continuing school.

Choice 2 : Leaving school.

Go to see human resources.

You saw human resources and they have revised your compensation package. They couldn't do anything about the inter-employee relationship, but they advised you to talk to your manager. Are you going to talk to him about it?

Choice 1 : Talk to your boss.

Choice 2 : Don't talk to your boss.

Act as if nothing was wrong.

You claim to be okay, but you cry every day when you arrive from work. Deadly ideas are going through your mind after a while. Are you going to let them take over you or not?

Choice 1 : Let them take over you.

Choice 2 : Don't let them take over you.

Work at McDonald's.

Although this is not the career you imagined you would do, you did very well and became the manager of this McDonald's.

Choice 1 : Start again

Cry like a baby.

You are weak and have not spoken to anyone for months. You are depressed, and now you drown your pain in alcohol. You have lost, please try again.

Choice 1 : Try again

Talk to your boss.

You are going to talk to him about it and your relationships at work have greatly improved. You have become an assistant manager of the place, and will work for this company the rest of your life.

Choice 1 : Start again

Continuing school.

Nothing has improved, and your studies have ended rather quickly by giving sh** to your teacher and pooping on his desk. You lost, please try again.

Choice 1 : Try again

Leaving school.

Despite your unfinished studies, you have been approached to become an actor in a movie due to your personality and your beauty. You have made a career in this field and have become a TV star.

Choice 1 : Start again

Don't talk to your boss.

You are not going to talk to him and people have continued to make fun of you. You left this job and stayed on unemployment for years. You lost, please try again.

Choice 1 : Try again

Let them take over you.

You are carried away by your bad thoughts. One day, you arrived with a gun at work and killed all of your colleagues. You have spent the rest of your life in prison. You lost, please try again.

Choice 1 : Try again

Don't let them take over you.

You have remained rational and have put these deadly ideas away. You decided to quit and you found a better job elsewhere.

Choice 1 : Start again

The End.