The life of a Psychology student

A hypertext narrative by

Simon Charlebois

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1311

Choice count: 31

Section count: 20

Image count: 20

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis:

Psychology : 18 matches (depression, dream, environment, field, game, happiness, hunger, insight, love, need, player, psychology, psychologist, reason, sense, sleep, speed, thinking)

Tourism : 17 matches (Bus, Environment, Food, Program, apartment, bus, coach, content, field, league, pass, program, single, slow, stop, train, yacht)

Education : 17 matches (Down, School, campus, choice, classes, coach, college, don, field, field of study, first, games, learn, school, student, training, university)

Target Structure:

fulfillment (2 matches)

getting sucked up in (1 match)

internship (1 match)

invaluable (1 match)

lack of (1 match)

learn the ropes (1 match)

more often than not (1 match)

office politics (1 match)

straight A's (1 match)

wage (1 match)

worthwhile (1 match)


The life of a Psychology student

By Khayman [GFDL ( or CC BY-SA 3.0 (], from Wikimedia Commons

Your first choice.

You just graduated from Ahuntsic College. You feel blessed since you have been accepted to two awesome Universities. It's now your turn to choose where you want to go.

Choice 1 : You choose to go to UQAM.

Choice 2 : You choose to go to UDEM.

Choice 3 : I'm not going to school anymore!

By Daderot [CC0], from Wikimedia Commons

You chose to go to UQAM.

You chose to go to UQAM. You feel weird in the new environment that is UQAM. You don't know anyone who goes there and your classes are boring. Furthermore, you need to find a new apartment soon because the bus from your house to the campus is way to slow.

Choice 1 : You choose to keep studying at UQAM and find a new apartment.

Choice 2 : You decide to drop your classes and pursue your new passion : Painting!


You choose to keep studying at UQAM and find a new apartment.

You found a new apartment and a new roommate. The thing is this new roommate is very sketchy. Sometimes, you find yourself thinking that he might murder you!

Choice 1 : You trust him.

Choice 2 : You kill him before he kills you!

By Daderot [CC0], from Wikimedia Commons

You trust him.

He murdered you in your sleep! Well that sucks for you. Try again! It's the only thing you can do.

Choice 1 : Try again!

By Daderot [CC0], from Wikimedia Commons

You kill him before he kills you!

You kill him in and 1 on 1 fight to the death. You were armed with only your bare hands and fought a clean fight. Unfortunately, the police shows up and sends you to jail for killing an innocent man for no reason.

Choice 1 : Try again!


You chose to go to UDEM.

You really like your new University. You hang out with your friends every day and you hope to become a talented psychologist. However, you really like to play soccer with your team at the University. You now need to decide between your passion for soccer and a stable job as a psychologist.

Choice 1 : You decide to become a psychologist.

Choice 2 : You try to become a professional soccer player!


You decide to become a psychologist.

You decided to become a psychologist. You are getting straight A's in all of your classes. Many years of hard work later, you finally finished University. More often than not, psychology related jobs are scarce for undergraduates like you. You need to decide if you want to try and find a job in your field of study or settle for a minimum wage lifeguard job at your local YMCA.

Choice 1 : You decide search for a psychology related job.

Choice 2 : You settle for the lifeguard job.


You decide search for a psychology related job.

You found a nice job in a nice office where you help psychologist with their patients. You are not getting sucked up in office politics and you are starting to learn the ropes. You are content and you live happily ever after.

Choice 1 : Try again!


You decide to drop your classes and pursue your new passion : Painting!

You die of hunger because you can't afford to buy any food. Being an artist didn't give you a job or even a single penny!

Choice 1 : Try again!


I'm not going to school anymore!

You are not going to school anymore. You feel free. No more dreadful essays and exams! You spend all your time playing soccer, hanging out with friends, playing video games and going to the gym. Your life is now completely blissful. You even try to pick up new hobbies like painting. However, your parents tell you that you have to do something with your life like an internship that gives invaluable experience or a volunteering job.

Choice 1 : You listen to your parents.

Choice 2 : You try to become a professional soccer player!


You listen to your parents.

You listen to your parents and volunteer at a homeless shelter down the street. The homeless people give you worthwhile insight on their lives and lack of fulfillment. You are very touched by their stories. Do you want to keep studying to have a nice career?

Choice 1 : You decide to continue studying Psychology.

Choice 2 : You try to become a professional soccer player!


You decide to continue studying Psychology.

Studying psychology makes you surprisingly happy. You are meeting new people in your classes and making new friends. You decide to keep on studying for many years until you can practice being a real psychologist. You then search for jobs but can't find any. Desperate, you and your life long friend decide to create your own Psychology clinic. At first, the business is slow but it quickly picks up speed and becomes a very profitable firm. You become a world renowned psychologist and live the good life. You hang out on a nice yacht with beautiful models, you buy expensive cars and gigantic mansions. You feel a great sense of fulfillment but you still are missing one thing! The years pass and you find yourself a beautiful girlfriend. She was the missing piece of your happiness and you decide to marry as soon as you get her dads blessing. You have 2 beautiful children and live happily ever after.

Choice 1 : Try again!


You try to become a professional soccer player!

Do you want to train every day or do you want to relax every other day?

Choice 1 : You decide to train every day.

Choice 2 : You decide to relax every other day.


You decide to train every day.

You succeeded! You now are a professional soccer player. You do what you love every day and you make a lot of money doing it! You live happily ever after playing the game you love.

Choice 1 : Try again!


You decide to relax every other day.

You can't keep up with your coach training program. You feel completely powerless and your coach kicks you off the team. Your life is now a mess. Do you want to keep playing soccer and try to be a professional or do you want to give up?

Choice 1 : You don't give up and keep reaching for your dream!

Choice 2 : You've had enough.


You settle for the lifeguard job.

It's a nice a calm job. You meet some really fun people. There is this very cute lifeguard that works the same shift you do. Should you talk to her?

Choice 1 : You talk to her.

Choice 2 : You don't talk to her.


You talk to her.

She is the love of your life, the stars of your night. The moment you talk to her you know she is the one. You decide to marry her soon after and you have 10 happy children.

Choice 1 : Try again!


You don't talk to her.

She was the one but you never talked to her. You never saw her again and you died alone years later.

Choice 1 : Try again!


You don't give up and keep reaching for your dream!

You never doubt yourself again and you keep training as hard as you can. Your hard work pays off and you are drafted in a Premier League team. You now play for Chelsea and live a happy and complete life. You give all you have every practice and become a world renown soccer player.

Choice 1 : Try again!


You've had enough.

You gave up your dream. You are completely mentally destroyed and you only feel like sleeping all day. You sleep every day and every night, you even stop eating and fall into depression. You die weeks later from hunger.

Choice 1 : Try again!

The End.