My Life as a Futur Police Officer

A hypertext narrative by

Émilie p

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1732

Choice count: 29

Section count: 20

Image count: 20

Error count: 2

Field Related Analysis

Education : 109 matches

(choice, classes, college, don, field, field of study, first, grade, grades, high school, homework, learn, school, semester, student, teacher, teachers, technology)

Sociology : 43 matches

(criminology, difference, homework, observation, school, technology, theory)

Archaeology : 42 matches

(close, her, here, keep, re, study, technology, theory, understanding)

Target Structure: (2 matches)

overwhelming (2 matches)

though (5 matches)


My Life as a Futur Police Officer

In the beginning of the semester in Police Technology in college.

When I finished high school, I already knew I wanted to be a police officer. I registered in the program and got accepted. After summer, the first semester started, and I realized it was very hard to keep up because there was so much to do. I worked on the weekends, went to school during the week and trained every afternoon to keep up with the physical exams. A lot of teachers say to get a job in you're filed of study to get experience and learn the practical side and not only the theory side. At that moment, I worked in a clothing store, which didn't bring me any experience related to police. I had to make a choice related to my job.

Choice 1 : Keep my job even though it is not my field of study.

Choice 2 : Change for a job that is in my field of study.


Keep my job even though it is not my field of study.

I kept my job in the clothing shop, and I saw a huge difference in my exams because my grades are way lower than my friend who has a security job.

Choice 1 : We're now getting close to the end of the first semester and there is a lot of work to be done.

Student work

Change for a job that is in my field of study.

I changed jobs and found a job as a speaker in a youth center which allows me to get some experience with interventions and crisis situations.

Choice 1 : We're now getting close to the end of the first semester and there is a lot of work to be done.


We're now getting close to the end of the first semester and there is a lot of work to be done.

I am having a lot of trouble keeping up because I am not concentrated enough and go out a lot with my friends to decompress which is making me late in a lot of subjects.

Choice 1 : I can either decide to stop going out with my friend and put my attention on my school work and focus.

Choice 2 : I can continue going with my friends and do my homework after even though it gets late because it helps me not go crazy.


I can either decide to stop going out with my friend and put my attention on my school work and focus.

I stopped going out with my friends to focus my homework and exams. I can see a difference in my grade since I really focused on school, but I am getting really tired and annoyed because all I do is go to school, get home to do homework and work on weekends. I extremely tired and I am not sure what to do.

Choice 1 : I can quit my job so that I get some rest on the weekends and slowly work on homework.

Choice 2 : I can ask my boss to have fewer hours to get some rest.

School work

I can continue going with my friends and do my homework after even though it gets late because it helps me not go crazy.

I continued going out with my friends and working on my homework at night, and I am feeling good mentally, but I need to find a way organize my schedule to make everything work out.

Choice 1 : I can ask my boss to have fewer hours to get some rest.

Choice 2 : I get up early in the morning to do my homework.

Friends and homework

I can quit my job so that I get some rest on the weekends and slowly work on homework.

This could be an option but since I have a lot of things to pay and need to get experience this is not the best option. I will have to choose something else.

Choice 1 : I can ask my boss to have fewer hours to get some rest.

Choice 2 : I need to change jobs.


I can ask my boss to have fewer hours to get some rest.

I asked him, and he told me that it is not possible since I only work two days. So, I came up with other ideas to make work, school and friends work.

Choice 1 : I will change jobs to have one that is related to police and have interventions related to my field of study.

Choice 2 : I can keep this job and do my best to keep up with everything going on in my student life.


I get up early in the morning to do my homework.

I think this is the best way to have the what I want, yet again I think I should get some help to be able to have good grades.

Choice 1 : To be able to keep up with my homework I should ask someone to help me because it is very difficult for me.

Early in the morning

I can go out with my friends two times a week and let the other days for homework.

I think this is the best choice to manage everything, but I still have a problem, which is to get experience in my field of study.

Choice 1 : I need to change jobs.


I will change jobs to have one that is related to police and have interventions related to my field of study.

I think this is the best option for me, so that I can gain experience, but I am not sure which job I should choose.

Choice 1 : I can choose to be a cadet.

Choice 2 : I could also be a security guard.

Field related jobs

I can choose to be a cadet.

This would help me in my future police career and also help me get experience because I would be in touch with police officers and the public. Meanwhile, I still need to to all my criminology homework that is overwhelming me.

Choice 1 : I have reached the end of the semester, and I have been able to finish all my homework, exams and have been able to keep up with everything, including my job.


I can keep this job and do my best to keep up with everything going on in my student life.

Even though it is hard I think I could still make it to the end of the semester with good grades, but I can't do it alone because it is very difficult to study Police Technology since you have many classes and a have to train almost every day to keep up with physique exams.

Choice 1 : To be able to keep up with my homework I should ask someone to help me because it is very difficult for me.


I could also be a security guard.

This job could be helpful because I could be doing a job that is way more related to police than working in a clothing shop. I would interact with people, arrest if needed and make reports. Meanwhile, I still need to to all my criminology homework that is overwhelming me.

Choice 1 : I have reached the end of the semester, and I have been able to finish all my homework, exams and have been able to keep up with everything, including my job.

Security guard

To be able to keep up with my homework I should ask someone to help me because it is very difficult for me.

I have a lot of people in mind to help me, but I am not sure which one is the best one or which one I should ask because I don't know who has free time to help me.

Choice 1 : I can ask my mom since she works as a lieutenant for the SPVM.

Choice 2 : I can also ask my step-brother to help me.

Choice 3 : I can also decide to ask school friends when I have trouble finding an answer or when I have difficulty understanding exercises or what the teacher is saying.

Homework help

I can ask my mom since she works as a lieutenant for the SPVM.

If I ask her, she could help me a lot with managing my time and understanding any theory I have trouble with in school. She always helps me a lot, so I will ask her, and I know everything will be ok.

Choice 1 : I have reached the end of the semester, and I have been able to finish all my homework, exams and have been able to keep up with everything, including my job.

Working with mom

I can also ask my step-brother to help me.

Since he is very good in school and have just finished Police Technology, which means he knows a lot about the classes, the exams and the simulations that are difficult to prepare for. Anyhow, I know he could tremendously help me with all of my difficulties in school.

Choice 1 : I have reached the end of the semester, and I have been able to finish all my homework, exams and have been able to keep up with everything, including my job.


I need to change jobs.

I have a couple of choices that could be beneficial to me as a Police Technology student.

Choice 1 : I can choose to be a cadet.

Choice 2 : I could also be a security guard.

College student jobs

I can also decide to ask school friends when I have trouble finding an answer or when I have difficulty understanding exercises or what the teacher is saying.

I have friends I know could help me understand on any subject, such as Law, Criminology, observation methods ans many more.

Choice 1 : I have reached the end of the semester, and I have been able to finish all my homework, exams and have been able to keep up with everything, including my job.


I have reached the end of the semester, and I have been able to finish all my homework, exams and have been able to keep up with everything, including my job.

I have had a lot of choices to make which led me to the end of the semester, it was hard, but I have made it, and I am really happy.

Write a choice here.

End of semester