prise deux

A hypertext narrative by

Wendy Stawarz

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 223

Choice count: 8

Section count: 3

Image count: 3

Error count: 17

Field Related Analysis:

Education : 8 matches (choice, college, field, learn, social, specific, teacher, university)

Dance : 7 matches (Back, Close, Complete, social, Step, step, Traveling)

Nursing : 4 matches (medicine, planning, social, specific)

Target Structure:

internship (1 match)


prise deux

My next move after College.

Hi, i am done with college for now and i am planning my future to see if wether I would better like to take a brake of studying are go ahead with University studies to get a job as soon as possible.

Choice 1 : I go to university to complete my studies.

Choice 2 : I travel the world

I go to university to complete my studies.

i am exited to learn a specific field either related to arts and social sciences close to my dream.

Choice 1 : I decide to study far from home to become an art therapist

Choice 2 : I decide to become an art teacher

Choice 3 : I choose to become an artist by going at University

I travel the world.

I am tired of studying and unsure of my future career choice therefore, I decide the travel and learn more about myself and different cultures medicine and art. After an amazing three years of traveling and discovering the world, I comme back to Montréal and wonder what is going to be my next step.

Choice 1 : I start my own art therapist company with College friends

Choice 2 : I go on an interesting internship

Choice 3 : I continue my studies at University

The End.