University or work

A hypertext narrative by

Philippe Lamontagne

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1787

Choice count: 44

Section count: 45

Image count: 45

Error count: 23

Field Related Analysis:

Film : 17 matches (box office, camera, cinema, director, film, finance, form, movie, production, project, script, shoot, shot, sound, space, take, time)

Education : 17 matches (School, choice, class, college, diploma, don, exam, fail, failed, first, journal, project, school, students, teacher, teachers, university)

Sociology : 16 matches (class, analysis, School, economy, employment, Sigmund Freud, group, industry, interests, philosophy, production, psychology, school, Small, suicide, World)

Target Structure:

internship (4 matches)


University or work

The end of the year.

It's the end of the year, you finish the school with a pre-university and you don't know what to do next.

Choice 1 : go to the university.

Choice 2 : You drop school

What should I do now ?

I decide to drop school and now I'm not sure about what to do now.

Choice 1 : My project.

Choice 2 : Find a full time job

Choice 3 : Try to reconcile the two

My project.

I've decided to work on my own project but I'm not sure if I be able to do it alone because it's a long and hard work that requires a lot of time, energy and money.

Choice 1 : Ask friends who have studied in

Choice 2 : Also try to do it by myself

Good friends or good students?

I've decided to ask people than I know if they want to help me. But I'm not sure who. If, I ask my best friends it will be funny but I want serious in this project and I'm not sure if we can be.

Choice 1 : Ask my best friends

Choice 2 : Ask good students who was in my class

Good students.

I ask three people that I knew they working good, after I explained my project, they kicked me out of the group and stole my idea. Now I'm alone and I don't have any others projects.

Write a choice here.

My best friends.

I've chosen my best friends and two years later, our film was finished. We had a lot of fun and we project to make other movies in team because we are a good team.

Write a choice here.

By myself.

I've chosen to do it by myself and it's complicated because I don't have enough money. I could ask for a grant but I don't want any change in my movie and I'm not sure if it be accepted.

Choice 1 : continue to do it alone

Choice 2 : Try to have a grant

I give up.

I've persisted trying to do it alone but I have to stop because I don't have enough money for the moment for this movie. More, for the moment, I won't have any job and have to pay the bills.

Write a choice here.

The grant.

I applied for a grant and they replied to me by a grant of $10 000 who give me the opportunity to complete my movie and take him out in the room.

Write a choice here.

A full time job.

When I left school, and drop my career of filmmaker, I wasn't sure about what to do.

Choice 1 : Try to start a career

Choice 2 : Find a job for the year or a couple of months

The career.

I hesitated between two kinds of careers, try to make a lot of money in a small space of time, or use my cinematographic pass to write reviews in a journal.

Choice 1 : Try to became a trader

Choice 2 : Try to became a journalist

Trader career.

It was the best move I've ever make in my entire life! I'm now aged of 27 years and have everything I ever wanted. I can even do my own movie because I have enough money to work on it by my own.

Write a choice here.

Journalist career.

My career as a journalist was short. I wrote 8 reviews but the last one was too personal and the journal don't appreciate it so they fired me.

Write a choice here.

Not a career, but I need a job.

I was looking for a job and wasn't sure if I wanted a job for the year or just for a couple of months to travel during the rest of the year.

Choice 1 : seasonal employment.

Choice 2 : Tim Horton's for the year

seasonal employment.

I've found a summer job in a golf club. I worked there for 6 months and after I buy a ticket for Australia for the other 6 months. This allowed me to discover that in life, I wanted to live like this. Work the half year and travel in the rest of the world the other half.

Write a choice here.

Tim Horton's life.

After 8 months at the Tim, I give up and quit my job in the middle of my shift out of patience screaming at my boss. Now I have a bad reference and have misery to find another job.

Write a choice here.

reconcile the 2.

I've decided to reconcile the two but I'm not sure if I need to work more and work on my project on the side or if I pass my project in priority. No matter what I chose, I'll work hard all the time.

Choice 1 : Work on my project alone and work more at my job

Choice 2 : Form a team and work less

work more at job.

I work a lot at my job and didn't find the time and the energy to work on my project.

Choice 1 : quit my job and bet all on my project

Choice 2 : I sells my script and work full time

All in.

I quit my job and bet all on my own. Now I made festivals with my movie and do my place in the industry. Now I'm talking with Denis Villeneuve around a beer.

Write a choice here.

Sells your script.

A production companies buys my script for $10 000 and make 1 million at the box office.

Write a choice here.

The team.

You try to make a team with people who don't know anything in cinema but got the same schedule as you. Or, you try to contact your old friends to help you but you don't have the same schedule.

Choice 1 : Same schedule.

Choice 2 : Contact your old friends

Same schedule.

The team you form is not expert but you can work effectively because your free of your time at the same time. You finish your movie and became a strong team and work on other projects.

Write a choice here.

Chose your friends.

You chose your friend for the team but after 2 meeting you won't have the time to see you and you drop the project.

Write a choice here.

go to the university.

After the college, I decided to apply at the university but I don't know what interests me. So, I need to apply in three different things.

Choice 1 : Cinema.

Choice 2 : Try in finance

Choice 3 : Try in psychology


In cinema, I can apply to be a filmmaker or to be like a sound engineer or something like that.

Choice 1 : Try to be a big name

Choice 2 : Simply work with the big name

a big name.

With my economy, I can buy a new camera and try to do project on the side with the school or simply take it lazied and pass flush.

Choice 1 : Try hard.

Choice 2 : Take it easy

Try hard.

You buy a new camera and met people passionate of cinema and shoot stuff with her. Your teachers saw you and asked you if you want to film for someone who's in the industry and your career start like this.

Write a choice here.

The lazy way.

You take it too cool and you don't pass the majority of your class and don't get your diploma.

Write a choice here.

work with the big name.

I decide to simply be in the team and be lead by a director. My job is well-done in class and my teacher offer me a job in his new box production. I have heard that he failed with another box.

Choice 1 : take the job.

Choice 2 : Refuse the job

take the job.

I take the job and now I'm comfortable and have employs stable.

Write a choice here.

Refuse the place.

I refused the place and now my teacher made me fail all my exam and I also didn't work.

Write a choice here.

the finance.

I applied in finance at Montreal and Quebec. I've been accepted at the 2 place. I know some people in Quebec and really hate Montreal.

Choice 1 : Quebec.

Choice 2 : Montreal.


My friends invite me to live with her during my university but I'm not sure is a good idea.

Choice 1 : Live with my friends

Choice 2 : Find a home alone

My friends.

Now I live with my friends and I'm on the party all the time and fail all my class.

Write a choice here.

Own home.

I succeed in every class and I'm the first of the class. My teacher says then I have a brilliant future as a trader.

Write a choice here.


When, I come too Montreal I met a guy who became my dealer. He offered me a job in his business.

Choice 1 : Accept the job

Choice 2 : Run away from him and find another dealer

The job.

I accept the job and a few years later I'm a big shot respected by everybody.

Write a choice here.

The new dealer.

My new dealer was a crackhead and he stabbed me in the back.

Write a choice here.


I have two choses for the psychology of dream or mental illnesses.

Choice 1 : Psychology of dream

Choice 2 : Mental illnesses.

Dream Psychology.

In that class I have 2 choice of philosophy.

Choice 1 : Tobie Nathan

Choice 2 : Sigmund Freud


With Nathan, I can do my class and understand everything. After the university I found my own cabinet and have a good life.

Write a choice here.


With Freud, I always over analysis. Every night I woke up in the middle of my sleep, sweaty, analysis my dream and don't understand anything about me. One day I had enough and I committed suicide.

Write a choice here.

Mental illnesses.

At the end of the year I have to choose between a longer exam or an internship.

Choice 1 : longer exam.

Choice 2 : Internship.

longer exam.

The exam was to tough for me and I won't study enough... I failed the exam, and now I have to restart everything.

Write a choice here.


I do an internship in the mental illnesses section at the hospital, and after one month I realize that I was just like my patients except that I realized.

Write a choice here.

The End.