Hypertext narrative final project

A hypertext narrative by

Étienne Malouin

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 749

Choice count: 12

Section count: 6

Image count: 6

Error count: 22

Field Related Analysis:

Education : 19 matches (CEGEP, Education, School, choice, class, classes, course, don, elementary school, field, first, goal, high school, motivation, objective, oral presentations, project, school, student)

Computer Science : 12 matches (call, choice, Class, Comment, field, hypertext, operation, recognize, sleep, station, structure, table)

Sociology : 11 matches (class, education, School, fact, goal, interests, media, narrative, objective, school, structure)

Target Structure:

internship (1 match)


Hypertext narrative final project

My new school

First day of school.

It’s my first day of class at my new school. For the last 8 years, I followed a regular education. I did my high school and after my cegep. Now I arrive at Pro Media. I want to go at this school because I want to become a journalist. I sit at my desk for the first course. The director talk to us about the goal of the school and the objective the student need to accomplish to succeed. Everything is fine but at a precise moment I recognize a guy that I go to high school with but that I didn’t like. The first day’s over, I go home but I have to go eat something. Where do I go?

Choice 1 : Boston Pizza

Choice 2 : Pacini

Pacini restaurant

The night meal.

I arrive to the pacini restaurant. I sit at a table and order pasta. While I’m waiting to my meal, I go to the bread bar. Making perfect pesto bread on the grill. At this moment a man arrive at the grill. I recognize him, he’s the director of a popular sport TV station. I don’t want to disturb him, but at the same time I really want to go talk to him. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Go talk to him

Choice 2 : B) Do nothing and go back to my seat to eat my pasta. After I finish to eat I go back to my house for a great night of sleep.

The bread bar where we talk

First meating with the director.

I decide to go talk to him. I tell myself that this is the chance of my life and that I do not miss this. I approach, I shake his hand and introduce me to him. I explain to him which school I study and what I want to do in life. Does comment react by listening to me?

Choice 1 : He tells me to leave him alone and he is not interested in me

Choice 2 : He invites me to a table to eat with him to develop on my future projects

The restaurant table

First dicussion about my futur job.

I arrive at his table. He orders a bottle of wine and asks me what interests me about this job. I explain that I want to do field journalism. I explain the operation of the school where I study. I love the way the structure is made. Despite the fact that I do not get along very well with one person. The dinner finished, the director invites me to have a drink to continue the discussion on my future aspirations. I do not want to refuse his offer but I have a class at 8am the next morning. What to do?

Choice 1 : I accept in me that this is the chance of my life and that I cannot let that go. I tell myself that I rested another day

Choice 2 : I decline the offer and I will rest for the next day for my day of classes.

Walking outside to bar

Road to the bar.

Wile we walk to the bar, i receive a call, It's my friend who want me to give him a lift. He's one of my best friend and we always help each other. He gave me a favor 2 weeks ago and i deserve something to him. What should i do?

Choice 1 : Cancel the rest of the discussion and go help my friend

Choice 2 : Tell him to find another way to have a lift and stay with the director

The bar where we continu the discussion

The meeting continue at the bar.

We arrive at the bar, have a table and order a beer. I explain to the director that my passion comes from when I was young. Already at that time I liked to talk about sports. In elementary school, my oral presentations had the Sport 30 newsletter concept. He is impressed by my motivation. He tells me to apply to my class and following him, he will try to find an internship in his station. I thank and we are each on our side. In the morning, I am extremely tired of the old woman. I have trouble waking up. I ask what to do.

Choice 1 : I get up, I assume to have a big party and I still go to my class

Choice 2 : I decide to stay in bed but miss my school day

The End.