
A hypertext narrative by

Kathleen Descorbeth

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 638

Choice count: 10

Section count: 7

Image count: 7

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis:

Education : 11 matches (choice, classes, college, degree, don, feedback, learn, semester, social, teacher, university)

Archaeology : 8 matches (college, feedback, HER, here, London, point, study, York)

Computer Science : 7 matches (choice, manager, master, Math, name, open, restart)

Target Structure:

internship (1 match)



Ahuntsic College

My Presentation.

Hi, my name is Kathleen. I'm 21 years old. I have been studying Social Science for 2 and a half years at Ahuntsic College. You learn about many things in this program like economic, biology, psychology and politics. It helps you choose something that you would like to study later. For me, it's in administration. This semester is my last one and I have been accepted at two universities, UQAM and Montreal University. I'm not sure of which one that I should choose.

Choice 1 : Go to UQAM.

Choice 2 : Go to Montreal University.


Go to UQAM.

I have been studying at UQAM for two years now in administration. Sometimes, I wanted to leave this program because it have difficult classes like math. In college, I was very good with it but it's more difficult in university. I passed those classes because I asked my teacher some feedback. It really helped. At the beginning of this semester, I had to look for a job that give an internship. I applied many places like manager at Walmart, Zara. I got accepted in 3 of them and I don't know what should take.

Choice 1 : Work at ZARA.

Choice 2 : Work at Walmart.

Montreal University

Go to Montreal University.

It's my last semester at Montreal University and I will have my master degree in 1 month. I loved studying in the administration program. I always wanted to learn more about it. So, I'm very happy that I will have my master very soon. After university, I have a post at Hilton hotel as an assistant CEO. I worked hard to have this job. I did so many internships and also took many contacts possible so, I could have an opportunity later for a good job. All of it were worth it but the job will not be in Quebec. They gave me two places, New York or Paris. I don't know what to do because I don't want to leave my mom.

Choice 1 : Go To New York.

Choice 2 : Go To London.

Hilton hotel

Go To New York.

I have been working here for four years and they offer me a new post. My boss asked me if I wanted to be the CEO of the new hotel that will open in two months in Montreal. I was so happy for this great opportunity that I said yes without thinking. I will finally live in the same country as my mother and I won't have to wait 4 months to see her. However, seeing my mother is not the only positive point, I will have a better salary. I will finally be able to buy a Mercedes.

Choice 1 : Restart

Hilton hotel

Go To London.

I have been working as an assistant for 2 years. I love it. I do a lot of things hear. I'm always in a rush here. It was not easy at the beginning. Now, I'm very good at my job. I can do many tasks in one day as prepare or go to a meeting, do a schedule for my boss. Sometimes I have to prepare some new ideas and present them to the CEO so we can resolve some problem.

Choice 1 : Restart


Work at ZARA.

I love working at Zara because I can be myself. I don't have a problem with my co-workers. We have respect for each other. I help and I make sure that everyone likes what they are doing because that's my responsibility as a manager.

Choice 1 : Restart

Walmart store

Work at Walmart.

I don't really like my job. It's very boring and I don't learn about many things. My boss is very lazy and she makes me do all of her tasks. I'm going to quit tomorrow.

Choice 1 : Restart

The End.