2 careers.

A hypertext narrative by

Jonathan Plante

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 2096

Choice count: 54

Section count: 33

Image count: 33

Error count: 73

Field Related Analysis:

Computer Science : 40 matches (bit, button, call, choice, click, Computer science, computer, copy, device, don't care, electronic, Endless loop, failure, genre, handle, internet, link, list, Loop, manager, Math, Microsoft, name, page, Page, pass, Pick, reader, record, resident, screen, Section, server, skip, spread, station, Alan, video, web, YouTube)

Psychology : 29 matches (ability, alienation, bit, creativity, family, game, happiness, hit, idiot, image, imagination, insanity, interview, knowledge, love, meme, miss, need, nervous, pain, press, psychologist, reason, shock, smack, subject, symptom, touch, trip)

Archaeology : 26 matches (alienation, bit, college, comes, context, control, form, HER, here, keep, lead, Nut, park, pick, point, punch, Re, screen, section, study, style, talent, technology, tell, thing, writing)

Target Structure:

alienation (1 match)

lack of (1 match)


2 careers.

The college you are studying at.


You are an 18 year old student at Montmorency College. You are currently in a springboard to a DEC. During your spare time, you either draw, play video games or read. For the future, you see yourself doing one of these 2 careers:

Choice 1 : Computer Sciences.

Choice 2 : Literature and Communication: Art.

Computer program cool image

Computer Sciences.

Literature won't lead you far, so you sealed your fate: Your career will be in the new age of technology! Your gamer side agree with your choice. The job you are seeking is IT Manager. Are you worthy of this job? Will you do what you must to get the knowledge required to get the job?

Choice 1 : All your friend are struggling with their home works and studies. You understand how important studying is. You do as they do: You put the effort to study. You barely play any video games. Your gamer side is angry. Your imagination tough is vastly bigger, but still filled with video games.

Choice 2 : All your friend are struggling with their home works and studies. They are too nervous, they should relax a bit. You don't have to get 80% ate every exam to be considered good.

Literature image choice

Literature and Communication: Art.

You didn't want to work for any addictive electronic device making companies as you call theme (Microsoft, Apple, Sony, Bethesda, Bungie, Electronic Arts (EA), Blizzard, Activision, Havok, Ubisoft, Valve...) You chose to spread your creativity through paper instead off of a screen. You decided to take the French Literature course. It may not have been as much fun than the Computer Science: Web and Server administration course, but the good side is that you don't have math to do anymore!!! Let's say 6 years later, you want to write books. You have everything you need to write. But which genre are you going to start with?

Choice 1 : Fantastic Horror

Choice 2 : Police

You chose the wrong choice

You failed your Computer course.

Playing video games, watching stupid videos and drawing stupid comics was fun during the moment, but doing resulted in your predictable failure. But now, it's not just deception you feel deep within you: It's guilt and something else. You are guilty of what had happened to you, it's all your fault! But, what is the other thing you feel within your soul...

Choice 1 : Live on with it. Try one more time!

Choice 2 : Wait! That feeling! It's...

You chose the wrong choice

If only you had the money for...

If only you had the money for a bunker! The nuclear disaster is not your fault, but the lack of money is. It's not your fault if Donald Trump decided to turn the world into the next Fallout video game, but you could have survived the nuclear shock wave at least.

Choice 1 : So, what's next?


Try again.

Some people says that life is but an endless loop until you learned something valuable, a lesson. A lesson that only few understood. Try again?

Choice 1 : Begin again.



That feeling... It's called anger! Deep Hate of everything! Expert psychologist says it leads to insanity. (WARNING!!! The next Section is Brutal. If you want to skip it, take the link of CHOICE #2, you will only skip the section containing the Gif image (wich is form the video game Mortal Kombat X, violent ok)).

Choice 1 : So...

Choice 2 : IF YOU WANT TO SKIP THE VIOLENT PART, CLICK HERE! YOU ONLY MISS THE NEXT "CHOICE PAD" (Which contain only 1 choice ironically).



You could not get help in time. Insanity took the control over you. You are a murderer, always angry. You kill innocent to try to make it go away. But in the end, you can't make it go, because no matter who you blame, no matter who you kill, no matter what you do, it's still your fault and you know it. This is what makes you a monster.

Choice 1 : So, what now?

Road to success

You got 90% (Computer Science).

You knew that you could do it! Your parents always told you you had the talent! They were right! Now, you can choose to go directly find a job, or you can go further to University of Montreal, even thought you already have the requirements to become an IT manager. Make your choice.

Choice 1 : Apply for a job

Choice 2 : Go to University of Montreal for a better paid job

The boss

JOB: Interview.

You are in front of the manager. You feel very nervous. Usually, you try to change the subject when you are nervous, but this time, you can't. What will you do?

Choice 1 : Be honest, polite, and kind to him

Choice 2 : Try to show sympathy and friendship toward him

Choice 3 : Answer most questions honestly, but if you don't feel sure about the answer is good, tell the boss what he wants to hear

No me gusta


Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Choice 1 : Return to the interview.

He's mad, bro!

The boss don't care about it, he's a .....

The boss tells you violently that he doesn't "give a f..k" about boss/employee relationship.

Choice 1 : maintain your point


Thank you idiot.

Dear Donald Trump. Thank you for the nuclear disaster you caused. We would never have been able to press the button without you. Now if i may ask: WHY DID YOU PRESSED THE BUTTON??? LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID, IDIOT!

Choice 1 : Return to the interview section

got it

Great! You got the job! You are starting tomorrow.

Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Choice 1 : Continue with your day.

Dead Rising 3 Annie (Katey Greene)


After the interview, you decide to walk outside. It's a nice sunny day after all. You walk for 30 minutes, and then sit on a bench in a park to take a break and look at the people around you. A nice girl comes and sit right next to you. She present herself as Annie. You can see in her eyes that she is interested in you. This is your chance. As you two learn each other, a big idiot looking dude comes right next to her and smack her in the the face while yelling: «Thanks for getting me fired bitch». He then looks at you, look back at her while she's still stunned and prepares himself to punch her. What do you do?

Choice 1 : Do absolutely nothing.

Choice 2 : Immediately punch him in the balls.

Choice 3 : Try to reason him.

Choice 4 : Take the hit for Annie

Do it!



Choice 1 : Do something

Johnny Cage's Nut Punch Mortal Kombat X video game


Your quick reflexes benefit again! The guy anticipated your reaction, but didn't have the time to react! He rolls himself down the ground in pain. He won't touch her again. Annie looks at you with admiration. You can already tell that there is something more than friendship between the 2 of you.

Choice 1 : 70 years later


Talking didn't worked.

You tell him to wait. He punch her a couple of times, look at you, punch her again and walk away (What a dick).

Choice 1 : Return to the choice list

I am your shield


You throw yourself in front of Annie. The guy stops and tell you to get out of the way. What do you do next?

Choice 1 : Hit him in the balls!

Choice 2 : Hold your position.

Punch someone in the face in public, claims that he did nothing lol.

Winning without violence.

The guy hit you on the chest. He strikes hard, but you can handle it. As he was about to punch a second time, he feels a hand on his shoulder. The guy turn around and see a cop right behind him. He gets a trip to the police station. Annie looks at you and thanks you.

Choice 1 : 28 years later

[Fallout 4 vault 111 reopening music]

Well done!

28 years later! Your life is built, and you enjoy it! You have a happy family and enough money to be comfortable. Your life is considered a success. Your parents are proud of you.

Choice 1 : Return to the beginning

[Fallout 4 vault 111 reopening music again]

Best Ending.

Your life is done! After the 2025's nut punch as you call it, Annie felt deep in love with you. The happiness it brought seemed to have made the nuclear disaster avoided. It's like everything just became better for both of you. On the cold hands of the death, you think of what you achieved joy. You had a nice wife, children's and house, you had a job you liked, you still had your friends from the CEGEP Montmorency and you let something to make your kids and their kids be proud of you. You must sadly leave this world, but you don't leave it with fear or remorse: You leave it in peace!

Choice 1 : Return to the beginning

Université de Montréal

University of Montreal.

Your desire for money lead you to a need of a better paid job. You decide to go the The University of Montreal. Your parents are proud of you.

Choice 1 : Next...



However, you don't belong here. You know you are tossing away the job of your dreams. Your parents don't understand. They say that if the amount of work is too high, you can take a break and try again, but they don't understand the problem in the first place! As days pass, you feel even more alone. You know well that the name of this symptom is alienation, but you don't feel like doing anything about it. You feel trapped, with no excuses and way to make things change.

Choice 1 : You've made a terrible choice

My Favorite Video game ever!

Fantastic Horror.

Splendid! Your first book became almost instantly popular. All the media talk about it. Your masterpiece is called: The Evil Within. The fan art is already spreading on the internet and the famous video game company Bethesda made you an offer to make a game off of your story! Do you accept Bethesda's offer?

Choice 1 : Accept Bethesda's offer

Choice 2 : Decline Bethesda's offer

Epic music in the background


Bethesda fan hates you! Try again. And WHY WOULD YOU SAY NO?

Choice 1 : Rethink your choice


Offer accepted!

The game itself brought you a ton of cash. You used it to buy 100 lottery tickets. It paid: You won $2,500,000!!! You could basically stop working if you wanted to. The only reason you keep going is because of theme: your fans! you make more chapters for them. You aren't doing it for the money anymore: just for the others. Your mind is in peace.

Choice 1 : You made it! Here's a link back to the beginning!

Make your choice (Cheap jigsaw reference)

Police Genre.

You are sat in front of your computer, an empty word page on the screen. You have multiples idea, but which one will make the next best seller?

Choice 1 : Hidden Agenda

Choice 2 : Mobius Record

Choice 3 : President Evil.

Choice 4 : Alan Wake

By the creator of Until Dawn

Hidden Agenda.

Your book have good reviews, but as not sold as many copy's as you would have liked. Still, it's better than nothing! What's your next book?

Choice 1 : President Evil

Choice 2 : Alan Wake

Choice 3 : Mobius Record

Fuck you Mobius! Here comes the Fatality!

Mobius Record.

This book is failure! Apparently nobody likes Mobius (Which is good, because Mobius are the bad guys). This failure had an impact on your ability to write. You get incapable of writing a single word. Your life is screwed!

Choice 1 : Nooooooooo!

Choice 2 : ,...

I called it!

President Evil.

President Evil! Ha ha ha! What a nice Resident Evil joke! It's a nice joke, but it's not a good idea for a book. What do you chose?

Choice 1 : Police Genre.

The Evil Within's Dad!

Alan Wake.

Microsoft claims copyrights have been violated! (was a dumb idea on your part to pick Alan Wake without Googling it first. You don't believe me? Try it! You'll see that most pictures, names and even some phrases are a reference to a game, a movie or an internet joke (meme). Try it). Anyway, try again?

Choice 1 : go back to Police Genre

Choice 2 : President Evil

Choice 3 : Mobius Record

Saved by a website

Or maybe not screwed!

you may not have been able to write, but you earn money from the Youtube videos you make (and from your job at Walmart). You're not living in a luxury style, but you don't care! You're happy, and it's all what matters!

Choice 1 : Go back to the beginning

The End.