Word count: 1691
Choice count: 41
Section count: 20
Image count: 20
Error count: 5
Field Related Analysis:
Law/Paralegal-Technology : 21 matches (accident, account, Bill, company, drugs, fact, House, living, market, month, offer, parties, premium, public, rent, residence, stock, test, title, transfer, trust)
Business : 19 matches (CEO, account, accountant, accounting, administration, amount, brand, business, company, firm, investment, management, market, money, offer, pay, sell, stock, trust)
Education : 16 matches (School, choice, college, don, failure, fees, first, grades, graduate, management, market, scholarship, school, semester, test, university)
Target Structure:
background check (1 match)
dead-end job (1 match)
getting sucked up in (1 match)
income (1 match)
lack of (1 match)
overtime (1 match)
premium wage (1 match)
put aside (1 match)
retirement (1 match)
straight A's (1 match)
time management (1 match)
wage (1 match)
I have been studying Business Administration for 2 years now at Ahuntsic College. I am graduating this year and I still haven't made my mind up on which university I am going to pursue my studies.
Choice 1 : Go to the University of Montreal.
Choice 2 : Go to the University of Ottawa.
I have finally decided to stay here in Montreal, and I am really happy with my decision because I am staying at my parents house, which means I don't have to pay rent and I have fewer bills With this University choice, I have more money available to spend for myself and I need to choose where to spend my money.
Choice 1 : Invest my money in stock Market.
Choice 2 : Buy a brand new 2018 car.
Choice 3 : Spend money in clubs and parties.
I finally decided to attend the University of Ottawa. I am excited to live the experience of living without my parents. I have been putting money aside for a year now and now I need to find an apartment before the semester starts.
Choice 1 : Move in the school residence.
Choice 2 : Move in an apartment near the school alone.
Choice 3 : Move in an apartment with my friend Billy.
Investing in stocks can be really risky. I have been studying marijuana stocks for the last couple months. Marijuana is going to be legal in Canada and I think it is a really smart move ! I am ready to invest in few companies. A year after my investment, I have triple my money ! Now I need to decide if I want to keep on investing or cash out my money.
Choice 1 : Cash out my money.
Choice 2 : Keep investing my money.
I thought buying a brand new car was going to be beneficial to me, but it wasn't. It is really expensive. I have to pay around six hundred dollars in total monthly. Also, parking in downtown got me a lot of tickets. Now that I don't have much money left in my bank account, I have a choice to make.
Choice 1 : sell my car.
Choice 2 : Make more hours at work.
Choice 3 : Go to the casino.
Spending money in clubs wasn't a really good idea. I quickly realise that there's not much money left in my bank account. Spending that much time in parties made me less focus in school. I am now in a failure situation. I really need to save my semester and I have a choice to make if I want to make more hours at work to keep on partying or focus on school.
Choice 1 : Make more hours at work.
Choice 2 : Stop partying and focus on school.
Moving in the school residence was less expensive than moving in an apartment alone. Having my room near the school got me more focus at school which helped have good grades. After my first semester, I received a scholarship. I didn't have to pay school fees anymore. After 5 years of studies, I now have my Certified Public Accountant. Now I have to decide my future career.
Choice 1 : Accept an job offer.
Choice 2 : Open my own accounting firm.
Moving in an apartment by myself was really exciting at the beginning. But, as the first month passed, I quickly realized that it has a lot of responsibilities. School fees in Ottawa are much higher than Quebec's. I had to pay around two thousand five hundred dollars including everything. I am running out of money and I need to find a solution.Transfer back in Montreal, make more hours at work, move in school residence or trust my luck at the casino.
Choice 1 : Go to the University of Montreal.
Choice 2 : Move in the school residence.
Choice 3 : Make more hours at work.
Choice 4 : Go to the casino.
Moving with Billy was a really great idea. All the bills was split in half, I didn't have to make more hours at work. I had enough time to study and had good grades. Everything went well until the day Billy didn't wake up from his sleep. He died during the night from a heart attack. I am now alone in Ottawa and I have to pays the bills by myself. I have a choice to make. Transfer back in Montreal, make more hours at work or move in school residence.
Choice 1 : Make more hours at work.
Choice 2 : Go to the University of Montreal.
Choice 3 : Move in the school residence.
I am really happy. This was my first business move that was successful. This gives me a lot of confidence for my next move. Now that I have more money, I can spend some.
Choice 1 : Invest my money in stock Market.
Choice 2 : Buy a brand new 2018 car.
Choice 3 : Spend money in clubs and parties.
This was the smartest move I made in my entire life. By the time, I finished my Certified Public Accountant, the money that I invested in marijuana stocks multiplied by 10 ! I had enough money to open my own accounting firm. I am now the CEO of the largest accounting company in North America. I make 20 millions a year ! I got married to a beautiful wife and we have 5 kids.
Choice 1 : The end of my college studies.
I really love that car. I am really sad that I have to sell but I think this was the best decision. Now that I sold My car, I have money to spend and I need to choose where I want to spend it.
Choice 1 : Invest my money in stock Market.
Choice 2 : Spend money in clubs and parties.
Making more hours at work gave me less time to study. With this lack of focus, I ended up having bad grades because of my bad time management, and finally dropped out to school. I didn't know what to do with my life so I started selling drugs. I got caught and now I'm in jail for 10 years.
Choice 1 : The end of my college studies.
Focusing on school helped me graduate with straight A's after 5 long and hard years of studies. I finished my CPA after my bachelor in accounting and now I have to make a choice on my future career.
Choice 1 : Accept an job offer.
Choice 2 : Open my own accounting firm.
After a Job Interview, I just accepted a chartered professional accountant job in Ottawa for a great company. After a background check, they decided to give me a premium wage of one hundred and fifty dollars a year. What I loved with this job is that it wasn't a dead-end job. As the year passed, I bought a beautiful house and a I8 BMW. This is a really fast car. Someday, I decided to test my car by pushing it to full speed. I ended up dying in a car accident.
Choice 1 : The end of my college studies.
I decided to open my own accounting firm. I began with 10 employees. 10 years later, after a lot of overtime and tough up and downs, I had 10 000 employees. I am now the CEO of the largest accounting company in North America. My income was around 20 millions a year ! I have put aside a lot of money for my retirement. I got married to a beautiful wife and we have 5 kids.
Choice 1 : The end of my college studies.
This was the best night of my entire life ! I can't believe it ! I won a hundred thousand dollars ! I can't be any happier because I really need this money. I can do many things with this huge amount of money.
Choice 1 : Go back to casino.
Choice 2 : Invest my money in stock Market.
Choice 3 : Pay my bills.
Going to the casino the next day that I won the big jackpot wasn't a good Idea. I was getting sucked up in the game and I lost every dollar that I won the day before. I am now broke. I got out of of the casino and was really depressed. I started to overthink and I just couldn't get over the fact that I just lost one hundred thousand dollars. I didn't want to live anymore, so I decided to jump out the bridge and kill myself.
Choice 1 : The end of my college studies.
With this big amount of money that I won, I didn't have to worry about a single bill for the rest of my time in school. This helped me focus on my grades and get my CPA title after 5 years of studies. I can now make a career choice.
Choice 1 : Accept an job offer.
Choice 2 : Open my own accounting firm.
I decided to take a year off from school and go all around the world. Three months after the beginning of my long trip, I was time for me to visit Africa. The thing is that I forgot to take the vaccines necessary against diseases that are common throughout the continent. Unfortunately, I ended up getting sick from Hepatitis A, and died few weeks later.
Write a choice here.
The End.