My Career as an Accounting

A hypertext narrative by

Salma Ines Jouiad

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1113

Choice count: 18

Section count: 11

Image count: 11

Error count: 2

Field Related Analysis

Education : 77 matches

(choice, class, classes, college, degree, don, evaluation, failed, fees, first, grades, homework, scholarship, school, semester, student, trainee, vacation, vision)

Food and catering : 26 matches

(cooking, food, happy, italian, party, pizza, pizzeria, restaurant)

Archaeology : 26 matches

(bit, class, evaluation, here, plan, sacrifice, study)

Target Structure: (2 matches)

though (1 match)

trainee (1 match)


My Career as an Accounting

The beginning of college.

I am a new college student full of ambitions. I am excited to make new friends and obtain my degree in accounting. I love math and socializing. I hope I am able to manage both. I'm also working part-time at a pizzeria. I love the job. Cooking is another one of my passions. I have a lot of friends there and my boss offered me a higher position last summer.

Choice 1 : Attend all of my classes.

Choice 2 : Hang out with my friends during class time.


Attend all of my classes.

I have a busy school schedule. I have classes every day, so I spent all day at school. I have made quite a few friends and that makes me happy. I made plans with them on the weekend even if I don't have much time with my homework and part-time job. I'm excited to see them it will be fun but before that I need to attend all of my classes and make sure I don't miss anything.

Choice 1 : Study harder to get a scholarship.

Choice 2 : Work more at my job instead of doing my homework.


Hang out with my friends during class time.

I have a busy schedule. I have classes every day. On the weekend, I need to do my homework and work. I am sad that I don't have much time to hang out with my new friends. So, I decided to meet them during class time at the cafeteria. It's okay if I miss one, I'll work harder on the weekend.

Choice 1 : Study harder to get a scholarship.

Choice 2 : Work more at my job instead of doing my homework.


Study harder to get a scholarship.

I decide I want to buy a car next year. I have gone tired of taking public transportation especially because I have to wake up early. Since I live alone, I don't think I will have enough money. I have a plan to study hard and apply for a scholarship. If my study fees are paid, that will help me a lot, and I will be able to afford my car. I will be very serious in my study to get good grades and get that financial help.

Choice 1 : Do not organize a party.

Choice 2 : Organize a party.


Work more at my job instead of doing my homework.

Since I decided to get a new car, I have been wondering if I can afford it. It is impossible for me right now, but I will work more I should have enough money at the end of the semester. This means I will have less time to study and do my homework, but it is a sacrifice I need to make. It will be worth in the end because it will take me less time to go to school. Next semester I will be more studious. Also, I got a promotion last summer. I love working more than studying.

Choice 1 : Do not organize a party.

Choice 2 : Organize a party.


Do not organize a party.

The end of the semester is approaching, and I have a lot of evaluation coming up. I am stressed, and I hope to get the best grades possible. My roommates want to organize a party to celebrate the end of the semester and give us a break before the finals. I told them that it is not a good idea. This is not the right time to host a party. We should do that when we are done with our exams. I need to study very hard and that would disturb me. I refuse to organize the party.

Choice 1 : Take a summer class.

Choice 2 : Go on vacation.


Organize a party.

It's almost the end of the semester, and exams are coming up. I have been really stressed and busy. I don't have much time to study because I work a lot. My roommates want to organize a party to celebrate our efforts. They said it would help us relax and that it is good to have a bit of fun before that busy final's week. I agreed to organize the party. It will be nice to have some friends over. It will help me relax and be ready for my exams.

Choice 1 : Take a summer class.

Choice 2 : Go on vacation.


Take a summer class.

Despite all my effort I still failed one class. I am really sad but determined to make up for it. I decided to sing up for a summer class. I will have less time to work or hang out with my friends, but it's a sacrifice I need to make. I hope to enjoy it and make new friends there.

Choice 1 : Take the job offer from the accounting company.

Choice 2 : Take the job offer from the Italian pizzeria.

Summer class

Go on vacation.

I have failed one of my Accounting classes. That makes me very sad. I think it is because I overworked myself the semester. I decided to go on vacation in Italy to change my mind. I am a fan of pizza, so I am sure to have fun there. I will come back rested and happier.

Choice 1 : Take the job offer from the accounting company.

Choice 2 : Take the job offer from the Italian pizzeria.


Take the job offer from the Accounting company.

As I was attending my summer class, an Accounting company approached us. They are looking for a student who is interested in doing their trainee ship with them. At first, I thought they would not want me because I failed a class, but it did not matter to them because I am making up for it. I love their vision, and it matches with my values. I will accept the job because being an accountant is my dream job. It is a very good opportunity for me.

Write a choice here.

Accounting job

Take the job offer from the Italian pizzeria.

Italy is a beautiful country. Since arriving there, I have made a lot of friends. The food is great, and I became friend with one pizzeria owner. After telling him that I work at a pizzeria back home he asks for my help for running the restaurant. I get along with all the team. The boss offered me to say in Italy and work with him. I will accept the job because even though love Accounting, my passion is pizza making. I will pursue this dream, and live in Italy.

Write a choice here.

Pizzeria job