Pre-hospital Emergency Care what a choice !

A hypertext narrative by

Laurence Perreault

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1250

Choice count: 21

Section count: 10

Image count: 0

Error count: 40

Field Related Analysis:

Prehospital Emergency Care : 25 matches (accident, ambulance, chest, heart, hospital, pain, practice, chest pain, emergency, paramedic, anaphylactic shock, cardiac arrest, dyspnea, heart palpitation, hypoglycemia, hypothermia, intervention, myocardial infarction, palpitation, shock, syncope, dispatcher, 911, doctor, emergency care)

Tourism : 21 matches (Airport, Australia, Competition, Destination, Expedition, Flight, Luggage, Party, Pilot, airplane, airport, bit, destination, dispatcher, door, flight, luggage, residence, split, ticket, watch)

Nursing : 20 matches (accident, ambulance, burn, chest, director, Doctor, flight, heart, hospital, hypothermia, infarction, myocardial infarction, nervous, pain, palpitation, practice, shock, syncope, emergency care, hypoglycemia)

Target Structure:


Pre-hospital Emergency Care what a choice !

Make a choice.

You just have finished your DEC as a Pre-hospital Emergency Care student so you're now a paramedic ! Now you need to decide if you are going to the university for advanced care or you are going to work as a full patch paramedic or you are going to take a year to travel.

Choice 1 : You are going to the university for advanced care study.

Choice 2 : you are going to work as a full patch paramedic.

Choice 3 : you take one year to travel all around the world

Make a choice.

You are going to the university for advanced care study.

Choice 1 : You have to decide if you are going to Uqam University

Choice 2 : You have to decide if you are going to Udem University

Make a choice.

You are going to work as a full patch paramedic.

Choice 1 : You can work on day shift

Choice 2 : You can work on night shift

Make a choice.

You are going to take a year to travel all around the world.

Choice 1 : You are going to travel with your friends.

Choice 2 : You are going to travel alone.

Make a choice.

You are going to Uqam University.

Choice 1 : You are going to the initiation party where you need to meet challenges like evaluate blood pressures, you take care of a fake anaphylactic shock, you make bandages and take care of dyspnea. You are having fun for sure it's a competition ! You also meet new friends and maybe your new boyfriend, the one boy that made you this fantastic smile and a wink. You instantly hope you'll kiss tonight until you see that he is kissing your bestfriend instead of kissing you.

Choice 2 : It's the initiation day but you want to stay home to study notions like what is a hypoglycemia, what are the solutions for a hypothermia, what is a myocardial infarction. You are studying in your bedroom until you smell something that is like the smell of fire. You are looking at your desk and your books are burning because of your candle. Your bedroom starts to burn until your house is all burned. RIP.

Make a choice.

You are going to Udem University.

Choice 1 : There's an initiation party and you are invited to go. You dress yourself with your hottest clothes. You arrive at the party and you see that there's no music, no lights, nobody. You look at your watch and it's only 10pm. Someone text you on your phone to say that the party is over there's a curfew at Udem so you can't party all night long. You say to yourself wtf ? I should accept the residence at Uqam University.

Choice 2 : You are going to the first practice of pre-hospital emergency care advanced study of your school. You are practicing as P1 one after another until it's time for you to be the victim. The teacher explain the scenario to the other students and says that it's a person who had a car accident and it's still in it. As a victim you are in a fake car and wait for the paramedic students. They comes and make their intervention until they need to get you out of the car. Rapidly they take you out but with the wrong way and break your legs. You need to go to the hospital and the doctor announce you that you will not be able to study this year in advanced care study.

Make a choice.

You are working as a full patch paramedic on a day shift.

Choice 1 : It's your first day on the ambulance and you are working on the day shift. The director come to you and offers you to work with Mathilde your bestfriend from school. You say to yourself what a nice job would it be with my bff.

Choice 2 : It's your first day on the ambulance and you are working on the day shift. The director come to you and offers you to work with Mathieu the sexy boy the one that you felt in love with at school. You have graduate at the same time and you thought you would never see him again. What a chance you have ! Maybe he could be your next boyfriend.

Make a choice.

You are working on the night shift.

Choice 1 : It's your first night on the ambulance on the night shift. You receive your first call and it's a call for a woman with heart palpitation. You are going to the house where the call is in 10-30 (emergency drive). You are so nervous that you passed out in the ambulance.

Choice 2 : It's your first night on the ambulance on the night shift. You receive your first call and it's for a syncope from a male. The dispatcher gives you the address and you recognize it. It's your house ! You are going to the house in 10-30 (emergency drinving) and you see your 5 years old brother at the entrance of the house. You are a bit panicking until he says to you : I was just missing you and call 911 hoping to see you. OUFFFF !

Make a choice.

You are traveling with your friends.

Choice 1 : You are at the airport with you friends and someone tells you that he is hungry. You decide to go eat a pizza and split it with all of you. It took so long to cook the damn pizza that you ran to the door but arrived too late. You have missed your flight !

Choice 2 : You are at the airport with all your friends. You are waiting for your flight until someone calls your number of ticket to get into the airplanes. Everyone gives his luggage and take a seat. You are all excited to go to Australia for the year. After 3 hours of flight, you see all the snow in the sky and starts wondering what the hell because habitually there's no snow in Australia and suddenly the pilot says : Hi everyone ! we are now in Alaska thanks for traveling with AIRCANADA.

Make a choice.

You are traveling alone.

Choice 1 : You are at the airport and don't know where you are going for your first expedition. You see on the bord that there's China, Australia, Japan, Bresil and Cuba that are available. You finally choose China for your destination. You buy your ticket and wait for your flight. While you wait, there's a huge BOOM in the airport. You look around you and see explosion, blood, victims and men with black scarves. You realise that there's a terrorist attack at the airport and you will probably die. You'll have to make a choice quickly !

Choice 2 : You are at the airport and don't you are traveling alone for the first time.You are going to Australia for one year and you are really anxious about it. You are walking to your seat in the airplane when suddenly you feel the hardest chest pain ever. You get down on the ground and sadly have a cardiac arrest. You suddenly hear a BIP BIP BIP ! It was the dial of your bedroom. You realise that you were dreaming. God damn !

The End.