Youth or Adults

A hypertext narrative by

Marie-Pier Gagnon

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1838

Choice count: 29

Section count: 20

Image count: 20

Error count: 2

Field Related Analysis:

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 27 matches (abandonment, act, Authority, children, criminal, debt, harassment, Information, inmate, intercourse, intervention, justice, month, office, parole, probation, process, rehabilitation, reputation, Rules, security, self-employed, Sexual, sue, suicide, test, young)

Corrections-Technology : 20 matches (authority, cells, correctional, correctional officer, debt, educator, habit, handcuff, intervention, inmate, inmates, jail, mental health, rehabilitation, security, sexual, abuse, therapy, young, killed)

Psychology : 20 matches (abuse, behavior, bit, dream, FAST, field, habit, harassment, information, learning, love, need, parole, process, rehabilitation, self, sexual abuse, sexual harassment, suicide, therapy)

Target Structure:

background check (1 match)

drawback (2 matches)

flirtation (2 matches)

office politics (1 match)

overtime (5 matches)

sexual harassment (1 match)

undermine (1 match)

wage (1 match)

worthwhile (2 matches)


Youth or Adults

What do I do?

Choosing my way.

I have been studying youth and adults correctional intervention for the past three years and I'm finally done! I knew that I would have to make some decisions, but it went so fast that now I'm graduated, I don't know if I want to work with kids or with adults! What should I do?

Choice 1 : Let's go with youths!

Choice 2 : Let's go with adults!


Let's go with youths!

I have always wanted to work with juvenile. They are always so energetic and according to me, there is more hope with them than with adults. Now, I'm not sure if I want to work with kids under the Youth Protection Act or those under the Youth Criminal Justice Act. These two very different laws will make me execute different tasks.

Choice 1 : Youth Protection Act.

Choice 2 : Youth Criminal Justice Act.


Let's go with adults!

Adults are so more mature than kids, I think it'll be better for me. They will follow the rules and they won't try to constantly challenge the authority. My interventions are going to be way more effective. Now, I just need to decide if I want to be in an office and meet inmates or if I want to be a correctional officer and do more security.

Choice 1 : Work in an office.

Choice 2 : Work as a Correctional officer.

sad kid

Youth Protection Act.

That's it, I will work with children that needed to be taken out of their families. It can be for many reasons, sexual abuse, physical or psychological abuse, carelessness, abandonment or for serious behavior trouble. Now, should I go with kids that are between 6 and 12 years old or do I want to be with 12 to 17 years old?

Choice 1 : I'll go with 6-12.

Choice 2 : I want to work with teenagers (12-17).

Sad teen

Youth Criminal Justice Act.

I am now working with young criminal, it's so exciting! On my first day, I get to meet the 7 boys in my unit. They are all so kind to me, but one of them was staying alone. He is also the one that I am supposed to follow individually. I first thought that he was shy, but I want to have good relationships with all of them, it'll be more pleasant. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Talk with him.

Choice 2 : Give him some space.


Work in an office.

I'm now working in a probation desk, which means that I talk with people in day parole every day to be sure that they understand what it involves. It is not exactly my dream job, but when they told me that my background check was good, I focused on the salary and I took the job! Should I stay because of the salary or should I do something I'm more passionate about?

Choice 1 : Keep this job.

Choice 2 : Quit and find something that I'm passionate about.


Work as a Correctional officer.

That's it, I'm now working in jail. I'll have the opportunity to follow inmates in their long process inside the walls and help them grow. I will prepare them for their rehabilitation. It's my first day, and my boss already asked me to do overtime! Should I accept?

Choice 1 : Accept the overtime.

Choice 2 : Go home, I don't want to work more.


I'll go with 6-12.

On my first day with the kids, it was so nice! I had a lot of fun with them and it was so stimulating. I am learning the ropes of this job, and I am getting to know the kids. However, there is a little drawback... My boss told me a small remark about my appearance and I didn't like it.

Choice 1 : Face my boss.

Choice 2 : Ignore it.


I want to work with teenagers (12-17).

It is my first day in a youth center and I will mostly be working with victims that are between 12 and 17 years old. I meet the teenager that I'll be following for the next month, and we have a good connection already! He even seems to try a little flirtation on me. Should I stop him?

Choice 1 : Stop him right now.

Choice 2 : It's cute, let him do it.


Talk with him.

I talked with the boy, Mark, for a moment and we had an emotional conversation. He said that no one takes care of him so he was surprised that I talked to him. We have a very good connection and he told me that he had planned his suicide for this very same night. I was able to stop him by calling the security agents. This conversation was worthwhile and now, I know that I'm going to love this job. It was a good choice!

Choice 1 : This story is done, I found a job that I love! Try again!j


Give him some space.

Teenagers are usually lonely, so giving him space should be enough! He will talk to me as soon as he's going to be ready. He's young and shy so it can take time before he actually wants to talk to an educator. The next day I go to my job, ready to start the day, but as soon as I arrive, someone tells me that I have to meet someone from human resources. This young boy killed himself last night and they want to know everything about him. I should've talked with him, or even chose another job.

Choice 1 : It was not my path, start over.


Keep this job.

I've been working in a desk for a month now and it's so boring. I fill reports every day and eight hours a day. When I'm lucky I have a meeting with someone who just left jail and needs to have information on his liberation. It is the spark of my day, I hate it! I should've left when I had the choice. At least I have my wine every day when I go home...

Choice 1 : Keep going, it's a job like any other job.

Choice 2 : Quit and start your carer over.


Quit and find something that I'm passionate about.

I've always been an artist, so I decided to leave this field and paint! I know that it won't pay my debt as fast as I could, but it'll be a lot more fun! I will have more fun selling my paintings than trying to help delinquent that don't want to listen to my interventions! I'm now a self-employed painter, I never needed my Youth and Adult Correctional Intervention diploma!

Choice 1 : Try again.


Accept the overtime.

It will look better for me if I accept. It's such a nice experience, I had the opportunity to handcuff an inmate during my second shift and take the fingerprints of another one! I put them in their cells and I could go back home, after a nice day, I honestly think that I found my dream job, this overtime was worthwhile!

Choice 1 : Good choice, you found your path! Try another story!


Go home, I don't want to work more.

I told my boss that I would rather go home and rest to be ready for tomorrow, and he laughed at me. He pulled of his demand for me to work more and told me that it was actually a test to see if I was ready for the job. He understood that I wanted to rest and said that I could rest all I want; he fired me! A drawback of this job is all the overtime that you'll need to do, and he couldn't believe that I refused on my first day, I'm back at the beginning and I need to find a job.

Choice 1 : Try again.


Face my boss.

In school, they talked so much about sexual harassment so I faced my boss because I don't want this to go too far. I told him that his comment was inappropriate and that I'm here to work, not to be an object that he can look at and it would undermine me if he does this in front of the kids. I even add that I would be ready to sue him if he kept going with these comments. My boss apologized and said that he would never do this again. I can now enjoy my job for the next years!

Choice 1 : Try a new path.


Ignore it.

I don't want to ruin my reputation on my first day and it was probably just a friendly comment. The week after, I go to work and he touches me during my brake. I wasn't expecting that so I froze and he just left the room. I can't believe that it happened. Weeks after weeks, he tries more and more so after a while, I had to leave the job that I was sure that I would love. I'll need therapy before I can find another job with a man boss.

Choice 1 : Try again.


Keep going, it's a job like any other job.

It's been a year since I started in this office. Even if I hate it, the wage is good. My boss wants to see me this morning, it is the second time this week and I don't know what is's about. He tells me that he can't keep me, someone told him about my drinking habit. He says that he's scared for my mental health. He wants me to work on this before I can come work for him again, how could I end up there?

Choice 1 : You should try again.


Stop him right now.

I use this flirtation to tell him our office politics. There are rules and I don't want to see him try to seduce any other educator. He cries a little bit and tell my about his abusing mother and promises never to act like this again. It makes me understand him a little bit more, and I now understand that I am at the good place! I can't wait to work with him in the next months!

Write a choice here.


It's cute, let him do it.

I don't want to be rude on our first meeting, so I don't say anything. We continue our discussion and he can leave to watch the television with the others. Later, the other educator that works with me tell me to follow him. He says that I need to talk with our boss because there is a rumor that I had intercourse with a boy in the unit! The boy that I met this morning told this to the others kids. I can't believe it! I should've reported the incident this morning and now it's too late, I need to leave my job!

Choice 1 : Try again.

The End.