The Future of a Student in Cinema

A hypertext narrative by

Ariane Dauphinais

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 2727

Choice count: 69

Section count: 46

Image count: 0

Error count: 11

Field Related Analysis:

Education : 26 matches (School, adult, choice, college, course, diploma, don, exam, fail, field, field of study, first, graduate, head, learn, memory, objective, reader, sabbatical, school, semester, student, taught, trainee, training, university)

Tourism : 24 matches (Destination, Europe, Event, Festival, Food, Internet, Opportunity, Party, Program, Restaurant, bar, bit, course, destination, door, event, field, memory, pass, program, responsible, ship, trip, watch)

Film : 21 matches (acting, actor, actress, camera, cameraman, cinema, editor, experience, film editor, film, producer, production, short films, sound, story, take, television, time, title, video, YouTube)

Target Structure:

a foot in the door (1 match)

dead-end job (4 matches)

learn the ropes (1 match)

overtime (9 matches)

trainee (1 match)

vacant position (3 matches)


The Future of a Student in Cinema

It all started like this.

You are a student at Saint-Hyacinthe College in the Cinema program. You are going to get your diploma by the end of the year and you have the opportunity to go on a training course at Cannes's festival, but, you have to skip the last week of your last semester.

Choice 1 : Future training course.

Choice 2 : You don't go to Cannes's festival.

Future training course.

You decided to go to Cannes's festival training course and learn that you have to pay 200 dollars more than the initial price.

Choice 1 : You decide to find a dead-end job to pay your training course and have a little bit of money.

Choice 2 : You ask your parents and family to give you the training course for your birthday and Christmas.

Choice 3 : You don't find a job or ask to have your training course as a present because you think that you bank account is enough to pay it.

You don't go to Cannes's festival.

You don't go to the training course, but, you think about your future after you graduate. You are not sure if you continue in a Cinema program or not, but you have to choose something because you don't want to do nothing for your next year.

Choice 1 : You decide to go to university in a Cinema program because you learn the ropes of this profession and you like to make films and to work in team.

Choice 2 : You want to take a break of school and decide to have a whole year to do something else of your life.

Choice 3 : You try to find a vacant position in a job related to your field of study because you don't want to have wasted your time in College and you kind of like to work in cinema.


You decide to go to university in a cinema program. You have a lot of fun and made a lot of friends who like to party more than less. They invite you to go at the bar for the third time this week but you have to study for your cinema history exam for the next day.

Choice 1 : You go with your friends to the bar because you think that you studied enough for this exam and you have a good memory anyway.

Choice 2 : You decide to stay at home to continue to study because it is a big exam .You will have other opportunities to have fun with your friends another day.

You go to the bar with your friends.

You go to the bar with your friends because it was really boring to study history alone and you wanted to go out and have fun. You still have the chance to return home after a couple of hours and study a little bit of time to be sure that you are ready for your exam. The only thing is that your friends don't want you to leave.

Choice 1 : You decide to stay with your friends and have a lot of fun all night long.

Choice 2 : You say to your friends that you are sorry but you don't want to fail the exam and you ask if anyone would like to join you to study and have a little bit of sleep to be sure to pass the exam.

You stay with your friends all night long.

You stayed with you friends and it was an awesome night. You were kind of ready for your exam. The only thing is that you wake up at 11 in the morning and your exam was at 8 in the morning. Sorry.

Choice 1 :

You quit your friends to study.

You studied with a couple of friends who taught that it was a great idea to do the same thing as you. You slept at a decent hour and all of you passed your exam and have your diploma in cinema. You have a foot in the door to continue in this profession and have success.

Choice 1 :

Give this section a short title.

Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Choice 1 :

You stay home and study.

You stay home and study for your exam on the history of cinema, but, it is boring and it's been the third time that you read your notes.

Choice 1 : You go to sleep.

Choice 2 : You start to watch a new TV show that one of your friends told you that is just amazing.

You slept.

It was a really great idea to go to sleep after studying. The exam was more than easy and you had your diploma of cinema. Your next objective is to find a job of film editor.

Choice 1 :

You watched the TV show.

Your friend was right, the TV show was incredible. You watched the 12 episodes in one night. You went to your exam, but, it was hard and your head didn't cooperate. You past with difficulty. Next time, you will know that it's better to go to sleep.

Choice 1 :

Break of school.

You decide to take a break of school, but, you don't want to do nothing for a year. You have to choose between to work or to travel, something that you never do in your life.

Choice 1 : You decide to work for a year.

Choice 2 : You decide to travel and see the world for a year.

You work.

You decided to work for a year. After, you have to decide what you do with your life.

Choice 1 : You continue to work.

Choice 2 : You return to school.

You continue to work.

You stay at your dead-end job and have an augmentation. It is cool to have a lot of money, but after a while, you think that it is not the life that you wanted and you don't want this little job anymore.

Choice 1 :

You return to school.

With the money that you have with your job, you decided to return to school and you finished your university in a program linked with cinema. You work now in television and have a great salary.

Choice 1 :

You decide to travel and see the world for a year.

For a year, you want to see the world and make a film of your trip. For your first destination, you hesitate between North Korea and the United States.

Choice 1 : You go to North Korea for your first destination.

Choice 2 : You go to the United States for your first destination.

The United States.

It was a great choice for your first destination. With your camera, you met someone who had a vacant position on a professional team to make a film. Since that event, you are a huge filmmaker in the United States and all around the world!

Choice 1 :

North Korea.

It was not a great idea to film in this country. For three months now, you are in jail in North Korea and have no idea of what you did or when you are free to return to Canada.

Choice 1 :

You try to find a job in cinema.

You try to find a job related to your field of study because you like cinema and you don't want to have wasted you time at College. You have the choice to search a lot or to let the life go on and take what will come to you.

Choice 1 : You search a lot for a job in cinema.

Choice 2 : You let the life go on.

Search a lot to have a job in cinema.

You apply to everything you see and seems ok in the newspaper and on the Internet. You find a vacant position for the production of a film and you applied. You are a sound taker. During the filming, one of the actors have some difficulties acting her character. When you were at College, you were in a troupe of theater, but, you are a little bit shy.

Choice 1 : You stay at your place and do what you have to do.

Choice 2 : You decide to take your courage and help the actress with her role.

You stay at your place.

You stayed at your place and you took all the sound of the film. You made a great job and have started a career of sound taker.

Choice 1 :

You help the actress.

You helped the actress and the production found that you have a huge talent in acting. You are now an actor and have a lot of contracts to play in films and TV shows. You are also a great film maker and you play in your own films sometimes since that day.

Choice 1 :

You let the life go on.

You don't really search to have a job of film editor, sound taker, or even a simple assistant that brings coffee to everyone. One day, while you are playing video game, an ancient colleague of College invites you to work with him on a film.

Choice 1 : You don't answer now.

Choice 2 : You answer now.

You don't answer now.

You decide to answer the next day. Too late, he found someone else to do the job. Their film went to Cannes's festival and won the Palme d'or and you work in a dead-end job and regret your decision.

Choice 1 :

You answer now.

You decided to answer to your ancient colleague and you made a beautiful film. Your film is so great that the team and you went to Cannes's festival and your film won the Palme d'or! You are now a film maker and have a great reputation all around the world!

Choice 1 :

You find a job to pay your training course.

You find a job in a fast food to pay your training course. You don't really like it but you need money to go. A day, your boss asks you to do overtime at night for the next month.

Choice 1 : You accept to do overtime.

Choice 2 : You refuse to do overtime.

You accept to do overtime.

You do overtime at night. It is really hard and with the quantity of work that you have with the end of the semester, you don't sleep a lot, but, you make a lot of money.

Choice 1 : You quit your job.

Choice 2 : You continue to work.

You quit your job.

You went to Cannes's festival and it was a wonderful experience. You met a lot of people of the industry of cinema and someone offered you a job for his next film. With the training course, you had the foot in the door and now work with big names in Quebec.

Choice 1 :

You continue to work.

You continued to work to make more money. With your job and the fact that you didn't sleep a lot, you forgot a work in cinema around the world. You didn't go to Cannes because of that and dropped school. You still work at the same dead-end job and regret your decision.

Choice 1 :

You refuse to do overtime.

You refuse to do overtime and your boss asks you to leave.

Choice 1 : You quit your job because you want to have your diploma and have a quality of life.

Choice 2 : You finally accepted to do overtime.

You refuse and want a quality of life.

You quit you job and have time to do your work and sleep well. You have less money for your training course, but, it is not the end of the world. At Cannes, you had a lot of fun!

Choice 1 :

You finally accepted to do overtime.

You went to Cannes, but, you slept most of the time.

Choice 1 :

Your parents and family pay your training course.

Your parents and your family accept to pay your training course and it is the only gift that you have for this year.

Choice 1 : You decide to accept the fact that it is your only gift and thanks everyone.

Choice 2 : You repay your parents because you want to begin to be responsible.

Your training course is your gift.

You prepare your stuff to go to Cannes and ask yourself if you bring your old camera.

Choice 1 : You bring your old camera.

Choice 2 : You don't bring your old camera.

You bring your old camera.

While you were filming, a huge producer was watching you and liked a lot your way to film. You are now a cameraman for his next film, have a big salary, and repay your parents.

Choice 1 :

You don't bring your old camera.

You didn't film anything, but, you had a lot of fun. Now you are accepted to university in cinema and start to study on September.

Choice 1 :

You repay your parents.

You repay a part of your training course because you want to prove to your parents that you begin to be an adult. You have enough money to pay the whole price.

Choice 1 : You repay the whole price.

Choice 2 : You repay a part of the price.

You repay the whole price.

You went to Cannes and met a lot of people in the industry of cinema. It was a great experience. When you returned to Quebec, your parents offered you a new camera and now you make a lot of short films and have a Youtube's chain.

Choice 1 :

You repay a part of the price.

You went to Cannes and it was a great experience. You met a lot of people and you bought some souvenirs for your parents. After that, you work for the summer and have a sabbatical year of school.

Choice 1 :

You pay your training course with your own money.

You decide the pay your training course with your own money because you want to prove to your parents that you are responsible and you have enough money to pay the whole price anyway. To be sure, you ask yourself if you find a job and work a little bit before the trainee ship.

Choice 1 : You try to find a job.

Choice 2 : You don't try to find a job.

You try to find a job.

You try to find a job and have one in a little restaurant. You make money and your friends ask you to go out with them.

Choice 1 : You go out with your friends and have fun.

Choice 2 : You are wise and think about the end of your semester.

You go out with your friends and have fun.

You procrastinated in the end of the semester and had a lot of difficulties. After a huge amount of stress, you went to Cannes and had a great experience.

Choice 1 :

You are wise and think about the end of your semester.

The end of the semester past without a problem and you went to Cannes and had a lot of fun. You decided to stay and now, you are visiting Europe.

Choice 1 :

You don't try to find a job.

You decide to not find a job because you have enough money and that you can have a job after your training course.

Choice 1 : You decide to find a job for after your training course.

Choice 2 : You decide to not find a job for after your training course.

You decide to find a job for after your training course.

You had a great experience and you have no more money. It was a great idea to find a job and you will start university on September.

Choice 1 :

You decide to not find a job for after your training course.

You had a great experience, but, you have no more money and can't go to university. You have to work during your sabbatical year.

Choice 1 :

The End.