The choices of my life

A hypertext narrative by

Jacob Dodier

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 628

Choice count: 26

Section count: 20

Image count: 20

Error count: 29

Field Related Analysis

Education : 43 matches

(choice, class, don, grades, graduation, market, university)

Law : 16 matches

(accident, blood, family, government, house, market, parties)

Food and catering : 12 matches

(alcohol, cook, party, rest, restaurant)

Target Structure: (1 matches)

retirement (5 matches)


The choices of my life

Graduation from Thetford Mines.

After my graduation, I have the choice to continue my studies in kinesiology at the University of Trois-Rivieres or go at the Concordia University to study in athletic therapy. I can also go work on the market.

Choice 1 : University of Trois-Rivieres.

Choice 2 : University of Concordia.

Choice 3 : Work on the market.


University of Trois-Rivieres.

I need to find a job to pay my apartment.

Choice 1 : I do an interview in a restaurant.

Choice 2 : I don't get a job.


University of Concordia.

I'm at Concordia to study Athletic Therapy and work in a hockey team.

Choice 1 : Enjoying the university.


Work on the market.

I work in a wood factory.

Choice 1 : Have a work accident.

Wood factory

I don't get a job.

I will be expelled from my apartment because I don't pay the bills.

Choice 1 : Expelled from my apartment, I can't go to University anymore.


I do an interview in a restaurant.

I get the job as a cook and I enjoy it.

Choice 1 : I die poisoned by an other cook.

Choice 2 : I'm giving up the university to become a cook.


I'm giving up the university to become a cook.

I am a cook for the rest of my life and I have a very good salary.

Choice 1 : I have a great retirement with a lot of money.


I have a great retirement with a lot of money.

I live my best life with my family.

Choice 1 : End of the story.


Enjoying the university.

I really enjoy the parties and my studies at the university.

Choice 1 : I'm really too drunk at a party.

Choice 2 : I'm really concentrate on my studies.

University party

I'm really too drunk at a party.

I go to an Hospital because I'm too drunk.

Choice 1 : I die because it has too much alcohol in my blood.


I'm really concentrate on my studies.

I am one of the best in my class, I have really good grades.

Choice 1 : Have a proposition to work in the LHJMQ.

Good grades

Have a proposition to work in the LHJMQ.

I work in the LHJMQ and two teams approach me.

Choice 1 : Have a proposition with the Quebec Remparts.

Choice 2 : Have a proposition with the Baie-Comeau Drakkar.


Have a proposition with the Quebec Remparts.

I work with the team and I really enjoy it. I stay there until my retirement.

Choice 1 : Do my retirement after 30 years.

Quebec Remparts

Have a proposition with the Baie-Comeau Drakkar.

I'm with the Drakkar and it goes very well until something.

Choice 1 : I have a car accident and die at the impact.

Baie-Comeau Drakkar

Do my retirement after 30 years.

After 30 years, I retire from the team and live my best life.

Choice 1 : End of the story.


I have a car accident and die at the impact.

I died in a car accident when I was going to a hockey game.

Choice 1 : End of the story.

car accident

End of the story.

I have to relive my life.

Choice 1 : The end.


Have a work accident.

I had a work accident and I can't work again because of it.

Choice 1 : Have a paycheck from the government each week because I can't work.

Work accident

Have a paycheck from the government each week because I can't work.

I can't work the rest of my life, so I have paychecks and do my own things.

Choice 1 : I die in my house.


I die in my house.

I died in my house because of a heart attack.

Choice 1 : I can relive my life because of an angel.
